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Dean Mullen

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Everything posted by Dean Mullen

  1. Your forgetting that things change and in the future death may dissapear. Genetic engineering? with this we can live for millenniums maybe millions of years or more. Of course we can't live forever, by no death I mean it'll be so rare. Death will come but the amount of time it could happen between now and forever is a lot so don't expect people to die too early. In fact with genetic engineering and the moving forward of civilization then we can have barely any accidents. In fact if scientists are correct then its feasible you'll be alive in the year 3000.
  2. What are you talking about? I am talking about a world were there is no pain, no suffering, why not have a world were everyone is happy? if you don't want a world were everyone is happy then you prefer sadness and anger? It doesn't matter, because its right for life to live, why not? I am proposing a world were there is no death, no suffering, just infinite joy, why not?
  3. We did need meat before we evolved into a civilization, now we can live without meat.
  4. How can you call saving lives evil? You say its natural for animals to eat one another, yes that is true but its only natural because the only natural way species can develop in the start is via this method, it is only natural because it has to be because life exists and that's the only way how. But just because its natural doesn't make it right. It was once natural for African-americans to be slaves but that's not right. You can't say something is right because its natural because if that's the way it was then in any situation you would agree to anything that nature presents and god knows what nature could have resulted in, it could have been natural for anything to have happened and so you say simply because its natural it is right. What is evil about stopping animals being murderers? what is evil about stopping a lion murdering and eating another animal completely. I am talking not about what is natural, not what about humans think is right but what is truly right. Let's be honest it's not like god came down and said let animals kill one another and yes nature is beautiful but it's not perfect, and we shouldn't be afraid to change it for the better. We've already changed the world for the worse by destroying the forests and polluting the air so why not lets stop and actually do something for the better. We humans can change the world for the better!
  5. First of all we don't need meat and fish to feed the worlds population you make it sound like the whole world is dying and we are all struggling to survive. Yes there is poverty in the world but I don't eat meat or fish and I am very healthy so we could feed the whole world on fruit & veg. In fact we could well survive eating that food and with technology we could find ways of perhaps growing artificial meat, if we can grow artificial hearts and livers in the laboratory why not grow artificial meat? And don't get me wrong I'm not talking about meat made of metal and wires, it is still biological but no animal needs to die. And I didn't say we should turn off all our electricity, I mean we should use renewable resources. Once we stop polluting the air with greenhouse gases then I have no problem with electricity. Don't get me wrong I don't propose to shut down our entire civilization, I just think we need to stop and think before we act.
  6. Yes its in our nature, but we are smart, we are civilized (supposedly) and we should be intelligent enough to stop eating and killing animals. And my point is we should try overtime get every animal to become vegans, although it would be tough, we can bring peace and harmony to the world, we have the power to change the world. And it doesn't matter if killing animals is natural, it is wrong. Death is wrong, no animals deserve to die and we can live without eating animals, we can survive, we wont die without eating animals, we can protect animals, we should rather than eat them. The only reason humans take care of most animals is so they can keep them healthy before becoming dinner. I'm sorry but no matter what anyone says, I just cannot agree with murder.
  7. Well I suppose it would work, yes. But changing the counting of the short periods of time would be very confusing for earthling-martian interaction. It may cause much confusion for earthlings visiting Mars and martians visiting Earth, then again it may just seem complex because you've only suggested it. So I suppose that's a great point it could work to have meconds, minutes and mours but we'll just have to wait and see what the martians do.
