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Posts posted by jgerlica

  1. The purpose is to preserve justice and the sanctity of human life, not to be a deterrent to others.


    Perhaps if our capital statutes more resembled the code of Hammurabi. But as it stands we have nothing but state sanctioned murder. If we are going to go so far as to say that it is ethical to execute drug traffickers because their actions may destroy others lives, why not execute users who enable said traffickers?

  2. Well Cap'n that seems a bit arbitrary. And I still don't see how taking someones life because their actions MAY ruin other peoples lives preserves the sanctity of life. And remember that drug use is a concious decision made by the user.

  3. The purpose is to preserve justice and the sanctity of human life, not to be a deterrent to others.


    Trafficking in large quantities of drugs (18 U.S.C. 3591(b))


    How may I ask does imposing the death penalty in a nonviolent crime preserve justice and the sanctity of life?

  4. Maybe it's just me, but the death penalty as it stands isn't that great a deterrent. The entire purpose of capital punishment is to instill fear into those who would commit a heinous crime.... Using "terror" to achieve your aims. hmmm. But I digress. If fear is your stated objective, perhaps an end to appeals? Or a soviet style single bullet to the back of the head? Or why not go for broke and make it public? But as has been previosly stated, if the aim is to reduce the burden placed on tax payers by reducing the prison population.....Hell keep on keepin' on.

  5. Ok. I'm just curious about everyones opinion here. It seems that many people feel that the present day National Guard, constitutes the state militia thereunto referred. However when viewed in historical context, this could not be the case. The colonial militia were a body of armed citizens called to duty by the governor of the colony/state. While this is the same as the present day National Guard to some extent, the National Guard still falls under Federal control when activated. So herein lies the enigma, does "state" refer to the federal government, or the individual states?

  6. Here's the definition according to Merriam Webster.


    Main Entry: ro·bot

    Pronunciation: 'rO-"bät, -b&t

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Czech, from robota compulsory labor; akin to Old High German arabeit trouble, Latin orbus orphaned -- more at ORPHAN

    1 a : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being; also : a similar but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized b : an efficient insensitive person who functions automatically

    2 : a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks

    3 : a mechanism guided by automatic controls

    - ro·bot·ism /'rO-"bä-"ti-z&m, -b&-/ noun

  7. I have some new material on the site finally. I'm working on the "meaningful content," but alas I'm trapped at work. Perhaps I'll have it done sometime tonight. :D

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