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Status Updates posted by Incendia

  1. http://dft.ba/-theelements -a song listing the elements of the periodic table.
    1. jerryyu


      interesting song...good for first year chemistry students

  2. Ah, how I wish I had an eidetic memory...Its almost like a natural super power...

    1. Incendia


      ...looks like a scam...

  3. Hello...Your a moderator so you seem the correct person to ask: Is the homework section purely for science related homework or can it include all of it in general? I am asking because I have a media studies assignment draft to write in a max 20% over a 500 word limit. I am at at least 800 words and need help...

  4. Thanks...I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be about media studies...could be useful for science essays if they are set with a word limit...

  5. I saw your 'Enough Taxes' thread...I had a similar idea/same idea...[it's in my signature.]

  6. I found a song about quarks! http://dft.ba/quarks

  7. A USA quarter costs 9 cents to makes but it is only worth 5 cents.

  8. You think America has bad economic problems? Think you could easily fix them? Try see if you could fix them here: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html

  9. Why haven't you been banned yet?

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