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Everything posted by twistor59

  1. I haven't seen this link yet. It's well worth a read. (Edit : I mean I haven't seen the link in this thread yet, of course I have actually seen the link ! )
  2. Sounds right to me. I vaguely remember the source needs a quadrupole term in order to emit gravitational waves.... If fact yes, from wikipedia:
  3. Interesting question. The problem is that radio frequency photons are so weak (i.e. low energy) that they don't ionise atoms, so I can't see how to construct something like a photomultiplier, which could respond to a single photon.
  4. A bit better would be to think of it as a complex number you need to "square" (i.e. multiply by its conjugate) to get a probability density at a given point (x,t)
  5. Hi, I'm twistor59, I'm a member of Rationalskepticism.org and heard about this site from there. Mathematical physicist by training, but have worked as a systems engineer for the last 25+ years.
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