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Pavlov's Dog

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  • Location
    St. Louis, MO
  • College Major/Degree
    Saint Louis University, Biology


  • Lepton

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Quark (2/13)



  1. The after effects of having my wisdom teeth pulled. Pain-killers did nothing to numb my pain so I suffered without them. I was out of commission for three weeks. The surgeon was a complete hack. Those "dissolvable stitches" that I pulled out of my mouth probably still haven't dissolved, wherever they are.
  2. How ironic you mentioned that! I thought it was a great book...until my teacher made us make a reading journal about it. For every chapter a detailed summary, plot, character evaluation, etc., had to be made for Cathcer In the Rye. I now can't even stand to look at the cover. Someday I hope to read it again, but in the near future it will be too tragic. The first time I read it, I remember thinking Holden was a lot like myself. I saw a lot of similarities. But tearing the book apart like he wanted to really just took the fun out of the story. It sort of became like a boring lab experiment instead of reading something for pleasure and using your imagination. Sorry for the rant. Six years later that assignment stil raises the hair on the back of my head. EDIT: I forgot to add what I am reading... For Pleasure: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen Feynman's Lectures on Physics For school: Biochemistry: Voet MCB: Lodish Organic Chemistry: Ege (and McMurry's to supplement that horrible text)
  3. I guess 180 could be possible, but it would depend on the gearing.
  4. I don't know what year your GT is, but on this page it says that the 2002 GT tops out at 139 (which could be 142 due to variations). http://ford.jbroadtests.com/Mustang/2002/index4.php#v6
  5. I really didn't mind her being here, but I just can't stand attention whores.
  6. Maybe you are trying to fulfill a fantasy of your own...
  7. Settle down darling. Are you sure it is me that has my panties in a wad?
  8. How do you figure she isn't?
  9. Can we get this troll out of here?
  10. I am considering recording my lectures onto a digital recorder. My classes take place in a 300-person lecture hall and I was wondering how well the teacher's voice is actually recorded. Also, how far from the teacher can these things be placed and still make decent recordings? Any recommendations? Thanks.
  11. I am really getting frustrated with Organic lab as well. I don't mind doing the experiments. These are sort of fun. It is the write-ups that are pissing me off. The TA's must take their jobs very seriously because they are docking me points for very insignificant things. I can understand that they want us to pay attention to detail, but enough is enough. These people are out for blood. I am actually glad I just read this post. I just realized I forgot to include my unknown number for the gas CT experiment in my report. Too bad I already handed it in. Last week was a bit too crazy.
  12. I definitely believe they are important. In addition to studying the sciences, I make sure that they are balanced with philosophy and english. Otherwise I would probably go insane. Look at Aristotle, one of the early great scientists and probably the greatest philosopher. He was very well-rounded in the subjects he studied and wrote about. Every subject he studied influenced the other subjects.
  13. I will probably go to grad school first. Then decide from there. I am just curious about where other people desire to go.
  14. Where do you want to attend medical school, blike?
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