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Everything posted by Sepiraph

  1. There were a handful of female students in my physics program, on a per class basis it would be like less than 10%. There were a few girls that took the 4th year General Relativity course which ironically wasn't a requisite in our cirriculum (I didn't even take it myself meaning I never learn GR with my BSc but I know a bit about Quantum Computation). Although I don't recall any girl taking abstract algebra classes like Group Theory or Field Theory. Overall I think about 5-6 graduated in my year. Then again you can have Winnie Cooper in your mathematics program, she even has an Erdos number!
  2. Added Dirac, along with Pauli's quote while commenting about Dirac's religious belief:
  3. Always check wikipedia & google http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_spanning_tree Dijkstra's minimal spanning tree algorithm (or a variation of it) is used in OSPF for linked-state protocol in router, of which the internet depends on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSPF
  4. Although I'm not sure if this is what the OP had in mine, but I was wondering what mathematics has to say about emergence. To quote from wikipedia: I wonder if the concept may also arise in area of computing like Complexity Theory, either way I'd really want to see if there is any mathematical paper on this subject.
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