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  1. Wow i just realized my mistake, totally wrongly formed question. I meant if 2 branes collided at the same time or in a sequense as 2 other branes, then would there maybe be a massexpansion into a bigger and more scattered universe in only those 4 branes or is this somewhat of a "chaostheory" and there will be a chainreaction? If they really are places as illustrated in an image I saw a while back. Something like this; | | | | | | | | | | ;Every line representing a 3 dimensional universe with a forth dimension separating them. Any thoughts? I'm talking about Paul Steinhardt's and Neil Turok's idea/theory.
  2. Hi guys, I'm Christian. Pretty new to this forum, less than 10min actually;)
  3. Hi! I'm not even close to a scientist but i find it interesting. I'm wondering if anyone have, about brane worlds, asked: If 2 branes collide at the same time, perfectly timed, will there be a "massexpansion" and turn into something even more complex? Not sure if this was the right part of the forum and I know that i just registred. But I just thought about it when lying in bed trying to sleep. //Christian
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