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Everything posted by STING

  1. STING here, can some tell me why matter attracts other matter of it's own kind?? like hydrogen in space for the most part stays together in clouds and so on, and i know each Molecule has electrons protons nutrons and this b.s. but i'm wondering why the attraction....you must forgive me i know little on molecule shi?
  2. What is the purpose of measuring the earth's magnetic field at a particular local??? just curious.......mikeyboy
  3. I agree with YT2095, I do electrical work and it will eat your as? up fast.Graphite Carbons from the ole style d cells work good, you need some type of resistor like two metal plates in salt water 2,3, inches apart.(this is just for making sparks) but like YT2095 said for electrolysis you sure need d.c. welders/battery chargers work but not much voltage...hole lot of amps though. oh well just a rant
  4. Well this is nethier here nor there but some thing in life are strange..example most every thing on earth has two of what ever.ie 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 halfs of a brain, 2 exact sets on teeth on both sides,2 ears, 2 lungs, 2 nuts, 2,kidneys so and so on...same for animals/bugs and all that"right" my point is don't it seem weird we don't see an animal or what ever with one eye or on 3 legs or some shi? like that...it's just funny how so many things come in 2s....oh well just a rant...
  5. Yes..extract of cheyenne pepper seeds is the way to go. put in a coffee maker with alcohol for 30 minutes or so...you may need to add more alcohol during the process... then evaporate to a more or less concentrat. put it in an empty nasal spray bottles and you are all set...but if you want a real kick as? knock down drag out thing is Formaldehyde in a squrit bottle, this will drop a person in 2 seconds flat. some times you can find in the fishing department in a store ...as in little bags of minnows soked in Formaldehyde and there is enough Formaldehyde in .....say three bags to fill a nasal squrit bottle....trust me.. a little of that in the eyes and it's run home to mom crying....cheers
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