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Everything posted by bbrubaker

  1. I know common knowledge is that there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with sex day in and day out but I still tend to feel like my flu symptoms get much worse after a seven or eight rounds of God-Like, Triathlon Sex. But seriously, I really can't think of a reason for feeling crummier after sex than the somewhat lame reasoning that my testes are busy making more sperm and somehow this takes energy away from the processes that are trying to make me well again. Also, I'm guessing there may be some bacteria exchanged that my body is fighting off.(?) Or maybe it's just the afterglow...or whatever the opposite of afterglow is. A sudden drop in Dopamine or something along those lines? So: Sex seems to make recovery from the flu last longer. Anyone care to punch holes in this 'theory' for me? Or provide a good link? All I'm getting are profane articles from Cosmopolitan. Thanks.
  2. Would finding a bunch of dairy cows work? Or a dairy cow? You could tap some blood from them (occasionally) as well.
  3. Thanks I just checked these out. 'Absolutely Beautiful' is pretty fitting.
  4. Well... a case of V.D. IS a gift you'll remember for decades to come. I'm just sayin'!
  5. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090605123237.htm "ScienceDaily (June 8, 2009) — Boys who carry a particular variation of the gene Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the "warrior gene," are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members and to use weapons, according to a new study from The Florida State University that is the first to confirm an MAOA link specifically to gangs and guns."
  6. I agree. Also, I think we're doing a good enough job poisoning ourselves...not sure why we need to bring the aliens into this 'domestic issue'.
  7. How do you know so much about jet fuel and aircraft and chemtrails? 'insane_alien'? Hmm? But seriously, "No, no lead" ...is different than... "the most commonly used aircraft fuels(A and A-1 jet fuel) doesn't contain lead" Not that I'd doubt your obvious expertise here... I was just curious why a government article seemed to suggest that not all lead was banned in 'aircraft'. That's all. Your answer, 'that was 1996' ....didn't really supply enough information. It's really not that important though. Curiosity is my only ambition here. Cheers.
  8. So....you're saying that between 1996 and today (some kind of) aircraft stopped using cylinders?
  9. Does evolution have 'stages'? (I mean outside the human mind) As far as I'm aware there are no sudden limbs on the tree of life...they all start out as sprigs. And it's not as if life reaches a certain point and then decides to takes a breather and stop mutating, right? Seems like there may be times when lots of diversification is allowed by the environment... and then usually (inevitably?) pruned back... but I'm wondering if it's really 'correct' to say there are 'stages'. Thanks.
  10. 'aliens on the internet' That IS funny...I can just picture aliens trolling the net, playing a little internet chess, maybe wasting time on youtube when they're supposed to be planning the take over of the Earth. 'no lead/cylinders in jets' How about smaller aircraft? I wonder why this says 'aircraft'?
  11. and...(wait for it...) LEAD!!! But don't tell them that.
  12. http://www.chemtrailagenda.com/ It's got it all doesn't it? I'm not even going to cut and paste because the font and page style are 1/2 the bargain. Priceless beauty.
  13. Sometimes knowing how to ask the right question is 1/2 the battle. Considering that lead accumulates in the body, how much is dangerous and where is it at? I don't know. If I did I wouldn't be asking. I do know that airplanes, farm equipment and ATVs are still allowed to use leaded gas. Everything else (in the US at least) has been outlawed since 1995.
  14. All things being equal would higher levels of atmospheric lead have a negative consequence on overall mental function? Maybe without atmospheric lead we'd have 6 points a decade? Hope that makes it clearer. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged...as the title I chose was a little misleading. Sorry. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI'll take that silence as a 'yes'.
  15. Pretty entertaining...not sure how educational...but entertaining. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Short_History_of_Nearly_Everything
  16. I think there must be many, many different variables but still....other things being equal. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/09/980912112006.htm
  17. Will Latin help me more (with scientific vocabulary) than Spanish, German, Arabic or Japanese? Also, is it true that Latin is more of a written language as opposed to spoken? And that, in general, I will have less spoken tests and interviews than Spanish or German? Thanks, BB
  18. I'm at a loss to imagine what kind of industry work someone with a PhD in Biology (or Entomology. Etc.) could do. I'm sure it'll be related to their field but can you give me a few examples of work outside the lab that these people might fall into that still utilizes their PhD knowledge?
  19. What is IIRC? What is a PI? Also what field are you in Mokele? Zoology? So if 75% end up in industry anyways why are people still trying for Academic careers? Whats the advantage? A chance at tenure? http://www.theonion.com/content/news/unemployed_scientists_prove_dog
  20. So I'm cruising around the internet.... la dee dee da da... and I googled the words: How to become a scientist. The first thing that popped up was this: "Don't Become a Scientist!" by Jonathan I. Katz Professor of Physics Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Which says in part: The whole thing can be found here: http://wuphys.wustl.edu/~katz/scientist.html What do you think? Any truth in that article? Any thing you current scientists want to tell me.... a possible future scientist? Hmmm?
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