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  1. I smell college research project question...
  2. Your idea is...not feasible Do you realize how big the Earth is and your small attempt to change global heating patterns would be laughed upon by the ocean and the atmosphere. If you want to change the environment, climate speaking, you're going to have to tamper with the system that is responsible for the transfer of heat---the ocean.
  3. Indeed Ophiolite. Researching into paleoclimate you'd find that hydrothermal vents nad volcanic activity had a much greater influence on the climate than it does today, though.
  4. Geology is in control of the biggest carbon reservoir on the planet. it dwarfs the carbon available in the atmosphere and oceans.
  5. Earth systems and botany nerd...looking for some good convos!
  6. More or less there's a correlation. Carbon, which makes up all life, gets laid on the seafloor when marine animals die. The dead animals, some of which have calcium carbonate skeletons, settle on the marine floor and become cemented into sedimentary rock. New sea floor is constantly being made at spreading centers (areas of tectonic plate divergence). The old sea floor is subducted underneath continental crust. Trenches are often the result of subduction zones. Marianas trench is an example. The sedimentary rock, which has carbon in the form of skeletal remains, is buried deap within the crust and eventually makes it to the mantle. I actually just made a blog post on iron fertilization, which starts this process of carbon burial. http://thescienceofearth.blogspot.com Please respond if it doesn't make sense. I kind of wrote imagining you know basics of geology and oceanography.
  7. Zoology isn't really an extention environmental sciences. You should have taken biology as an undergrad lol. I agree with an above poster about asking a question and following the track that helps you to build critical thinking skills to answer that question. For instance...I'm doubling in environmental studies and biology and want to get a masters in a botany field. But the broad question i'm asking myself is how do plants effect their environment and how are they responsible for gas exchange and nutrient cycling? So I choose based off my underlieing question.
  8. Adult trees uptake of co2 is rather steady. Young trees uptake co2 for respiration and also use carbon to build mass...so the solution is new forests that grow, die (bury the carbon), and regrow and repeat the steps. Planting a tree for it to last for 500 years isn't as effective. Also check out iron fertilization of the ocean, same concept but different environment. My new blog talks about this if you're interested, in my sig.
  9. You must also keep in mind the rays level of incidence and solar footprint on the specific area based on the areas latitude.
  10. You were impressed? Religion is the "failed hypothesis" I hate when religious people use scientific endeavors and research as their proof of religious miracles. This is what is wrong with the world, period.
  11. Avoided is the incorrect word; there's two words used when talking about light and water. penetration: how far does a specific wavelength travel in the water before it's scattered, absorbed, ect. attenuation: the decrease in light(energy or intensity might also work) as you travel down the water collumn because of scattering, absorbtion, ect. As for your question, i don't know. I'm not that far in my oceanography studies, nor does my power points from my oceanography class that I have on my computer mention dates. I hope I don't sound like an a$$...it wasn't my intention Matt My new Blog underneath http://downtoearthenvironmentandnature.blogspot.com
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