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Everything posted by The_Platypus

  1. This was very interesting . The more exciting of the two was the rat experiment . The implications of this particular chain of thoughts is staggering. It also makes me think ; in a telepathic society ( achieved in some scientifically consistent way) , will language be obsolete ?
  2. Relax buddy , I am in just for the facts , no need and no inclination to get personal . And I am MD btw And by arrogant and presumptuous I meant it would be arrogant of me to call a doctor wrong who has examined and talked to a patient after just having an indirect online chat . I think u misunderstood it as a reflection upon your doctor .
  3. Oh no ! It would be arrogant and presumptuous to call her so. It probably means she didn't suspect you have acid reflux. Maybe flatulence or dyspepsia , hence the probiotic .
  4. Two contentions : 1) Acid reflux is not caused by H pylori . H pylori causes acute / chronic gastritis. In fact recent studies have shown that the prevelance of H pylori is less in GERD patients than general population . 2) Probiotics have only an adjuvant role in treatment of H pylori . They by themselves are never used as mono-therapy.
  5. IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Everyone in their life has at some point symptoms consistent with IBS , for a short duration at least . So beware of any diagnosis of IBS . Having said that , discuss it with your doctor(s). And no such response to water is seen in IBS . PS.: @wolfhnd: probiotics don't help in acid reflux , at all . They may have worked for you , either as a coincidence or due to the problem not being entirely due to acid reflux but flatulence / enteritis .
  6. It will certainly lead to euphoria/ dysphoria in either of the two routes of administration . We can only guess that intradermal route would be more painful. Also , TRPV1 regulates temp , sweating would definitely follow . I believe one would have an unpleasant experience if it were to be given by that route .
  7. Adrenaline increases the blood flow in the skeletal muscles by causing vasodilation acting through b receptors in the blood vessels . However in most of the other parts of the body it causes vasoconstriction which inspite of increased contractility of heart , actually reduces the blood flow.
  8. Hmm This seems to be a case of diabetes type 2 . However he shud go fr a 8hr fasting glucose level to establish it. He may be having " Impaired glucose tolerance " , which is common in type 2 prediabetic patients. However since he is a bipolar ( I assume , manic depressive ) , it may be possible that he may be overreacting to his medical conditions. Some drugs also increase the urine output .
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