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Everything posted by Axion

  1. and this is more normal answer, THanks ... but did You checks the hype about the standard model i.e. "particle physics recently is in question" probably You are aware that this means maybe the standard model is wrong!? if so then we have other variables for consideration around the need for monopoles as particles? fundamentally this means "noone knows for sure what particles are in our universe or what equations describe their exact behavior in all circumstances" ... exactly, it could be some sort of Near Field force [1][1]
  2. CBD is the abbreviation for 'cannabidiol' and is found in cannabis plants. There are 113 currently known cannabinoids, each playing a role in the endocannabinoid system ECS ... I was accused that I've provided CBD Conspiracy as unscientific evidence that CBD is booster of T-Cells thus natural imunization for sars and alike viruses, so here is my point examined further ... 1. here is broader definition 2. and here are few studies that provide explanation how Lymph Nodes are stimulated by CBD to produce T-Cells, needless to say how this resolves cancers or!? The CB1 and CB2 receptor pharmacology of CBD ~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2219532/#__sec7title 2.1. remember CBD is natural mimetic to 2-AG thus stimulates the same function ... explained bellow as imunity T-Cell booster ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ etc. etc. etc.
  3. as I can see then they are observed first time so excuse me for the semantics ... "2009 ~ Magnetic Monopoles Detected In A Real Magnet For The First Time" [1] GLW is pointed by me in general, but in fact the derivation in the 3rd maxwell equation is in question div B = 0 so again evading the question i.e. would the "discovery" of magnetic monopoles lead to div B > 0 its simple question but is not answered in the reply above!?
  4. I brought certain quotes and question and You didnt answer on them directly just evaded the answer stating magnetic monopoles are not particles, now when I pointed that particle physics is in vacuum You say you are not fit to swim in physics, as answer I'll use el.un. proponents point Scientific "Ignore-ance" is Not Bliss ... my skepticism is not per'se against physics but mainstream dogmas almost same assurance like in microbiology around RNA editing like we know what we do, yep as always exceptionalism is factor for great mistakes or wasted time! so I'll ask again can someone answer my prime question!?
  5. hm spinning ice is quasi particle You say, probably for quantum tunneling You'll say that is also quasi relation, You know particle physics recently is in question, but as force such behavior as stated before here is another one is observed, so not that I want to postulate new physics but just asked is it possible div B = 0 to be expanded to div B> 0 by the proposed quantum monopole observations! the point is that maybe we dont have the finite understanding or true way of measurement at the moment, not that I am somehow debunking or proving something but just saying its not possible to stay hooked on the current physics indefinitely as dogma and in same time there are multitude of anomalies in the measurements not just in particle physics but also plasma physics [1] so dont play that game "I really hope this does not have to be pointed out again" its like moderating authority not discussion ...
  6. hm I have offered the german finding in the first quote of the first post here is another one successful experiment 2014 ~ Physicists create synthetic magnetic monopoles in the lab ~ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140129164807.htm
  7. hm, Please explain ... now when they are observed so its not probability, thus its logical that the equitation should be changed!? https://www.researchgate.net/post/Does_Second_Maxwell_Equation_Say_There_Are_No_Magnetic_Monopoles
  8. how true is that the 2009 discovery of magnetic monopoles changed the GLM law? 2013 ~ Consequences of the Extended Field Theory ~ Konstantin Meyl ~ http://www.k-meyl.de/go/Primaerliteratur/2P9_0930-1-piers-extended_field_theory.pdf
  9. yes, but also without proper data from proper measures we cant say that the current assumptions about the antropogenic methane emissions are correct, they are just estimation not factual measurements, even we dont know whether per'se methane is leaking just from the exploitation shafts or it is released through the ground too along the fracking lines ... yes my only evidence is the correlation maps presented above, and it could be seen as relative scientific argument, but if as such is true then we are doomed how the same is overlooked! please deny it, but think Your points are based also on assumptions not facts, until we see true satellite measurements around every fracking field we cant be sure how big is the leakage, anyway if the correlation is true, are You believing that usA will be honest now when energy stability depends on fracking!? I dont need to speculate further with what-if scenarios, simply we have real big problem with global warming and the melting of glaciers, that for sure is not due to co2 but methane risks, tho we would need now to find solutions for both so we would stop any eventual permafrost or clathrate methane runaway!
