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Everything posted by JesuBungle

  1. Well I'm not a linguistics expert, and I'm a little drunk, but I believe most if not all the words in the english language stem from latin. So things like the ph in phone were kept....maybe.
  2. I think it's electrons jumping to a parallel universe, but I'm a burned out Buddhist wannabe:embarass:
  3. Well basically, in the recent elections, the stance of democrats has been republicans = bad. Now that they are in control, they need to regroup and come up with a real plan, which everyone wants to do something different. This will happen until the dems have had control for a few years.
  4. There was a similar rumor going around that Foster's beer could be made into LSD because it had ergot in it. That gave me a good laugh. But in Istanbul, what kind of regulations do they have to guard against this?
  5. Yeah, I've never been in jail and I'm not exactly a tough guy. But I have a tattoo that I hide on my shoulder blade. I don't know why some people take it to the extreme though, like, covering their entire body to the point where they look like some sort of reptile. Kinda creeps me out lol.
  6. I heard free beer:D . Oh yeah, I'm a yank. But if you pay for the plane ticket...
  7. Torpedos on Soviet submarines actually use a similar sort of propulsion. Only they mix something with hydrogen peroxide, I forget what. But yeah, an example of how that can go wrong is the Kirsk, where one of the torpedos blew up in the tube.
  8. I wouldn't doubt if he left because of the dem takeover. They hated him from the start, and now that they control the house and senate they would have just hassled him until he left anyway. Poor guy:-(
  9. Quote from SLC Punk: Mark - "Did you know that dolphin is man evolved? I once saw a half dolphin half man in Greece." I believe him:embarass:
  10. Think I'm gonna have to go with lemurs on this one;) Ok, maybe monkies are a little smarter...
  11. But if there's a dot next to their name, do you write their name in the dot? If so, it seems kinda small. Maybe just their initials lol.
  12. I envy you sir. Congrats on your house, looks to be about 10 times bigger than mine...and one hundred years newer lol.
  13. I was accused of being one of those guys when I was shopping at Walmart one night. Some teenage girls apparently didn't like the way I looked or something so they ducked into the cereal aisle. Little did they know that was my plan all along, I need my cocoa puffs. So they looked at me all weird like I was a pervert when I just wanted my chocolate cereal:-(
  14. I'm one of those people that nods their head had you:-)
  15. What I've heard about alienware, is that you're actually paying extra for the paint. I would say for the price of one, get a dell with a 3 year warranty. The XPS1710 is a great machine with a lot of upgrade potential. Not too much is upgradable on a laptop. Pretty much you can add more RAM or possibly a better video card(not often). Sometimes you can switch out the processor for a better one. Other than that, you're kinda stuck with what you buy.
  16. Im hoping for catastrophe A. We really do need a portal to an alien world. Maybe they have some good movie ideas or something, rather than Rob Shneider always turning into something. Idk how you just came up with this idea but it's pretty cool. Kinda seems like one of those things you think of right before you fall asleep, so you never bother to write it down lol.
  17. No, but apparently there's mice that can do this;)
  18. Well scientology is F'd up. That's all I know. Any religion that makes you sit in a sauna after consuming vegetable oil and niacin is a little...weird.
  19. But satan is contradicting himself. If he controls everything on the internet, why did he invent P2P? I can get free porn that satan would normally charge $7.95 a month for:-p
  20. herme, it takes some guts to stand up like that. Good job man. I made the switch to Buddhism in mid April. Of course I don't agree with every part of the religion, but it seems a little more realistic. This happened after I tried lsd for the one and only time. After I came down, I was never myself again, and seemed to have more feeling and emotion towards my fellow man. So I may not be christan(i even forgot how to spell it lol), or go to church, but I'm far from a bad person. This goes for you too. Just respect yourself and other people and you can't go wrong:-)
  21. Errr. You had me workin on this for 3 hours and all I got was an indentation from a pencap on my forehead:-(
  22. This story actually belongs to my dad. But it takes place in the future when AI is all over the globe. The plot is basically that the Dalai Lama had died and the monks at his temple go in search of the entity he had reincarnated into. The big climax is pretty much smack dab in the middle. When the monks are at the airport, a computer stops them and says that they have its belongings. So somehow the Dalai Lama reincarnated into a computer with artificial intelligence, and recognized it's posessions from the past life. And the story dwindles down with an explaination of how he was born into a computer. When my dad told me this story I was quite impressed. It was probly the most creative thing that came out of his mouth for a few years now. Tell me what you guys think about it, cuz if you like it I think I'll try and get him to publish it. He explained it about 100 times better mind you, I forgot a lot of the story:embarass:. And I'm no writer(starting a sentence with and proves that).
  23. Yeah, what Cap'n said. Wait what was the thread about?
  24. And the purpose of this post is...
  25. I don't really see the Iraq war as a win or lose situation. Saddam was taken out of power, that was the real objective. But the conflict is never going to be completely over until some future president pulls the troops out and the country falls apart. I personally think Saddam should have just been assassinated.
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