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The Peon

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Everything posted by The Peon

  1. I am more interested in the possibility of the genetic variety we see today, such as Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid occuring in only 4,500 years of breeding. Is such a genetic variety even possible in such a "short" amount of time and generations?
  2. Hello SFN community. Long time no post. I have been debating with a creationist friend about the account in the Bible about Noah. I am trying to explain to him that it is impossible that a single man and his wife, 4,500 years ago could have produced the genetic variety and amount of people on this planet today. Am I correct? Would it be even possible for a single family with 3 children 4,500 years ago to produce the over 20 billion (estimated) people who have lived since that time and also the variety in racial features, cultural customs etc? I know it is most likely improbable, but I want to know is it even genetically possible?
  3. Thank you, at least I can go knowing at least one sane person resides on this forum.
  4. Jesus F'in Christ. All I friggin wanted in my sig was: START SIG: __________________________________________________________ "I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."--Stephen F. Roberts "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." - ecoli __________________________________________________________ END SIG I'm sorry it would take you over 30 minutes to scroll by that. I mean how much bigger than 250 characters could that be? You know what, never mind. Forget about the whole thing. I mean god forbid we should have to take .05 seconds longer to scroll by someones posts. Hell, in fact I would be willing to bet that you have wasted more time reading this thread then you would have spent in your entire life scrolling by the extra 150 characters I was requesting for every post I have done past, present and future.
  5. Thanks. Since it's not important to you, you can't give a little to me. Wow I feel special.
  6. No need for viagra? No. Is that uptightness? (guess I should read some of this links in your sig)
  7. There is a big difference between selling drugs or guns or whatever and raping children. We must protect those who are innocent in our society with much more vigor and ferocity than in any other case in my opinion. I would even go to say pedophilia is as vicious a crime as murder.
  8. The Peon

    Ttfn Sfn

    LMAO! *damn where is the LOL smiley when you need one*
  9. Good question. Can't be ALL can it?
  10. The Peon

    Ttfn Sfn

  11. I was trying to add a simple quote to my sig, and to keep one other quote but it was more than 250 characters total. Could we possibly get a small bump in sig size, say to 400 characters? I dont think this would be a huge deal and most would probobly not even use it. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  12. Only if you promise to smoke it with me. (I know what you meant )
  13. Thats just... strange. I will try and find that blog. Thanks for the information.
  14. MiB
  15. The Peon

    Ttfn Sfn

    W..t...f... get yer arse back in here. No one said you could leave! Why not just post from home? Don't leave man, just because you personally think you are not making any positive contributions does not mean you haven't.
  16. Ok so why do all primates have a bone in the penis, but humans do not? I am assuming since all other primates share this feature that it was given to them by a common ancestor. So why and when did humans lose this penis bone? Do hominid fossils have a penis bone? I would think it would be an advantage to have the ability to always be "erect."
  17. I've read many scientific papers stating we are actually still rapidly evolving to this day.
  18. Child predators are some of the sickest wackos on the planet, and I can care less how they are brought down. Humiliation on TV is an awsome way to do it, and I am glad that dateline is doing what it is doing. I actually know 2 detectives who do the "acting" for a living. You should hear some of the sick **** they tell me these freaks tell them. They really REALLY deserve to be off the streets trust me.
  19. o_0 Well.... first off, what would make the "person" superior? Just because it is bigger? Secondly, are you implying that our atoms are actually solar systems? Galaxies? Universes? I think the physicists can better debunk this than I can.
  20. Thank you Snail. I will have to give that thread a read. Meh, I suck at using forum search.
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