  10. I've put that link because there is pointed to similar logic by different doctors, now how antivax is that portal its irrelative, we can question the premise do ... 4) ... about CBD in the proposed link there are offered studies in the footnotes, and about any control group trials the problem lies in the big'pharma! simply if people heal themselves with own CBD phytotherapy then the diminished profit of the big pharma would disbalance at best eg. the us-economy [1] its simple its left on personal knowledge, altho many terminally ill from cancer healed themselves with CBD ... ... 3) ... but as in case with covid-19 statistics whether about mortality of the virus or the vaccination, western authorities can skew the statistics how they like or want, at least they are doing that in front of everyone for a while in few other crucial fields [1][1] 2) and 1) its not mine to judge what will be the side effects, I am not virologist pharmacologist or epidemiologist, simply saying these mRNA vaccines are still experimental technology, without any insurance except fear propaganda, as science biology altho knows neatly many things still cant say that is enough insightful so it could edit DNA RNA or Immunity per'se and that to have no side effects, I proposed above in the 3rd post that in the field of bio'resonance we are stil light years behind, simply this is now trial&error approach, which in ww2 was more easy as eugenics, but now it must be seled as fear from the grip and normally people seeing the earth life as ultimate existence are willing to subdue themselves as humanistic junkies almost to eugenic experiments, as I said this is logical approach for those that are on deathbed but for all cmon ... think here its not in question only the free will about immunization how someone will approach this pandemics i.e. in natural or artificial manner, but above all is the blackmail of possible introduction of health-passports, and this by all mean is wrong how quietly is announced without any debate around without any question to be allowed almost as technocracy introduced on small door, next would be substitution of the fiat by digital currencies, maybe in parallel [1][1] and in the end we just need one big fat government that will decide who is fit for super'humanity and colonizing new virtual worlds!
  11. if we compare the methane emissions peak after 2008 its obvious that the fracking is the main culprit, everything else was present as threat earlier, btw in usA is fracked only half of the current world wide fracking, even Russia is in deal with us-companies for fracking [1] so all should find substitute immediately, but this is almost illusionary idea, even more if we know that there are no quick solutions at hand ...
  12. this looks promising counter'agitprop [1][1] at least its just possible variable, just like the overlooked safety issues with introducing mass experimental vaccines as norm, altho in both cases I'll say dont take side but keep skeptical mind till You are not sure what is true, at least I am doing that, but in same time this means You should have at hand alternative to coup with all the new variants the pandemic in whole, so if thats not a case its better to consult psychiatrist before drop dead as unimmunized or became GuineaP as mRNA immunized ... https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-moderna-vaccines-long-term-chronic-illness/
  13. how so, the link is archived so the studies to, I could repost them here too, but this thread is for mRNA risks not CBD potential as T-cell booster ... I just pointed to scientific studies as response that my stance about CBD is backed by evidence ...
  14. 100 million tons (140 billion cubic meters) no, I was pointing to venting in the proposed math, guessed just by the official info on the North Texas’ Barnett Shale region that leaked 544,000 tons of methane a year, and multiplied with the rest 20 shalegas regions in usA, what would be 10 mln tones leaked methane ... altho what I think is skewed statistic if we consider the correlation maps above ... anyway this is global problem not just usA alone, and fracking should be forbidden instantly in whole world, landfills also could be managed with incineration, and animal releases through burning where indoor breeding is norm, then the biggest problem would stay in the agriculture manure but all that think is neglectful in comparison to the fracking leakage ... its hidden as oil well extraction, thats the irony, on top of that we are talking here just about estimations not proper measurement, thats why I say all official math is skewed again compare the correlation maps above ... my mistake 39* mln tones dont know how 65 came inbetween ...
  15. I think I provided link with footnotes how CBD is boosting the lymph system to produce t-cells, here it is again ... just follow the term "lymph nodes" in the first footnotes, so simply more CBD more T-cells, now why this notion is not popularized scientifically its not mine to judge, but indeed is alternative to the vaccine hype regarding any virus or pathogen attack in the body!
  16. look the table it says 65 mln tones are vented by fracking , with note bellow "An additional 100 million tons (140 billion cubic meters) of gas is vented and flared each year from oil wells" as I know compared to my last post charts oil was extracted en'masse even in '70s but still the methane emissions were low, and obviously its all due to the fracking, also this would apply for coal extraction too even farming, they are just estimates not real monitoring ... my point is simple fracking is big risk, correct measurements still not in place, or hidden from the public eye, still we are again focused on the co2 hype instead to be engaged immediately on the methane math ...
