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  1. bear with me..... if you have an electron spinning, but in actuallity it is not an electron, but a representation due to the magnetization and how the negative field is what we see based on its interaction with the world around it. So the electron portrays a negative field due to its quark arrangement and not the spin. If this is true, then it is only considered an electron because of the pattern that the quarks move in. Spin, according to the laws of a gyro would only have a torque 90 deg in relation to the applied force, and it does not make sense to me why spin would determine polarity. I guess what I am saying is I don't understand how spin would cause magnetism. Again I am a simpleton. I don't profess to know much, that is why I am here on this forum to learn.
  2. So I know I am a simpleton when it comes to physics, but I had an idea. My idea deals with the Hallbach array, (kind of in a circular form) and that something to that effect might be the reason for non magnetic material. the groupings of negatives and positives cancel out any kind of magnetism on the outside of the material at the atomic level. I also thought, what if that kind of goes along with string theory so that at certain speeds it stays as a circular hallbach array and once the speed increases past a certain point, it breaks into a string and moves as a wave. would that make sense as to how the electrons travel the way they do?
  3. My call sign is LOTEK, and I have been facinated with sci fi my whole life, but what is funny is that a lot of Sci fi has dropped the fi.
  4. So if it takes 8 minutes or whatever for light from the sun to reach Earth then How can we see solar flares before the radiation hits earth. Both should be going at the speed of light, but we would see a solar flare and feel the effects minutes later? Also a theoretical question, if there are things moving faster than the speed of light, how would we ever know?
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