  8. Every hour about 1,000,000 animals are slaughtered for human consumption in the United States alone. We call ourselves a civilization but we kill animals in their masses all the time! Most people see animals as just another resource, just something else to satisfy humanity’s greed’s. In my opinion it is completely wrong to kill animals. It is genocide! Think about it, 16,000 animals are slaughtered every minute. For most of humans its normal. But then again it was normal to kill and torture African and American slaves in the 15th century, it was normal to burn anyone to the stake whom spoke against the church in the 16th century, it was normal for humans to be slaughtered and eaten by bigger more beastly animals before the rise of civilization. We were once just another species. We were nothing special. We had a likelihood of survival the same as any creature. But now we are civilized, yet that statement maybe false based on the fact there is 16,000 animals slaughtered every minute in just one of over 200 nations of the world. Yet with our so-called civilization, we can survive and being hunted by other animals isn’t much of a general threat. We are the master species. We are the civilized species supposedly. But after billions of years of chaos in the world, a continuation of birth and young death, but soon rose humans, we could improve our lives. We could even change the world! And we have. We have changed the world completely, we have killed more and more animals, polluted the air, destroyed the Earth’s forests, and overall brought more bad than good to the world. Yes we have changed the world and we have done it by making us happy but wrecking our home and our brother and sister species. It’s easy to fall for the concept that murder of animals and eating is okay because everyone does it. One has no fear of vegans because they are such a minority and one has so many others surrounding those telling those convincing lies. Lies that are only convincing because they are in the hands of the majority. But a majority isn’t necessarily the right side. One feels that killing is wrong, but at the end of the day, its okay and change isn’t real, it’s a fairytale. It’s because of that attitude towards animal rights that it is such a problem. When humans look themselves in the mirror and smile, although I do not want to sound too pessimistic, humans should know that, that smile is grown because of the misery and death of animals. An average person eats meat for their dinner, an average person use electricity that is powered by greenhouse gases that destroy the atmosphere and increase the death of animals across the globe, especially in the Polar Regions as the ice caps melt and polar bears die as they drown in the ocean. They are suffocated with water. They choke, panic and feel excruciating pain, their children die and with all of that, dies hope. But all it requires is for one to use less electricity and stop eating meat. I feel ashamed to use electricity but if I don’t, I can’t spread the word of animal rights. All it takes is for one to stop eating meat. And if we can all stop eating meat, fish then millions of lives are saved an hour. Don’t forget animals are conscious, loving & hating, thinking & remembering and important individuals. Animals are real, they have feelings, they do think and most importantly just like every human, they do live. And the meaning of life is to live it. What gives us the right to take it away? Would you eat a human if she/he was slaughtered? We don’t need to eat meat and fish to survive. We have so much technology and intelligence we could clearly find substitutes in fruit & vegetables.
  9. I don't believe in heaven I am just pointing out if it is real then there's a major problem with it so I am just trying to resolve superstition. I respect religious beliefs but I have my own. Well of course that is possible and by possible I don't mean physically possible I mean possible as in completely possible. Completely possible attains anything that could be possible in any hypothetical world. So yes if heaven existed it could overcome these great problems by having different laws of reality yet there is no evidence for this. I am not denying it because there is no evidence yet, because I believe in many of my own personal theories without observable evidence such as reincarnation (not heaven just earth-based reincarnation) so I understand your claims, so I won't deny until heaven is proven false in every way possible.
  10. Yes I can understand, I'm not trying to prove anything but just suggest because I guess our knowledge on what an individual is, what birth and death truly mean are limited and I guess we just have to wait and see science evolve.
  11. I was born an individual. Yet if we are all born individuals and all had a point of being born, then there must have been some reason that one experiences an individuals life and not another and yet if you don't believe we are determined as individuals at birth then that means we were individuals before life, yet how can you be before you are?
  12. If heaven existed spending eternity in heaven would be very problematic because spending an eternity in heaven is almost impossible because within eternity everything possible must happen including you leaving heaven after being there X amount of time and even if you could spend eternity there. Its been proven that within eternity every possible outcome must transpire thus this means after sometime every event will occur, yet the bible speaks of a place in which you have eternal joy but it is impossible to have eternal joy because sorrow is possible so it must transpire yet don't worry joy will return, in fact it must.
  13. Well there was more videos stating similar things to this like quantum reality & consciousness. There is much more quantum physicists that talk about similar stuff like Amit Goswami, I am still studying it and trying to understand quantum physics so I cannot explain precisely what he says but he speaks of how we are all linked and somewhat energetically inter-connected and yet via space, time and matter appear separate.
  14. Go to 4 minutes 45 seconds of this video and there it says it 4 minute 45 seconds into this video
  15. According to many quantum physicists "belief" in an event, makes an event more likely to transpire in reality. Many individuals such as myself spot events in our dreams seemingly come true and yet how can this be? premonition? well I have much more scientific resolution than premonition perhaps when one enters into a dream there belief of that event increases because when you are dreaming of an event you believe it is real and that extreme belief in a mind-based event makes it much more likely to transpire in reality so when you awake the next morning you have already affected the likeleness of similar events occurring in real life and then similar events often do occur in real life because you believed in it completely.