  17. how so, I dont deny the existence of the virus, nor said that people should enjoy like nothing is happening! I simply point there are mRNA risks circumvented by fear propaganda. and while there is need for CBD free disposal to all that want such immune boosting still only vaccines are free, eg. in Macedonia CBD is only corporate asset, altho as country we are so poor that we cant afford it even we are terminally ill, instead Marijuana planting to be legal at least as rural option for all that want to treat themselves naturally its only corporate skim ..., also there is no debate about Prevention like my proposition for citric acid and co2 balancing even less for citric acid as natural substitute for chloroquines as booster for Zinc which targets the virus directly ... somehow there is so huge vaccine hype that is ridiculous how even us-doctors get fired because have own stance [1][2][3] i.e. because they dont follow the mRNA mantra, yep the land of the free! the lecture in the first footnote is wow around the placenta risks in pregnant woman [3][3] hm is she suggesting there are eugenic shortcut coz malthusian elitist fears, probably easier way of population control in western countries unlike eg. in China [1] altho I am not scientist I am engaging in debate so I can check my findings and my understanding of the risks and alternatives, so I am not patronizing but checking whether mine logic is substantial, with hope that all I suggest would be fact checked through debate by more insightful members! I know I use sometimes hype points too eg. the "eugenic" insinuation above, or "body full of toxins" in the last post, but eugenics was real threat in the past century so I am not inventing something, altho it could be wrongly interpreted as someones agenda, tho my wow is exactly pointing how unbelievable is her statement as long term fertility mrna vaccine risk, and about the toxins yep many excess junk substances in the body are cleansed through the krebs co2 cycle ...
  18. https://www.methanelevels.org/ ~ https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=26552
  19. I dont claim the risks are same, but the mRNA risks exist and they are not insured anyhow , why then the mRNA vaccines are introduced as safe, yes for those that fell in bed for sure, but for everybody else think better way is boosting the immunity with CBD tho if the body is full of toxins i.e. co2 choked then even that wont help, tho what could it be overcame with Citric Acid [1] that also serves as booster of Zinc in the cells [1] so basically there is not balanced mitigation of the pandemic risks as natural prevention and pharma approach, but strictly Lets Get All Vaccine Now, altho they are still experimental, so why such hype!?
  20. yes as official estimate of fracking leakage, but defacto the same is underreported extra, even the measurements are late ... anyway Please explain this comparison of exponential rise between fracking boom and natural emissions ... https://youtu.be/62VXwjT-csQ?t=309 because the 5 posts per day limit I'll point to You through this edit ... yes I've compared them through the last link in the eupedia quoted post i.e. this link
  21. I proposed the crispr splicing as loudly expressed risk by the scientific community earlier, primary so I can point that these mRNA vaccines are technology directly linked to the gmo industry i.e. still in eU "mRNA-based therapeutics are categorized as gene therapy" [1] and altho its not the the same dna editing technique still is cell editing i.e. if DNA is our Operating System then RNA is execution software that engages Chromosomes to print enzymes, so defacto is not crispr modification of the OS but indeed is new crispr software introduction in the system, this means also editing is present, I'll simplify the editing is not on the root but on the stem of the plant ... I am just not sure whether after that the mRNA information is embedded and stay in the body through the memory cells [2][2] many scientists say no that is impossible, but the notion that the memory remains the same is also discutable if as bioresonance we know that information in the cells is triggered even by light [2] what about reprogrammed rna!? on one hand this is promising cure for many horrible diseases, but on other as mRNA vaccines now how quick are introduced without enough safety assurance about any long term effects is more than problem, almost as mass invivo experiment for what we should praise BillG and darpa [1][1] for pushing this new antiviral technology to its limits quickly altho as I learnt all the processes in the cell are not truly known but like this with mass vaccination there will be big control group pool for analyzing ... but when safety is in question who can tell for sure in the way how the cov-sars-2 vaccine is quickly tested that this mRNA editing will not fireback to the nucleus too as guessed in the previous 2nd footnotes, or as intentional programed string in the tail of the modified rna [2][2] what is potential risk just alone as new tech simply because the companies are not reveling all the mechanisms that goes in these mRNA vaccines and hold it as business patent [3][3] but then who can tell for sure what is in that hidden sequence of patent information!? and aside all fears from the new tech, obviously all this is extra risky because there is no liability neither for the companies nor for the governments i.e. they are exempt of any guilt and responsibility, so if things go bad You can just indict and charge only