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Everything posted by Alpha-137

  1. Dear Rocket Man, and YT2095 I am not here to change anyone’s minds on physics, I am just looking for someone to help me with the math on my concept / understanding of physics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocket Man first; Very good that you see that the fields in this model are in the same pattern as a magnetic Fields of flux. Yet at this state there are on electrons or weak-electromagnetic fields of flux left. The fields that you see in this model are the polarized strong forces that are fields of flux that are spun out by the quarks that hold the neutron-protons together. These polarized fields on no bigger than the nuclei , but stacked end to end these strong forces start to propagate out to become gravitational fields of flux. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YT2095 second; In the case of the laser the on coming light / heat particles are so intense and create so much resistance that it strips away the electrons and then forces the neutron-protons to reform to the shape / path of lest resistance into this pattern that I have. The question is I need the math on this event / action.
  2. Dear swansont; Oh yes; this event /or action happens at very high speed with lasers, but this event can also be brought about in a very slow heating of the iron over a long period of time, and just at the time of the iron changes to the plasma state this event / action happens. The state of the iron in this picture is showing is called; “The Nuclei Polarization State.” And I need the math that will explain this state / event/or action. Thank you alpha-137
  3. Dear swansont; The picture is the action of an Iron atom being hit with a laser, thus striping away the electrons and the weak-forces and pulling the neutrons and protons apart to the strong forces limets.
  4. Thanks, For the addvice, I made it this time.
  5. Dear swansont; OK; This is the action that I need the Math to explain. Well the picture finely made it.
  6. Ok; What I am looking for here is the math that explains what Einstein said that if a mass was to move @ [c] it would be come elongated or stretched out. In this case one atom of iron moving close to the speed of [c].
  7. Ok; What I am looking for here is the math that explains what Einstein said that if a mass was to move @ [c] it would be come elongated or stretched out. In this case one atom of iron moving @ c.
  8. Dear swanaont; I do not think that Lorent transformation is the math that I need???? The math that I am looking for should explain the stripping away the electrons and the weak - electromagnetic forces of the mass and then the separation of the neutrons and protons to the strong forces limits. __________________
  9. Dear insane_alien; Well think of the iron plate being in a wind tunnel ; but instead of high-speed wind we are using very speed light-particles moving @ [c] ! Just as if the iron plate was moving @ [c] through a field of light. :confused:
  10. Thank you;---- you are right.
  11. Dear insane_alien; Are you saying that you do not see that this is a simulation of the that portion of the iron plate is moving through a field of light. :confused: But we can take a 2in. plate of iron and send an high intense inferred light beam through the iron plate that simulates that portion of the plate moving @ [c] through a field of light.
  12. Ok; I will bite? Can you explain Lenght contraction in simple math, Please Yes I know that most books on relativity talks about it but non gives the math on it.
  13. Dear insane_alien; We can not at this time make mass move @ [c] but we can come very close to simulating it. And I am looking for the math that would explain it. The simulation set up is much like a wind tunnel test. No, we can not make wind @[c] ! But we can take a 2in. plate of iron and send an high intense inferred light beam through the iron plate that simulates that portion of the plate moving @ [c] through a field of light. It is the math that would explain this action that I am looking for.
  14. Dear insane_alien ; Velocity is an action and what I am looking for is the math to the Mass's reaction, as I described.
  15. The math that I am looking for should explain the stripping away the electrons and the weak - electromagnetic forces of the mass and then the separation of the neutrons and protons to the strong forces limits.
  16. Dear Forum Can anyone show me the math that will show Einstein’s mass stretching, or becoming elongated at, or near the speed of light. Did he show this mathematically, or just theoretically say that it would occur? Personally I hope that there is actually math that I can see, and use.
