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Posts posted by ydoaPs

  1. astronautical engineering is the major not a course


    do you even know what astronautical engineering is? the designing and building of spacecraft. 1 engineering course 6 physics

  2. it's not that it's inconvenient, it's that mony will be different by the time we can explore the universe. it might even be like startrek where there is no money (although i seriously doubt it)


    u are forgetting, not only would we learn what we would if we found similar life, but we would learn about thier metabolic proccesses and genetic material and all the other stuff we already know about earth life

  3. y look for life that is like us?if we want to learn about life don't you think we should look for other kinds?


    u said all amino acids and wat would fall to the mantle. plenty of energy to get life started and all the material in the right place.


    and you don't seem to understand that there are microbes lava and permafrost. and other such extremes. there is a multicellular organism that can even live through a nuclear blast.

  4. well, u could talk to them anyway. and by that thinking, I have a bachelor's degree in Astronautical Engineering and I teach Physics and Algebra.


    try Fabric of The Cosmos, it came out this year

  5. how doesn't it explain much? it tells y there r three families of elementary particles. it explains what really happens in particle accelerators. it explains where the properties of said elementary particles come from. it even combines quantum mechanics and relativity.

  6. thats not quite analogous, but I'll admit it's close. still, ruling out something because you've never seen anything like it before is stupid.


    say an alien race is looking for life and comes to our system. Every terrestrial planet it has seen has had no life. so it passes Earth and goes to Jupiter. That is what JaKiri we should do exept we haven't even looked for life.

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