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Everything posted by bl4ster

  1. For an Observer who is in a inertial frame outside the elevator the light would appear in a straight line but for the Observer on the elevator the light beam will bend downward. Observer inside sees bended light and from outside it looks normal.What if we assume that observer/whole elevator has also been bended due acceleration/gravitational field? And i was thinking about light going pass objecs(cause theory was that a object with a great mass bends light that passes near it) not from them like this light inside.
  2. is it possible to make plasma jet engine or even plasma PD engine?
  3. To us light seems curved and objects with great mass normal,and i think its the opposite,light stays intact while "objects bend" space near them. Its because i was reading some article about mass curving light beam.I googled it and found some resarches about objects curving light beams and Einsteins gravity lensing,so i put my opinion here to see what you are thinking. I was also watching Michio on Sci-Fi and he said he would curve laser beam with magnets? Is it possible to bend light beam with magnets?
  4. Nothing will happen cause the mass of the moon is only 1.2% mass of the earth a if we take that mass of earth is 1 then mass when we put half of the moon mass of the earth will be 1.006.And about earth moon relations, moon would get eliptic trajectory and finnaly flew away using something like gravity catapult.
  5. I was watching posts about mass affecting space-time and things like that,and i found a variety of answers,but i didnt saw anyone explaining it totaly. So by my opinion best explanation for this is:if we imagine a space like a trampoline that has no middle part.When we drop heavy object like bowling ball it bends trampoline and all the small balls fall to the recess what the big ball made.But if they have speed they wont fall closer to the middle.But why does the light curves? Well again imagine trampoline and bowling ball,and put a laser at the flat part of trampoline.Beam wont follow the hollow,but to the object that is in the hollow it is going to look like the beam has curved,while it remained straight.My conclusion:light beam stays flat,and objects are irregular. Sorry for grammar! Whats your opinion?
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