youself in front of your mirror [4] and why, because the economy needs it, hm as if all this was tempered in time as experimental new technology so politicians would not obstruct quickly introduction of mRNA vaccination!? all this what-if corporate-scientific risks are more or less important, but my prime concern here in this thread is about the mRNA risks per'se, lets say I think they are real issue that is almost easily overlooked like This or That ... I can accept that terminally ill or chronically ill people need to be treated with these experimental vaccines, but to cover all population, and above to blackmail it with health-passports this is outrageous, not that this is not just unethical but also is subtle criminal way of braking the basic human rights in the western world, aside the risks that exists with mRNA editing ..., I am not sure if this is true but uK says there are already big side effects like blindness [1] but anyway the risks just from the LPN lipid nanoparticles are not small [2][2][2] but after all if this experiment fails there is another risk management around the corner in form of spliced t-cell boosting [3][3] so why to be worried about if some autoimmune reaction fireback!? definitively there are scientists that are warning that this hype is simply too dangerous to be accepted as normal [1][2][3] altho which need extra fear propaganda around death toll so people would be convinced that they must be mRNA patched, altho I dont believe that there is some conspiracy at stake, if there is such a thing they could easily apply nanobots in nescafe and softdrinks and everybody will be edited, in this case simply is word of opportunism for the genetics as open control group at dispose, and for the politicians is economic hype that things will go back to normal day after! yet somehow all the stats are skewed for imminent vaccination eg. even if the mortality of cov-sars-2 is 10% in the population, still is questionable the hysteria approach how quick are delivered these new mRNA vaccines, what about now when the mortality rate is ~2%, aside the fact that the pcr testing is not quite precise how its managed i.e. knowing how the contamination of the test environment is easy and on top there is lack of time for retesting with positive-negative control of the same samples so we would say the PCR tests are 100% valid, still these PCR tests are general detection as genetic presence of the virus, but as I am aware we need serological tests so we would have exact notion that some person is sars-cov-2 ill, but where and who is testing people en'masse with st's, thus the methodology for gathering corect statistic is extra questionable, yet is promoted as ultimately correct even as improvised!
  22. Thanks for the Welcome ... about any new papers I am not aware, I just know that since this technology was proposed things started to move on around the shrinkage ... altho I am not sure why, if that is the reason for oh-shrinkage, why this is not publicly announced, as You can see I speculate maybe because unwanted hype about the vlf technology, but eventually how much methane is released into the atmosphere its question what positive effects we would see even with closed ozone hole!?
  23. first I'll would like to check the math, then to ask if this is true then we have huge instant problem so what would be the appropriate way for action!? in the second post in DTT thread the video sums it up that the peak methane emissions are due to fracking, so is it possible anything to be reverted in time!? so there should be quick as scientific so as political action! here is the math from eupedia
  24. why there is not official statement that the ozone hole shrinkage is due to vlf technology application? maybe because this technology is use as w-weapon too? 15.01.2009 - 14 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2007RG000235#rog1670-sec-0048-title - Reviews of Geophysics Volume 47, Issue 1 - Free Access - Powerful electromagnetic waves for active environmental research in geospace
  25. must admit I am not scientist nor insightful on the matter, so see me as wondering guest! hearing about fears that gene (dna crispr) editing is risk still without known consequences, few questions pops to mind 1. how ethical is imposing health-passports? 2. who is to blame if something went out of control govs or vac'comps? 3. is it legal eg. for hcv patients to be employment undesirable if they are not vaccinated, as is now fearmongered about the covid-19 trends? 4. are there any https://defendingthetruth.com/threads/alkaline-lifestyle-vs-mrna-vaccines.127393/post-1646729 all this is even more questionable as economic vaccine hype, if we know how the science community reacted to the gene splicing for hiv babys in China, when not just as unethical momentum was seen that experiment, but also was condemned by the larger science community, yet now with the instant introduction of mRNA vaccines we dont hear for such reaction, for the controversial chinese experiment You can here in the video of the next post https://defendingthetruth.com/threads/technocracy-and-transhumanism.127600/post-1651868 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Jiankui_affair#Reactions_and_aftermath https://globalbiodefense.com/2018/07/16/genome-damage-from-crispr-cas9-gene-editing-higher-than-thought/ http://web.archive.org/web/20171117023904/https://www.wired.com/story/this-gene-editing-tech-might-be-too-dangerous-to-unleash/
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