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Posts posted by waive15

  1. Hi Strange,

    Thank you for you reply. That was just an idea: in Iteration you "have two directions right - left", commands go one after the other and probably have a number in that sequence.

    I suspected(speculatively) that that could be said about Recursion also: go down/dive in/submerge (the one direction) and go up/ emerge (the other direction). And the direction UP we probably may call it Definition because (i am speculating) I don't know what is the definition of the Definition. So it was a shot in the dark. Pure guess work.

    So if:

    Pic(1) has Pic(2) has Pic(3) ...                   and

    ... Pic(3) is Pic(2) is Pic (1)

    we have is/has as "complementary" to each other(in some way) and this looks simple and beautiful. But is it right?!   If Recursion is so important then

    Recursion        -         Iteration    (complementary in some way)

    Recursion        -        Definition    (complementary in some other way) 

    /Just kidding, as Alf would say/


    Strange, it is very kind of you that you reply, I don't want to waste your or anybody's time. I will never become a programmer.  All about computers - programming, managing operating  systems, networking  is so demanding for me.

    The joke:

    Leonard talks with Sheldon about Penny. And he say that in general there is a chance between them something to happen. His argument is that He is a male and She is a female. And

    Sheldon responds : "But from different species, Leonard, from different species."


    You guys and I are from different species.


    Thanks and have a nice day.


    13 hours ago, Strange said:

    These directions seem arbitrary: it depends how you visualise/draw these. There is no inherent direction to either.

    Maybe, if you define what you mean by "complementary".

    /pressed quote just for the notification/

  2. Hi guys,

    This awful Recursion again. We have established that Recursion and Iteration are complementary.

    Recursion: Pic(1) has Pic(2) has Pic(3)      -    Pic(1) before Pic(2) before Pic(3)   Iteration


    Recursion:                         Pic(1) has Pic(2) has Pic(3)      Top--->Down Direction

    Down--->Top Direction  Pic(3) is Pic(2) is Pic(1)              : Definition

    Can we say that Recursion and Definition are complementary in some other way?


    Thanks and have a nice time.

  3. Hi guys,

    I hate to make this post.

    Recursion/Embedding/ - What would be the complement of it? /"in one aspect"/  -  Of course Iteration.



    Embedding - What would be the complement of it?                                                              -                     Definition.


    "Connection/Space is not a thing to/for the things it connects/contains." /ZFC Prevents Russell's Paradox


    BE/HAVE are too important and too connected.

  4. I agree with you Bufofrog, there isn't fun here. Just a stupid idea which i had to finish in some not so ugly way (i suppose).


    1 hour ago, Bufofrog said:

    Where is the fun part?

    I agree with you Bufofrog, there isn't fun here. Just a stupid idea which i had to finish in some not so ugly way (i suppose).

  5. On 5/8/2018 at 2:13 AM, Velocity_Boy said:

    Hey guys.....

    In some recent conversations here, I made an offhand remark about how I thought a classic well-known novel mentioned in a post was hugely Overrated. Just my two cents, of course. But it started a bit of an exchange on the topic of Overrated books. I've always found this subject to be hugely entertaining and providing for some spirited discussions in the past.

    So how about it? What allegedly classic Novels do you feel got way too much kudos or acclaim? What Novels come to mind for you when you hear the term Overrated?

    Allow me to throw in first......


    The Great Gatsby.....F Scott Fitzgerald

    100 Years of Solitude.... Gabriel Marquez Garcia

    The Scarlet Letter

    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance...... Robert Pirsig. (I'm not sure this was a novel...in fact I don't think it was. But so profound was my utter dismay upon reading it...being a lifelong motorcycle devotee...and given the absurd amount of accolades it received over decades...I just have to list it.

    Confederacy of Dunces.... John Kennedy O'Toole

    Angela's Ashes

    Moby Dick.... Herman Melville


    Your turn.


    Hi Velocity_Boy,

    I have read 100 Years of Solitude and Chronicle of a Death Foretold. I like them. It's hard to read enough for itself, so I don't read book-reviews.

  6. Hi there,


    The One and Only Book = The Origin of your Coordinate system of Life


    For me it is

    Games People Play/What Do You Say After You Say Hello!!          

    Eric Berne (1910 –1970), a Canadian-born psychiatrist who created the theory of transactional analysis as a way of explaining human behavior.

    He gives clear and simple definitions. They work for me. And I like his logic.


    What book would be The Origin of your Coordinate system of Life?

  7. Hi there,


    p = m.v    (right side * t/t)

    p = F.t       /I was astonished then in school. I still am. This makes me smile. Pure magic./


    A = F.L       (both sides * 1/t)              /A - work, L - distance/

    E = F. v



    It's hard to figure out who's wrong, who's right but it's always obvious who's in charge.

    Murphy's law


  8. Hi Strange,

    I probably might have heard something, I don't recall, but even now when I read this never ending story I feel bored, I lose concentration and  do not connect it with Recursion - definition of which I already know. It needs mental capacity. But i like Escher's drawings and paintings of Rene Magritte.

    Just now i noticed that you are  from Italy. After i learned to read I read: The Adventures of the Little Onion; Gelsomino in the Country of Liars and Fairy Tales Over the Phone.

    Now I see picture which Eise has posted. I get hypnotized not thinking at all of recursion. If you have seen Poirot series with David Suchet, there was ABC murders. One of the main characters was very suggestible. I am more like that type of person - suggestible. When i see film i practically don't think much. Example is The Big Lebowski. I instantly liked it and didn't know why.

