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Thomas Kirby

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Everything posted by Thomas Kirby

  1. The question is, why do I care? Why do I waste my energy like this? It is hurting me. I am doing it to myself. The one redeeming feature is that just one time, when someone says "you did it to yourself", I actually did to it to myself. I can't stand to smoke tobacco or use alcohol. Just to maintain any congruency with reality, I actually have to do something to myself and this has to be it because there's nothing else that I can do except overeat.
  2. That's fine. I'm beginning to like your delusions better than mine, anyway.
  3. Don't know, don't care. If you need me as a friend you need a life.
  4. Let's put it another way. I'm tired of talking and I can't stop running my mouth right now. As best I can, I should wind it down and find some way to let myself let the world go to hell without my input. The only use that this world has had for my input was so that people could listen, then turn around and use it as an excuse to hurt and destroy me. This is hopefully the last day that I ever say anything intelligent to anyone.
  5. It's your decision about whether you want to go into this knowing something, or if you just want to be a tool for people who won't let you understand what you are actually doing. I don't actually care which one. I'm just saying.
  6. It's not even that. I'm not afraid of the bullets. People can usually kill you with anywhere between one bullet and however many they use to make sure, so there is little to be afraid of. What I am afraid of is this pattern of deliberate degradation in which people persuade you, a little bit at a time, to become more and more rotten inside.
  7. Robots don't need air, food, or water, but we have spacesuits that work and vehicles that can maintain human lives for extended periods. We don't have robots that can do the work that humans can do.
  8. Those ARE mental health medications whether they are real or not. Right now I'd love to have some of those colored pills except they make me feel like I put my head in a lemon squeezer. I want to forget that I ever opened my mouth about anything.
  9. African people do not hump each other all the time like "jungle bunnies" and the AIDS cocktail is murder.
  10. For a medication, I am going to see if I can find either the lotus flower or the waters of Lethe. Then I am going to see how much of it I can imbibe in one sitting without stopping my heart.
  11. Never mind. I'm just going to go get some medication prescribed and become a good little drone.
  12. Wouldn't it cost less to build better spacesuits than remote-controlled robots that can do mining?
  13. Actually, in some states in the US it is legal. I just like the fact that policemen can't get away with it either where it is illegal. Call this insulting, and some will, but part of the uphill struggle here is the ignorance of a large portion of the population. By simply ignoring the corruption and stupidity of the law, and ignoring all evidence, they make someone like me work a lot harder. Then the mess is still not cleaned up and the audience has fun dumping on me from their high and mighty position of willful ignorance. Tell me how this situation is suitable for anything except for me to dump off my own emotional baggage.
  14. Anyone who bothers to try to verify these statistics is dismissed as a nut anyway, so what's the use?
  15. The interesting thing is so many people ask us to "back up" what should be common knowledge. C'mon people, do something about that blind spot. It's an effort of will. It is not hardwired. At least, I don't think it's hardwired. I just had a thought. At least when it is illegal to have sex with children, it is possible to have the police officer arrested who thought he could get away with bedding someone's 16 year old daughter.
  16. It simply isn't physically possible for Africans to be so much more sexually promiscuous than Europeans that they contract it by the millions while Europeans contract it in much smaller numbers. They do however drink each other's body wastes, which get into their water supplies. They suffer from the diseases of poverty and non-existent sanitation.
  17. The only evidence for HIV disease is a whole bunch of word games. Most of these word games are below the minimum level that a 12 year old child should be able to untangle.
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