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Everything posted by thefusionist

  1. Where is the forum for this subject? I would really appreciate if we could organize ideas of this field and would appreciate that others be distinguished in this sense. Please do not tell me that it is General Science, because that does not establish it in my mind. Thanks.
  2. Dear friends, I am just starting college in the upcoming year. I have determined that Sociology is the field for me. I have done some research but have yet to find out how much I can expect to be paid with my degree. Can anyone tell me what I should expect with a Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, and Professional degree? Thanks.
  3. Freud provided many of the forms that we use to question. Though many of his ideas were wrong, the frame of mind, the ability to break through many of the social impediments are what makes Freud great (establishing thoses forms, giving others the confidence). As with many great minds their ideas lead to improvements. More dimension can alwas be added to things unless they resolve the entire equation.
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