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Posts posted by rigney

  1. Seriously rigney, you think these gaffs are the equivalent of believing the Earth is 6000 years old, dinosaurs and humans lived together and dragons are real? Biden might be seriously inept or even a dumb ass but this is not the same as believing in dragons. What's next, leaving out milk for fairies passed into law?

    Don't know Moon and I don't particularally give a shit who believes in what. So, just don't wrap all religious people in the same bolt of cloth as you do this Minnesotan and I promise not to do the same with all democrats, just Biden. I really do believe Joe still believes in the tooth fairy????
  2. As you might imagine, I'm not that familiar with the behaviour of US politicians.

    Can you provide a link to Youtube or something showing Biden to have lost his grip on reality please?

    I can see some stories where he made dumb comments through lack of thought but there's a whole world of difference between thoughtless slips like those and a belief in dragons.

    Give me a quote from any reputable republican that can top any of the gaffs Biden has made and I will readily agree with Moonman. Biden's is sad commentary at best, dragons or no dragons. A mistake is something like Romney made when he presented Paul Ryan as the next president of the United States instead of VP, but then immediately clarified his blunder.


  3. I'm still hoping that Rigney (or someone) is going to provide us with some entertainingly batty, credible Left-wing politicians.

    Otherwise, given the clear examples of nutty Right wingers and a lack of Left wing loonies, I'm going to say that the question which forms the title of this thread has been answered in the affirmative.


    A party which fields a candidate who believes in dragons has clearly lost its collective mind.

    If nobody can demonstrate that the Left is just as bad* then I think we can close the thread.



    * If the two sides are as bad as each other then we might need to redefine "lost their minds" but otherwise, I think belief in dragons counts as a reasonable working definition.

    I honestly don't know what to tell you. When a man, Biden, standing only a heartbeat from our presidency; pulls off gaff after gaff and the only Democrat taking him seriously is the former governor of Virginia and a black man at that, little else can be said.

    If thise guy from Minnesota gets into office and is as nutty as democrats make him out to be, then it's a blot on a district in Minnesota, "not on the United States."

  4. Show me some progressives who are batshit crazy and being promoted as the best the party has and I'll be all over them. Both parties have people who are crazy but I see no progressives being supported despite being batshit crazy...




    Why should i chill out? You certainly are not chilling out, you consistently post stuff praising your party and it's members, usually based on nonsense, you want me to stop? go pound sand...

    Ah! There you go again Moon, being bitter. Since I don't want you to go into cardiac arrest, just chill out a bit. Anyway, what do you mean by; go pound sand?
  5. No rigney you are not in Minnesota, and he is not the only Republican that is batshit crazy and accepted by the party as the best they have. If this jackass wins he will go to Washington and vote based his batshit crazy world view.


    He is not alone rigney, on a local level his spiritual brothers are in office every where looking to climb up, by voting a straight ticket you will be voting for nutters like this.


    As for Biden better him than someone like Allen Quist...

    How come it's only Republicans whom you think are bat shit crazy? Your ranting and ravings will change nothing Moon. When the elections have been concluded in November we will know what these next four years will hold for us. So just chill out for a couple months. You certainly aren't making friends or influencing people with you present rhetoric.
  6. Well then if you were in Minnesota you would be voting for the guy who believes in dragons... This guy is not some lone nutter, he has already won the republican primary, did you not watch the video?

    But I'm not in Minnesota Moon! If you have a ward or district that would vote for such a wacko, I'd suggest you be watching them rather closely. Biden on the other hand belongs to the nation as of now. Do we want him and his kiddy type of philosopy another four years? Actually, what has he done in this term other than make a few gaffs? Poor Obama. I hope he can find a descent job come December.
  7. These are your very words Moon, not mine. Quote:So you think that Biden's remark about chains is batshit crazy but belief in dragons is not? Or do you think they are equally crazy? I said nothing about being bat shit crazy, only bat shit silly and inane. Chances are that that right wing nutter will never win any election, but Mr. Biden is a sitting vice president. So tell me, who has the most to lose, the right wing nutter or Obama? And yes, you have found me out again, as things stand right now I'm a straight ticket voting Rrepublican.

  8. No a Romney-Ryan ticket is not a guarantee.


    If you actually wanted an anwser to your question instead of a bunch of "beliefs" regarding what will improve the future for Americans, you would look up, studies that tried to examine if there is a correlation(with a causation, which will be hard to determine. Assuming a correlation is found does the amount of resources per capita effect who is elected? Or does who is elected effect the amount of material resources per capita? And are there are any lurking variables that might influence such a study!) And if no studies existed you would try to complete one yourself.


    An example:

    Does the election of a republican candidate correlate with an increase in energy, and material resources?

