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Posts posted by Kermit

  1. If i'm repeating anyone, ignore me.


    Back to the original question. If by "inverted" you mean "antimatter", I don't think antimatter light is any different from regular light. Photons are a force particle, and with antimatter it's only the mass particles that can be different from regular matter, force particles are the same for both.


    At least I think it's like that.

  2. I'd love to make thermite, but after attending this wonderful chemistry demonstration recently, I don't think the judges would like explosively hot aluminum/iron on their faces.

  3. Crystals are things that I can make easily and I sorta like them. Maybe something involving them? Like tweaking various environmental factors to see how it affects crystal growth.

  4. Whatever you do, don't do what i've done:


    I picked some random guy and one day decided he's going to be my rival. So I go up to him and i'm like, "I'm better than you in every way. F--k off." Eventually, I end up getting into all sorts of wonderful things and the guy still has no idea what the hell my problem is. I indirectly hint towards my obvious superiority every time I talk to him and I try to be better than him in every way and fail.


    The moral of this story: I have no morals.

  5. My highschool has a science fair in the end of May this year, leaving me with about five months. See, we already have an idea for the project, me and my partner, but I think we could do better. Any suggestions? I can get most chemicals needed.

  6. I've found myself not really being able to focus on things in my mind for longer than a few seconds because something else distracts me. Also, anything I visualize in my head usually tends to be very basic looking -- I can't seem to be able to remember vibrant sceneries or specific visual details. But for some reason, it's the opposite with anything sound related -- I seem to be able to remember every single song i've ever heard, and whenever I think about one I don't lose focus on it.


    Is there anything wrong with my ability to concentrate?

  7. I've read somewhere that it was possible to make variations of DNA that had a few tweaks here and there:


    - Different amounts of strands. Triple helix. Quadruple helix?

    - Different sugars instead of pentose, like hexose and such.

    - Different nucleotide languages.


    But in all those experiments they weren't as successful as DNA itself.


    Hope that helped. As always there's Wikipedia.

  8. Ew. Anyway, after doing some research and having to take some Pepto Bismol, there was one that actually survived to adulthood, and, get this, he's a TRIATHLETE.


    Also, i've been wondering.. the plated scales and the proto-eyes.. that looks quite a bit like the Devonian fish. I know that the whole "stages of evolution in the womb" thing is false, but it's quite a curiosity.

  9. Water is the only compound known to be less[/i'] dense as a solid then a liquid.


    I think that's wrong. I've read somewhere that solid plutonium will actually float on liquid plutonium due to solid plutonium being less dense. Someone confirm this?

  10. I'm a bit dismayed as to how all the other sciences have detailed sections, but chemistry only has a single one and is listed under other sciences.


    My idea for a more detailed one would be like an entire heading under "Chemstry" that would have seperate forums like Biochemistry or Nuclear chemistry or such. Why can't it be like that?


    Anyway.. yeah, this was a bit random. >.>

  11. You know what my personal opinion on ID and creationism is?


    It has to be attacked and destroyed before it gets more widespread than it is. It's a roach that has to be killed before it infests the entire house, you know. It's not something that is to be defended in ANY way because it is completely wrong, and there are dozens of books that explain my opinion far better than I can type as it's mostly an emotional thing for me.

  12. Intelligent design is how the rabid conservative psychos are trying to disguise creationism as a science. Sayonara could probably give you a far, far better explanation on how absolutely foul it is, and I agree.

    I personally think that if they let this crap get into our schools, they'll get other stuff too. A kid'll probably go into school one day to learn that the Earth is only several thousand years old and that prehistoric man lived with dinosaurs that were wiped out by some sort of flood. If you ask these fundies to give you proof, they'll give you "proof" alright. They'll show you some very badly smudged photos in which dinosaur footprints had a bit of sand thrown into it to make it crudely look like a human footprint, and they try to pass it off as the "fact" that both humans and dinosaurs coexisted.

    Anyone seem to notice or care that American schools tend to be the lowest rated in the entire world? First we have kids who can't even locate the USA on a map, and now they want to push this stuff in.

    I'm moving to Canada.

  13. It's sad we'd never be able to see what this dark matter is in our lifetimes, though. I mean, going up to it and touching it or whatever.


    What if it turns out, though, that dark matter is really where Jimmy Hoffa was all along? Like in some huge dark spaceship we can't see. Damn you, Jimmy Hoffa. Damn you.

  14. Haven't been around the forums for a while, been a bit busy with schoolwork. Aaaaaanyway i'm back.


    Eugenics.. how do they even call that a science? That's a fricking pseudoscience. They actually thought that being poor was caused by a gene and the "illness" of being poor was pauperism. A pretty fascinating (and disturbing) book on it is War on the Weak, forgot what the author was. Should be in your local Barnes and Noble in the Science section.

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