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Everything posted by sepultallica

  1. i got suckered into coming into work today and i happened to be watching MSNBC when i saw an interesting story. i saw a girl that was fighting to legalize prostitution. i didn't catch her selling points but it got me thinking. what if it was legalized? should it be legalized? what would be the benifits/drawbacks? how could it benifit society? 1. it could serve as a therapeutic function. it could possibly serve as an outlet for child molesters, rapists and otherwise lonely people. imagine the potential for decrease in sexual crimes! 2. prostitution is already a major profession. think of the prostitutes that do it for a living because they can't do anything else. i mean lets face it. people make mistakes in life. these mistakes drive certain people to prostitution. and when you 5think about it, employers are reluctant to hire people that don’t have a particular image. And understandably so. So what else can they do. Many do it for noble reasons. Some do it to raise a family or to put their kids through college or even themselves. 3. if you centralize it and register prostitutes, you can in a sense clean up the profession. Give certifications/license, enforce guidelines. Tax employees. Register clients and use info for statistics/ studies. 4. if you legalize it, monitor (not necessarily controlled) by the government, you can effectively tax and enforce guidelines. Prostitution would be a multi-million dollar industry. The government would benefit from the taxes. What are the drawbacks? 1. the most obvious would be the health issues. Std’s and hygienic issues would definitely be the determining factors in considering to legalizing it. But it wouldn’t nessacarily be impossible to do. I mean, look at the medical field. There are so many opportunities for infection but it has been regulated and controlled.same could be done for prostitution. Enforce clean practice, and pregnancy prevention, and yo9u will be on the way to a start of something. 2. the ethics, morals and popular opinon would also be considerations. I think iw ould support it if it was organized and prostitutes were licensed. If it was a controlled program, I think people could agree that there could be some benefits. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT?
  2. sepultallica


    i've never played it but instead i play airsoft. we play in a filed where about 30 paintballers play and we're always bumping heads. we're always getting mixed up on the fields and start shooting each other (sometimes accidentally and sometimes not). i think that if didn't play airsoft, i would definately play paintball. anyone live and play in california?
  3. wow, now those are some bold statements.
  4. i'll be the first to admit that i am in no way qualified to comment on the matter. my opinions are obviously clouded with steroetypes. when i said unnatural, i guess what i meant was not normal. it's just that from where i see, homosexuality is a choice and hetero.;"* is what i'd call our blueprint.
  5. i think that i would have to agree. but then again, could someone resort to homosexuality by force? could someone be traumatized by an event and turn to homosexuality as a sort of defense mechanism? i don't know too much of the human mind or biology but it's strange to me to think that celibacy and homosexuality are as natural as heterosexuality(?). without digging too deep, i would just assume that being straight is what we are born into and that a change by choice would have to stem from that.
  6. man, all the sites i saw with emulators and roms gave me a million pop ups. my computer at work is still trying to recover.
  7. you know what really ticks me off about the whole thing? the poor little hispanic guy that comes out and cleans the table, sets the table, washes dishes, cooks the food. if anyone, they should be the ones getting the tip. they are the ones earning the money.
  8. same here, unless i recieve horrible service. and i'm usually pretty eager to tip. but the whole concept of doing that is what bothers me.
  9. what are your thoughts on. i'm working on a paper that outlines my thoughts on it. my thought is this: i go to a restaurant and order a meal. i expect to pay for the food but when i recieve the check, i notice an additional charge that is not something that i had agreed to pay. normally this charge is added to account for the tip one would normally leave. why am i being charge this fee? i come to a restaurant to pay for the food and not for the company of a waiter or waitress. traditionally in the US a tip is left for waiters when they provide good service to the customer and attend to their needs. if this is the case, then why am i not tipping my mechanic when he fixes my car. he is performing a critical function for me and sometimes i don't even get a chance to offer my thanks. surely, waiting on tables is not that critical a function. so why have we accoustom ourselves to leaving monetary gratuities. ok so some employers decide that since people leave tips, waiters can live off of that and they (employers) can leagally pay a lower wage. ok, so the IRS adds an additional tax to waiters, i think it's called a waiter's tax. assuming that all of that is true, why should the customer be forced to pay additional fees for a product that could easily be aquired through other means? why should i have to pay for an employee's wages? shouldn't that be the employer's responsibility? how great is that for the employer? have someone else pay for his employee's wages. now don't get me wrong. i'm a generous person. i always leave a good tip. i just don't feel that i should be required to do so. ok, they say it's optional. in fact many places don't put that charge on the check. ok fine. but what happens the next time around when you come in to the restaurant and expect service? the waiters don't remember someone that tips. they remember the ones that don't. i'm going to get a terrible meal, my food is going to get spit on, and i'm going to get terrible service. there is something wrong with this system. someone should stand up against this. start a revolution. this is the kind of stuff nations go to war over.
  10. yeah, it doesn't sound right that they would feel guilty about it.
  11. uh, not to say that i've had a traumatizing experience.
  12. i think that the more intelligence that a person has while in a position of power, the less patience they have for incompetence, insubordination and all that other stuff. i think that bosses are bosses for a reason. sure, you have your dumb-ass bosses that don't know what they are doind then you have those bosses that are bosses for a reason. i have to deal with one of those assholes on a daily basis. this guy is a lawyer, teaches physics, and is a retired captain for the LAPD. he probably could have been a good canidate for chief if he wasn't white. this guy has zero tolerance for bullshit. i know that in your situation it's a little different but from what i have seen, you can't too wrong by doing what the boss says. i'm a manager for my department and i know that i can get pretty demanding at times. that's only because i know the bigger picture where as to the subordinate doesn't always know. when they try to rationalize with the info that they have it really drives the boss insane because they don't have the patience for a debate. i VP in my department is notorious for this kind of behaviour.
  13. actually no i don't. i look white although i'm not. i would have gotten my ass whooped.
  14. actually, isn't rioting usually just a way for people to express themselves or a point of view? isn't that a better way of getting attention than traditional protesting. like holding up those signs and walking in circles? i always see groups holding up signs in downtown just marching all day. i never see any coverage on that. i see coverage on riots. they are fun to watch.
  15. plasma tv's. i wish that i could have been in LA whene we had the rodney king riots.
  16. i guess the most significant (and funniest) thing i got from those notes is that only humans can be homosexual.
  17. i could just pictureit, i open the link, some crazy shit comes out on the screen and then the big VP walks in and sees it.
  18. i have a rule. anything over eight syllables is too much for me.
  19. there's a couple of big words in that report.
  20. i'm not gonna get a million pop ups if i open up that page am i? i'm not gonna get clowned if i open that page up am i? i'm at work. people walk past my office all the time.
  21. sepultallica


    i've never played paintball but i play airsoft on the weekends. anyone ever heard of it? fully auto guns. plastic bb's.
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