    [in this study you would go off of the assumption that all republican candidates are the same, or you would have to devise a way to measure how "republican" a candidate is]


    I'm going off the assumption a better future is one with more energy, and materials per capita. But if you want to include various environmental variables, or happiness indexes based of sample polling, it gets even more complicated.




    I don't believe anyone is smart enough to weigh and fully assess each of these variables you mention. That to include Dems, Reps and Inds. Yet each of them will argue they have that intellect and will do a great job. Then with some snake oil and little skull duggary, eventually they find their way into congress or some other powerful office. Well, we both know this is hog wash; but what can be done about it?
  9. Virginia's governor cannot serve consecutive terms. More than half of states have two-term limits or are limited to 8 years served out of 12 or 16. Some limits are absolutely two terms, but most allow more service after a four-year break.


    How many states only allow term limits for congressmen? Presidents or Governors are single individuals trying to control a situation, where as a house or senate controlled by a party can feel free to do as they please. I can understand why Reid and Pelosi pushed through the Obamacare bill. Simply because they could. Republicans are just as guilty of such actions when they control either the house/senate or both. As I said, we didn't get into this morass because of one party or anothers actions, these playground antics have been going on for at least a 150 years, if not longer. Question is, how can it be corrected? The crazies from both parties in Washington are destroying the very fabric this nation was founded on and it's a damned shame and outright travesty. Most of them are only looking out for their own asses. This short video pretty much says it all.


  10. Something like this might be part of the solution, but what's to stop them from working those cushy jobs supplied by special interest groups in the four years they're waiting to get back into office?


    Unfortunately, people fear big changes but right now we're equally afraid of NOT making the big changes we know we need. The solution will not be something simple like only term limits. It's going to have to be several major changes to the way we do everything.


    I keep wondering why we don't look at what is working elsewhere (yes, foreign countries! *gasp*) and tweak it to work here. That seems like such a rational thing to do. Copy the methodology of the country with the best education, and the one with the lowest crime rates, and the other one that has the most fair voting system. If we want to be the best, shouldn't we actually be walking instead of talking?

    Getting back to a single term for politicians would be a miracle in itself. People in those jobs will not give up this perk without a fight. But how do you fight an established practice that has been going progressivly further into decay for hundreds of years? This is something that will have to be figuered out by people much smarter than me. The thing is, such a reconstructive process must begin some place and somehow. But how? As long as politicians keep us ripping at each others throats even in a two party system, this will never happen.
  11. I would like to add a final thought to this mess we are in. Yes! Many greedy folks out there make piles of money and care less about those who gets hurt in the process. These are the thousands of owners who do business under the table or over the back fence out of necessity or the greed that keeps them in business. But the majority of powerful and rich business owners like Buffett and Gates are wiser, more humble and much more compassionate than we can ever imagine. These businesses are scrupulously audited and they pay their taxes accordingly. The fact they pay as they do is laid out by the government, not the owners. And this has been the policy for decades. Face it, who; other than an absolute 'idiot" would cut the ass from a goose laying golden eggs just to find out from where they are coming? So, when where and how did this sinful tax inequality begin? When? Presumably as long as there have been people in powerful positions who demand tribute for services rendered. But today, the where and how always comes from government. And this; from all levels of government. Politicians aren’t crooked by nature, but there are enough dishonest ones scheming to make that extra buck while in office, it give a bad name to all of them. The tax disaster we face today is not an arrogant, irrational Obama, a Bush, Clinton or any other president, but the culmination of political misdeeds of a few underhanded politicians, bringing this tax structure to loggerheads with the common people. These misdeeds are the failure of those we chose to protect us from such evils, Our Congress! Obama may have had good intentions, but his approach was wrong. You simply can't quick clean a shiny porcelain pot with sand paper and expect it to stay shiny. A president is only one person trying to make the best of a bad situation. But until people in this nation begins to understand that they alone are the ones responsible that must regain control of these self-serving asses in our congress, we will continue this hellatious spin. A "ONE TERM" policy for politicians is the only answer. Tenure breeds contempt from those on top for those who oppose their structured reasoning, and this along with a large dose of self-aggrandizement for those either in academia or politics who do so. At some point, both of these powerful entities can, and usually do become very destructive unless severely monitored. Good people awaiting and wanting to serve our nation in politics will hopefully do so eventually. And when their term in office has ended, they will not mind waiting another four years to serve again. If you really want to spread the wealth, this is the way to do it.

  12. Ok, what has Biden said that was completely batshit crazy?

    Nothing as far as I know. It's just that his bat shit rhetorical sayings are silly and inane. That crack in Danville, Va. the other day about puttin' you'll back in chains to a predominantly black audience, was about as dumb and stupid as it gets. Then to have several astute democrats say, Oh, he really didn't mean it that way; is more BS. If you don't want that right wing conservative nut case as you describe him in congress, then it's best you don't let Biden run against him.