    Then came Internet/Youtube and I searched for opinions and meaning of the film. My favorite explanation is: Why 'The Big Lebowski' Is Secretly 'Alice In Wonderland' /in Youtube/.

    Again i digressed from the theme.


    Thanks for the reply

    2 minutes ago, waive15 said:

    Hi Strange,

    I probably might have heard something, I don't recall, but even now when I read this never ending story I feel bored, I lose concentration and  do not connect it with Recursion - definition of which I already know. It needs mental capacity. But i like Escher's drawings and paintings of Rene Magritte.

    Just now i noticed that you are  from Italy. After i learned to read I read: The Adventures of the Little Onion; Gelsomino in the Country of Liars and Fairy Tales Over the Phone.

    Now I see picture which Eise has posted. I get hypnotized not thinking at all of recursion. If you have seen Poirot series with David Suchet, there was ABC murders. One of the main characters was very suggestible. I am more like that type of person - suggestible. When i see film i practically don't think much. Example is The Big Lebowski. I instantly liked it and didn't know why.

    Then came Internet/Youtube and I searched for opinions and meaning of the film. My favorite explanation is: Why 'The Big Lebowski' Is Secretly 'Alice In Wonderland' /in Youtube/.

    Again i digressed from the theme.


    Thanks for the reply


    4 hours ago, Strange said:

    Worth noting that although you can always replace recursion with a loop, it is not always straightforward. However, in the case of "tail recursion" (where the last thing the function does is call itself) then this can be trivially converted to a loop. Compilers will sometimes do this automatically (to save on stack space, as Sensei says).

    The idea shouldn't be new. When I was little, there was a joke story that we would tell:



  9. Thank you guys,

    Let me see if I understood you right:

    /on the example of  studiot . Pictures are the same/

    1. If we have Picture in Picture - it is a Recursion;

    2 If we have Picture next to/after Picture -  it is a Iteration.

    /                        number 1/ number2/ number 3 ...                                   /

    So these two ideas ARE the only Two and if it is not the One then it is the Other(they are complement to each other) And we use no other ideas in General(even outside math and computer science). If it is that simple(just two ideas, I should study the Recursion.




  10. Hi Strange, hi studiot,

    Thanks for reply.

    Recursion is scary for me because:

    1. You study it in school, even not in math classes but rather when they teach you some program LANGUAGE. The idea is new to the students and that makes it scary;

    /LANGUAGES were scary/

    2. Although solutions achieved  are elegant they almost always seem odd;

    3. Prior to the 8-th/9-th grade I didn't feel, perceive it. You see - SOMETHING IMPORTANT exists and you DON'T know about it/don't see it. It is very scary that you(I) are not aware of something important.


    *  *  *

    Studiot asked "... in relation to what". Thank you, that was dead center. That was the question.


    People noticed/discovered/ Recursion and Named it but ITS MORE OBVIOUS COMPLEMENTARY maybe they didn't bother to Name or Named it with different Names(in different ways)./Where's the Spoon???/


    I will rephrase: Recursion WORKS, but  WHAT WORKS when we don't use Recursion(what do we call that).



    Thanks again and have a nice day.






  11. Hi Strange,

    Thanks for the interest. I have very limited abilities  - even Conditionals in "my language" are difficult for me. I dare not study Japanese.

    I will tell you a story.

    Some years ago I was desperate about that I cannot understand english logic in english phonetics and writing. And deserted english and went into turkish(grammars were in english and russian). Turkish is close/dear to me in different reasons. I heard that somehow very distantly it have something common with Japanese. I don't know if this is true but that was one of the reasons too. Turkish has excellent alphabet. That made it easy for me. So instead of learning Japanese which is not a spoon for my mouth i went to turkish. Turkish phonetics helped me to understand english, french and german phonetics and then after i found out ETYMONLINE (dot) com i started to understand and english writing.

    I found out an excellent turkish grammar written by a famous British/Scottish grammarian written in 1950-ies when Turkey entered NATO.  Not  too deep - just essentials + some exercises + some military terms. And what made me happy was conjugation of the adjectives!!! You see in russian in present tense they omit verb BE. So do turks, but verbal ending of BE goes to the end of the adjective  - very nice and simple idea + turks use the same verbal endings for all verbs in all tenses(with a very, very few exceptions). For an exercise I took verbal endings of russian BE and put them at the end of their adjectives in Nominative case. It was nice. I downloaded Pimsleur's audio lessons and I listen to them in my car, also catch turkish radio and listen to it especially love commercials.

    Japanese is a long, long shot for me as distance and intellectual capabilities.


    I am really afraid that i am boring. If this is the case - just say - there will not be any hard feelings.

    Have a nice day.

  12. Hi Strange,

    I finally broke through russian conditionals with a great help of a russian grammar from  year188?. I am so happy.

    Also there it is clearly stated that in to-day Russian there is not existing PAST FORM OF THE VERB. And this is in connection why Conditionals in russian look illogical.

    I have russian friends and even russians don't get it(although they speak flawless Russian).


    I've seen Shogun several times. Lessons in Japanese in that film were very interesting for me. For me it sounds hard and i like hard sounding languages.

    I like English because it is very simple(simplified), almost artificial. Even insults(foul language, even downloaded a dictionary) in English don't offend me.

    If i ever approach Japanese it will be through English.

    Thanks for reply

  13. Yes, sudiot,

    It is so kind of you.


    /Although I claim that I understood them, that is more like in general that  I understood them BUT in practice  they are still difficult for me to implement/


    Thanks for reply, have a nice time.


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