  17. Dear Meir Achuz; As I said in my posting, and if you reread it you will see that I said; Now draw an oval field of flux from each of the N quarks out and around the each of the P quarks. I do believe that is the force between quarks of the N & P, and it would encircling the other quarks within its’ own part of the nuclei. Are? Are you saying that there is a all new set of different forces that only encircle the outer shells of the N & P that are really only the blurred orbits of the quarks that make up the N & P. The electron spins out the field of flux known as the weak-electromagnetic forces and the quarks spins out the six fields of flux known as the strong force. So what particle spins out the force that you say is there just to hole the N & P / nuclei together:confused: Alpha-137:) "Iron Rules the Universe"
  18. Dear abskebabs, swansont, Meir Achuz, Severian; What is known as the strong force between the proton and neutron is really more than a single force it is a set of six fields of flux that are spun out by the six quarks at different levels. { If only I know how to up load pictures here.} Well draw two spheres, and label them as the neutron and proton and show the three quarks as dots at different points / levels in side them. It is the blurred orbits of the quarks that we see as the outer shells of the neutrons and protons, and it is the different levels of their orbits that give the N & P their vibrations as their fields of flux / strong forces change relatively to the quarks’ orbits. Now draw an oval field of flux from each of the N quarks out and around the each of the P quarks. Now draw an oval field of flux from each of the P quarks, with two encircling the quarks of the N, and one out to encircle and hold an electron in orbit. Now we can see that in this atomic system we have four fields of flux holding the N & P together and that each a different level and as we start to separate them the different levels will come into play thus the forces are stronger. In the rubber band model you would need to use more than one rubber band and each being different diameters to really see what is going on. This is just my visual understanding of the strong forces getting stronger with distance. Alpha-137:rolleyes:
  19. Dear swansont & YT2095; The area of the Earth that is in question has not cooled however, and in 4 billion +years wouldn’t you think that gravity would have made the heavier elements settle downthrough the fluid magma and molted iron to make up a different outer-core. Alpha-137
  20. Dear swansont & YT2095 The point that I was trying to make is that the Earth is 4 billon + years and very fluid between the solid inner-core and the solid crust wouldn’t think that the area of the outer –core or second layer would made up of the heavier elements other then Iron. Alpha-137
  21. Dear swansont & YT2095; I do not know how long the magnet was there nor did any one put a piece of paper on it. But those are good questions. Now the NOT being a good Blackbody is most likely the best guess here. If it can not be from the magnetism. Alpha-137
  22. Dear swansont; I am a retired investigator, and it was a class on using night vision equipment in our work. And in the demonstration the instructor pointed out the high grade ceramic magnets as showing up as one of the coldest objects in the room. He had all kinds of stuff on the table, and around the room. Such as a warm ashtray, a cold coffee cup, along with a warm spot on a stool where someone had just gotten up from, and many other things. Alpha-137:)
  23. Dear swansont; I did not know that it was breaking any thermodynamics laws, but I did see this demonstrated in the lab at the U of H here in Houston a few years back. It was with second generation night vision equipment and high grade ceramic magnets. Alpha-137
  24. Dear 5614 Line up heat sinks of different metals and then up a highgrade magnet And I will assure you that the magnet will be the coldest of them all. Alpha-137:)
  25. Dear Professor Swanson; Quote, “Correlation does not imply causality.” Yes I do understand that, But if you go back and look up the past ice ages You will see that they have a correlation with the movements of the magnetic poles. Where have we found on the Moon and Mars, only at the magnetic poles. Professor Swanson, I am sure that in your lab you have a thermal immerging devise, or can get one. And I am also sure that you have some very strong magnets there too. So take magnets and put the in any room at any temperature and I will assure you that the magnets will be one of the coldish points in the room. Professor Swanson, If you really would like understand what I am saying here, I do have an experiment that will help you do just that. A __________ a-1 [] ^ []a-2 B ____ C------- D_____ E[****] (A) Is a set of balance scales (a-1) This half is set over the (B) plate (a-2)This half is set out over free space (B) Is an [iron] plate at a temp as [Cold] as you can make it © Is a high temp insulator (D) Is a [iron] plate at a temp as [Hot] as you make it (E) Is glass pan filled with sand or any non-magnetic[ Mass] Once this is set up remove © the high temp insulator (a-1) will lose gravitational pull on it making it rise and (a-2) to lower and at the same time causing the non-magnetic mass in (E) to be attracted to plate (D) These actions or effects are only temporary. Alpha-137:)
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