    From http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/05/allen-quist-michele-bachmann-campaign:


    "and went undercover at an adult bookstore and a gay bathhouse in an effort to prove to a local newspaper reporter that they had become a "haven for anal intercourse." "


    sure... Want to know how I know this guy is secretly gay?

    I'll bet "Puff" the magic one told you?
  13. I think it's note worthy to say that being elected to public office is often seen as and used as a route to making money, from kick backs and bribes to legal insider trading and not the least outrageous job offers once you are out of office if you voted the right way the idea that anyone runs for public office to serve the people is a joke...

    A simple solution is to allow politicians only one consecutive term in office. And that a period not to exceed more than a four year term. If a person is so dedicated to serving the people, they won't mind waiting another four years until they can run again. It's hard to steal something if you don't have time to find out where it's hidden.
  14. Voting a split ticket instead of just going for one side or the other might help a little bit...

    As I've said before Moon, only on one occassions have I ever voted a straight ticket, and that was for Kennedy. But with Kucinich out of the running, I may just vote a straight ticket this time.
  15. Damn rigney, you almost sound like you are going to vote Democratic this time... I'm not sure that one term will help "fix it" but the problem does indeed lay at the feet of our legislators. We pay them only a tiny fraction of what the special interests pay them. Doesn't really matter if you like the way they vote or you do not, Democrat or Republican, they vote on most issues the way the people who own them want them to vote. Sadly their constituents are seldom the real owners...


    I wish I could say that my honor is worth more than that but if someone wanted to raise my pay by an order of magnitude for voting on an issue the way they wanted i might be tempted. Money is what makes our society move, grease if you will, somehow we need to make sure the grease is used to lube the machinery of our society instead of our representatives...

    Sorry, but I can't accomodate your wish for me to vote Dem. right now. But we had better find a way of controlling these self centered congressional free loading asses. One battle in war and most men have had enough. Bu one battle in politics only breeds a thirst for more encounters. Ain't nobody getting hurt but the people, rich or poor; so let er' fly and (we may) eventually get it solved at someones expense.
  16. The amount of money spent on untested supplements and sham cures like copper or magnetic bracelets, homeopathic remedies, Reiki and the volumes of people running away from vaccines these days runs contrary to this claim. People seek out sources that tell them what they want to hear to reinforce their biases and/or to give them the path of least resistance, much like in politics. They are too credulous and easily fooled. Why listen to a doctor when it's easier to believe that vaccinations cause your kid's autism or that wearing a special bracelet will cure you of arthritis or cancer? Why bother with the facts when the politician you like spouts lies that fit with your views and make it easy to hate his opponent?

    Dog gone it Tman, sometimes you ring clear as a bell. But heck, there has always been fads, adds and gimmicks around since I can remember. I even had a couple hand held clicker buttons and a soda vinegar powered boat made in Japan, prior to 1941. But you're right, people get sucker punched over and over again and haven't a clue as to what's happening. It is a funny, puzzling and exasperating world, isn't it?



    A rich person can be good and believe in a regressive tax system - as long as they believe in it for a good reason. If you're a job creator and actually care about the careers and lives people have been good enough to invest in your company more than squeezing out every dollar you can - you might be good.If you don't care how many lives are destroyed as long as it improves your portfolio - you might just be bad.

    Yes, there are some greedy folks out there who make piles of money and care less about those who gets hurt in the process. But a majority of powerful and rich people like Buffett and Gates are much wiser, more humble and caring. Face it, who; other than an absolute 'idiot" would cut the ass from a golden goose to see where the golden eggs are coming from? So, when and where did this sinful tax inequality begin? The when? Presumably as long as there have been people in power. But the where always seems to come from "GOVERNMENT", and at all levels. This disaster we are facing at the moment is not due to the scheming of an Obama, Bush, Clinton or any other president, but the failure of those we have elected to protect us from such evils. Our Congress! Obama may have had good intentions, but the wrong approach. You simply can't quickly clean a shiny porcelain pot with sand paper and expect it to stay shiny. A president is a single person trying to make the best of a bad situation. Unless this nations people understand that they must regain control of these self-serving asses in our congress, we will continue this hellatious spin. "ONE TERM" is the only way. Tenure has a way of breeding contempt and self-aggrandizement in both academia and politics. At some point, either of these powerful entities can be destructive.

