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Everything posted by DahVid

  1. Probably XP. Linux has all of these features. Although you'll probably find Windows XP or 2000 fit for your needs.
  2. It no longer bothers you. Maybe not directly, maybe they could be somewhat indirectly related.
  3. DahVid

    gas prices

    Saw a price-gouger today in Orlando. 6.02/gallon. I hope they get him. Sadly people were buying.. I felt like going in there and cussing him out. Too bad he wasn't there, only his employees.
  4. Everyone gets 'empathy.' Of course many people have told you that. It just seems like yours was amplified according to your environment (Probably). Why? That's the question I am trying to figure out. You not having a mother for the majority of your life is one problem. What else has gone wrong? For what I've seen in my life (Alot of grossly cruel things) I have to cry when I see someone in pain, I cry watching many movies. Maybe it's the same for you. Also Mike, my life is based around the internet. I feel this is the only place with no racial discrimination, or discrimination based on other attributes. (Well, not there is quite a bit, but nothing in comparison to real life) Unless I'm at school or work I'm here, browsing forums or talking to my buddies. (I do go out once and a while.) It's normal, it's a lifestyle.
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