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*puffy* japanisthebest

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Posts posted by *puffy* japanisthebest

  1. What created Big Bang? What created the thing that created Big Bang? And why is there something rather than nothing?

    hmmm :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: i burst my brain thinking about... what was before the big bang...if there was no big bang...what was before that... and how would space go on forever... but i think the big bang is all part of a cycle that keeps going... that this big bang happened in another universe... or that before the big bang was the end of OUR universe... i think it could be a big cycle of the same universe dying and being born
  2. There is this video clip on Youtube saying that its possible to make a "time machine", which it claims allows us to travel into the 'past' (not only back in time). I have given the link below:



    I see several flaws with this video, so please check whether my arguments are correct:


    1)The video has been posted before it was confirmed that particles can indeed travel faster than the speed of light, so obviously they didn't have that information at the time. Viewing the video in that context: The argument of the coffee bean doesn't make much sense to me. I mean; when the coffee bean (or whatever) approaches the speed of light, its weight would approach infinity. Therefore, even all the energy in the stirring motion will not be sufficient to make the coffee bean move faster (since any practical engine will fail somewhere before infinity, no matter how close to infinity it can get).


    2)I also can't quite understand how Blackholes allows us to go back into the past (not 'time'). Its reasonable to assume if a particle can go faster than light, then "time" will reverse itself for that particle, but how can that particle go back into the "past"? For example, let's say I step into a machine which can travel faster than light and I start travelling. Depending on how much faster than light I travel, "I" will get younger, while everything around me will get older, right? When I step out (say 2 seconds later), I would have grown younger than when I initially stepped into the machine, while everything else around me would have aged naturally. So I would have gone to the future (kind of), not into the past?


    Please convey your ideas on this matter.

    P.S physics is not my area of expertise, therefore forgive me for missing obvious details.

    i think that you can't travel to the past...but you can to the future... because if you go fast enough... time will slow down for you... so on earth it could be 100 years...but 20 years for you! :unsure: <--- just a theory
  3. Ever since I was a young boy, I have wrestled with trying to understand space. In particular, I have never really understood how space is supposed to never end. I really don't see how that's possible. Everything ends somewhere. Where one thing ends the next begins.



    Can people please provide thoughts on this?

    ... i found a little solution of my own... the universe repeats... i think that if you reach the edge... you will emerge into the beginning of the universe that you just crossed.......... :unsure:


    The earth doesnt "end". You just keep going round until you end up right where you started.

  4. i think that gravity can be faster than light... i think this because in a black hole situation that light cant escape gravity... so that means the gravity is faster than light... or i would think this because of the theoretical particle... the graviton... if gravity can overcome light... so would that mean that a graviton...or just gravity can be faster than light?!? :huh:

  5. If it was possible for you to travel back in time, it would only be possible by entering a parallel universe (like in the series "Fringe"). In that universe there would now be 2 of you, and none of you in the first universe. If you (heaven forbid) murdered your younger self, your older self would not cease to exist, since there would be 2 of you, one from each universe, and only your older duplicate survived.

    thats pretty believable :) thx

  6. if you chose choice number 3 look at the link in my siggy. it has Vocaloids in it [if it says localhost and cannot load take out the localhost part]

  7. possibilities:

    if you were going to travel to the past and visit yourself in lets say new year's 2005. you would see yourself before you even travel back in time because in the future you time traveled back to yourself so for the traveler you see yourself when you were younger and to the person who has not traveled[ which is still you] would see you as an older self.




    if you wanted to pass away deliberately [A.K.A suicidal person] a different way than usual lets say you travel back in time 10 minutes then you drown your past self that would not be possible because you died 10 minutes earlier so you would not have a chance to go back in time[ even if it was possible your future self is still alive]. Unless you still travel back in time but decide not to drown yourself.

  8. I have read a couple of previous posts about this, but have wondered if the supposed graviton, if responsible for gravity, could be actually faster than light.


    My reasoning for this is that if light can't escape a black hole but gravity can, does that not make gravity faster than light?

    that actually is reasonable because if Gravitons are particles [i don't exactly know if photons would be a particle or not{i thought that a particle has mass}] (ok lets say light is a particle) is light cant escape but gravity can then, like you said it would make it faster than light.
  9. The conversational theory of what constitutes a black hole core has resulted in many non-answers, some even dealing with an "infinitesimal singularity" which I find ridiculous. Why not just take a logical step back and conclude that a black hole, and its core, is simply a very large, dense neutron star! That would also keep current laws of physics intact, without all those hypothetical black hole hyperboles. Or has this neutron star thing been rebuffed already? Thanks.

    M aybe the core of a black hole depends on if it is spinning, how big it is, and how it formed.
  10. Is it possible, or are there any theories that might suggest that the gas and dust surrounding large black holes might have been created by the matrix of energy fluxuations, accelerations, and particle collisions surrounding the event horizon of the black hole. Instead of being left over from the Nova, or past "meals" of the entity?

    maybe because the particles may be ripped apart from the gravity of the black hole

  11. lets say there are 2 people named gracie and george, gracie is 60 light years away and (george is slow)george takes 3 years to get on a jet pack and he goes 553million miles an hour so it takes 3 years to get to gracie will 6 years pass for him and 60 years pass for her





    if you are right above the event horizon of a black hole no time will pass for you



    nomatter how fast you are going light will always trave 650 million light years for YOU




    are these true

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