  17. How does Obama being a christian have anything to do with my argument?





    only six states allow same sex marriage






    This link provides the key to this map



    Well shucks, I know how you don't have any love for Christians and was wondering how you could have coerced yourself into voting for him? Plus, I was agreeing with you. I'd even bet that there are some gays out there right now who pretend to be Christian just to be accepted by a larger audience? Hey! We were talking politics.
  18. No, being Christian doesn't mean you have to reject science or even reject evolution, but the fundamentalist parts of this religion are trying their very best to make this seem to be true but they know it's not. They are doing their best to make it look like voting for Democrats means you are voting against being a Christian, voting to have atheism taught to your kids, voting for abortion, voting for teenagers being instructed to have sex, they know this isn't true but they assert it anyway in an attempt to influence the more rational segments of Christians. I agree for them not to believe in science is ridiculous that is why I assert they are liars. In everything they say are lies.


    They are nothing but fear mongers trying to whip the less fundamentalist parts of their religion into line by asserting lies.


    All the republicans want is the money and votes from Christian conservatives and to do this you cannot admit to believing in evolution, climate change, the big bang, the list goes on and on but the rejection of scientific naturalism is the goal of these fundamentalists and the goal of the republicans party is to have these peoples money and support.


    This is a very emotional issue, the tea party has asserted these things over and over and consistently support the teaching of creationism in schools and the rejection of climate change among other things. The Christian right is adamant in wanting creation science to be taught in schools, they do not reject all of science just the parts that contradict their religious world view. The republicans lie to make it look like they care but all they are really doing is lying to garner their support.


    The religious fundamentalists want to assert religious control over our society, the republicans want their support so they support the efforts of these people to change our society to match the values the fundamentalists want. They don't want freedom of religion they want the freedom to assert their religion into your life as law.


    it's not a joke rigney, it's not some half baked assertion either. The republicans are using the christian right to get into power so they can continue the failed policies of the past.


    Rigney, in my state the Christian right has passed a constitutional amendment stripping citizens of their rights, not just homosexuals either, anyone who is not married and living together is affected by this as well. The Christian right is not all of Christianity but they have a disproportionate amount of influence due to fear mongering and ignoring of any evidence that disagrees with them and out right lying about what the evidence for these things actually say.


    Nothing but liars rigney...

    For some reason I thought you lived in S. Carolina? I can't give an honest yea or nay to this conundrum Moon. People, married or not, gay or not, have legal avenues to pursue their endeavours. But at the moment Christian fundamentalist have a voting bloc and control. I didn't like it that Obama got into office, but I had to accept him and he's a Christian.
  19. So a political party that supports candidates that have to either lie or be stupid is preferable to everyone else? A political party that is supported by and actively panders to people who promote the taking away of the rights of it's citizens can be trusted? A political party that is the author of our woes, supports and even promotes religious division and persecution of people whose beliefs are different is the lesser of two evils? Democrats must barbecue children at fund raisers... no wait, they are communist? Horse feathers... <_<


    Oh wait I forgot, a political party that is anti science, denies reality in favor of political and financial gain as well... it would be a funny plot for a b science fiction movie if it weren't a nightmare we can't wake from...

    Your bitterness is showing Moontanman. Unless you live on an isolated island somewhere, there is no way to get through a day without 90% of the people you meet being christian or some other religion. Granted, many of them are creationist. But for them to not believe in science borders on the rediculous. Most of my people are religious but when they get sick, the first thing they want is a DOCTOR; not a SHAWMAN. C'mon get rational.
  20. +1 though figuring out which side does this more would be a fool's errand, IMO.

    Alas! Poor Byden "oops" Yorick, I knew him well Horatio, long before he discovered playground insults and the invictive antics of politics that has brought him to this bitter and unglorious end. A jesters calling without a frivolus world to perform in, what a waste.
  21. Posted Today, 10:30 AM

    CaptainPanic, on 15 August 2012 - 09:44 AM, said:

    I don't understand you.

    Ecoli: understanding isn't Rigney's goal, unfortunately.


    You're right and simply have to call a spade a spade of which I am one. I just don't know enough to do anything about it. Each of us know that we are being used by both political parties and don't have a grasp on either. Sheeple! I believe is the word used to define us. We definitly need a champion for the good of America, but unless a way is found to contain politicians to a single term in office, this ka-ka will go on forever and the champ will always wind up being a chump. Man or woman, when people get drunk on power, it's one hell of a tug trying to get that power back from them. Right now I'm looking at Republicans as the lesser of two evils

  22. I don't understand you.


    English is only my 2nd language, and you sometimes choose a some particular words that I don't get. In this case, I'm lost. Could you repeat it with different words, please?

    You're not lost, but perhaps might think that I am. I probably should have expressed him as a gas bag expelling a warm breeze. I've listened to Biden make speeches for years and all very tactfully given. Only problem is, they have always been total BS. Heck. I thought he might be prepping for his doctorate again. He does have one, doesn't he?
  23. Ok. So, you agree with Biden, but you disagree with his choice of words. Do I understand you correct?

    I thought his bleeding heart dissertation went over just fine to a mesmerized group of listeners. But agreeing or disagreeing with the overall speech is a question you will have to answer for yourself.
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