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Everything posted by rakuenso

  1. hmm ok thx man those wetas look like a hybrid of an oversized cricket and spider
  2. They *are* This information came from the October issue of Scientific American (magazine).
  3. I'm doing an experiment that tests whether there is a lower level of cellular respiration during hibernation or not I actually need just a list of animals that are amphibians or can survive under water during hibernation
  4. edit f(x) = e^(-.25x + 2) f'(x) = e^(-.25x+2)*d/dx[-.025x+2] f'(x) = -.025x(e^(-.025x+2))
  5. you could do a genetic recombination experiment that shows how certain genes are critical to plant development. As for exactly how, I have no idea when it comes to plants because they dont have plasmids. ( i think)
  6. I need some ideas on hibernating animals amphibians preferably that are frog sized.
  7. However, one especially strange thing is that introns have lower mutation rates than exons. Which might possibly mean they were more important when natural selection came into play
  8. strangely enough i can count to 20 8 times in chinese during 30 seconds and 5 times in english
  9. even a person with an IQ of 100 can perform far better than a person with an IQ of 140 with simply hard work and determination
  10. I just read an article in Scientific American that challenges the central dogma for eukaroytic cells. To sum it up, instead of the introns going to waste, some of it become micro RNAs that allows extremely complex organisms like us to exist. This would also explain eukaroytic cells have introns because they are beneficial and thus would survive under natural selection. However, prokaryotes do not have a nucleus necessary to perform the splicing needed by introns. Any thoughts?
  11. When I was in china releasing a turtle into the natural lakes and ponds would kill them due to pollution, oh the sadness
  12. if a typical 2ghz pc was built solely for gaming purposes, it would blow away all the consoles
  13. rakuenso

    virtual life?

    it took us (humans) god knows how many years to obtain sentience, its unlikely that viruses can do it anytime soon
  14. Only thing left now is a photosynthetic robot =)
  15. Its a question thats been bothering me as well, I'm right handed but left footed.
  16. rakuenso

    virtual life?

    can computer viruses simply evolve by itself?
  17. From what I've heard, social engineering is when a hacker convinces a user into giving the password of a computer to the hacker.
  18. not in particular, we've done cloning experiments where the entire nucleic content was replaced
  19. If you about this from the stand point of natural selection, only those who have mutated genes encouraging lots and lots of sex have survived to pass down their genes. Therefore, to go against having sex is like going against a few hundred thousands of years of evolution =) So i would imagine it is quite primitive by our standards and encoded in our genes. Also, I read that if we had prolonged having sex by about 25-35% (so meaning we mate when we're about 35-45) our (great great great great great)^10 grand children can live about to maybe about 300 =D (Given that our telomerase genes evolve correctly, and given that we even survive that long)
  20. Is this true? That for example here in the states Bush has been raisingly terror alarms repeatedly without any real signs and now alot of people could care less. What could be done about it as well?
  21. rakuenso


    The only thing I've heard music do is that it improves our cognitive functions
  22. They are responsible for about 15% of buffering in the blood (keeping acids and bases regulated). They are also responsible for the thyroid transportation. Their most important role is probably in the exchange of fluids across capillaries
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