  16. No, it doesn't mean consciousness can control reality, its not like lucid dreaming. Perhaps this level of reality is somewhat a dream too yet its more rational and if this is true it contains overruling built in sub-conscious rules made to copy the above the realm of reality and so this makes events more and more unlikely to occur the higher the level you are in but the deeper you explore this world the less solid, powerful & vivid these rules become hence irrationalism becomes must more possible and seeing the world vividly becomes much more difficult. Well first of all I am not saying the real world doesn't exist I am just saying the real world is uncertain to exist also how do I know everyone else experiences the same things? how can I know you exist? okay the only resolution is something that you would never believe in, that of course is solipsism so it doesn't really matter because you wouldn't believe me even if it was true because A: you exist and know it B: solipsism exists and you are designed to act like you know so I cannot convince you even if you don't exist
  17. 1. You cannot be certain the external world exists because the external world if it does exist is only known to exist via the electrical signals which offer its presentation in our head yet we cannot be certain there is an external world in the first place, the external world may be completely in our brains. 2. If you cannot be certain the external world exists this opens up the possibility of the external world not existing regardless of it being true or not it is possible and if so then the real world is not the external world yet what is the real world? we do not see the real world if the external world is not the real world yet if we don't see the real world how can we be certain if exits too? how can we be certain there is a such thing of real? 3. If nothing is real then I cannot exist and nobody can so perhaps nothing exists. 4. I conclude there is no certainty anything exists, "I doubt therefore I am" is not even the only certainty.
  18. Because that would require months that attain 58.6 days. Its easier to use the real lengths of days thats what we do here on Earth. We don't use 365.25 days per year hence we have a leap year and we don't have 23 hours 56 minutes in a day either, we have 24 to make things simpler.
  19. I have developed a calendar that perhaps maybe useful for individuals colonizing mars in the future centuries. Each Martian Year or Mear contains 704 sols (687 days) Each sol lasts 23 hours 35 minutes There is 12 months of each Mear and here is the list of them January: 59 sols February: 59 sols March: 58 sols April: 59 sols May: 59 sols June: 58 sols July: 59 sols August: 59 sols September: 58 sols October: 59 sols November: 59 sols December: 58 sols Every 29 sols there is 1 hour added to the clock due to the fact it uses 24 hours 35 mins rather than 24 hours 37 mins which is the official time yet I see 24 hours 35 mins as more efficient just as we use 24 hours rather than the official earth day of 23 hours 56 minutes. Every 4 Mears that particular Mear contains 2 leap sols Every 16 Mears that particular Mear contains an extra 2 leap sols (4 in total) and Every 80 Mears that particular Mear contains an extra 1 leap sol (5 in total) So lets say the Martian calendar begun on January 1st, 2000. The date on Mars would now be May 44th, 05 MCY MCY = Martian Calendar Year and the next martian new year would be March 20th, 2012 A.D. So with this calendar martian colonies of the 22nd century will be able to keep an accurate time keeping of their planets date time.
  20. This is the only place I could put it. Civilizations travel through the stars that is astronomy & cosmology?
  21. According to physicists once we reach a Type II civilization stage nothing known to science can destroy us. only ourselves of course or another Type II or Type III civilization and yet the second law of thermodynamics confirms we must end someday. Nothing lasts forever! But this means we must end by destroying ourselves or another Type II or Type III civilization will destroy us. And the only way a civilization can destroy itself or destroy another civilization is either via a disaster or a war. Yet I doubt a single disaster could wipe out an inter-stellar or perhaps inter-galactic civilization. So the conclusion from this is that our civilization if we survive to become a Type II civilization must collapse via a war.
  22. If the theory of parallel universes is true then I realized that within this infinite vast sea of universes there is an infinite number of universes in which are exact copies of our universe. So the matter of these universes could be identical to our universe yet you cannot have exact copies in terms of consciousness because if that was true we would experience an infinite number of lives rather than just one. So consciousness has the ability to be individual yet matter cannot be individual so consciousness is not just a random event developed by matter it has its own laws of physics in some sense.
  23. It doesn't need to be significant, any time at all would still exist I guess. But although the time difference is like about 10-100 Seconds or even less it would matter and also I do believe you’ve had déjà vu more than 10 times a life time because I performed a one month long test and took a record of déjà vu every time I had it and realized it happened once every 26 hours when I thought it occurred much more rarer than that so I guess you need to keep a note of it to remember it just like dreams.
  24. If moving faster through space also makes you travel faster through time then maybe when observing the world if my left eye moves slightly faster than the right eye it would move slightly faster through time hence would receive information from the outside world faster than the right eye, so this could be the cause of déjá vu because you observe the same event twice in a row within a split second.
  25. I don't understand what is the point of a forum if people don't ask questions? where will I post this? should I post it the philosophy section instead? sorry but I thought that was the point but sorry if it's not I didn't mean to cause any distress.
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