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Michael McMahon

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Everything posted by Michael McMahon

  1. Are space dimensions objective like metres or relativistic like personal feet units? One way to find out might be if you changed the depth on the final screen of the double slit experiment. So when a multiprong interference pattern occurs for unobserved electrons then you could move that screen much closer to the double slit. This would help rule out the electrons moving diagonally to the interference prongs on the far edges as if the electrons were moving straight from the edge of double slit card to the interference pattern like a probabilistic wave. After all an electron is so small that even having the interference screen one centimetre from the double slit could be sufficient as millions of electron lengths. Or if you moved the interference screen further away from the double slit then would the prongs on the interference pattern form further apart to avoid visual perspective or closer together to abide by visual perspective? What other variables could be ruled out? A double slit experiment performed in a vacuum to avoid air molecule collisions! A relativistic version of quantum mechanics might mean that you could have any particle like a neutron or a photon chosen as your favourite length where every other particle would be measured in terms of your favourite particle. Anyway for every thread blocked is a potential way for me to form a new thread lest I be banned altogether! “One way to interpret the quantum double slit experiment through the lens of classical mechanics might be if a torch was shone through a double slit rather than a laser beam! Moderator Note And, on a related note, your thread on this was closed for lack of rigor.” 3:48 mirror perspective discussion: The Matrix Resurrections 2021 Clips: The Tokyo Train Fighting Scene Could the multi-prong interference pattern during the double slit experiment function like illusory glare on your glasses?!
  2. Apologies I was over-excited by a potential revolution in philosophical semantics where at the beginning I was meant to say a particle or a wave!
  3. They say an electron is either a bubble or a wave but how do you know an electron isn’t just a bubble in a sea of electrons?! That way the observer effect might make slightly more sense because the act of observation would burst or split an electron bubble. Could an electron have surface tension around an inner empty space much like the bubbles in a lava lamp? A candle light always burns upwards even if you bend a candle stick diagonally much like how geotropism dictates that the roots of a tree grow vertically downwards even on a steep mountain slope. So a candle flame is attracted to the more diffuse air above. Were light a heavy particle then much like a gradual bullet drop after firing it should eventually fall to the ground. Yet light shone horizontally from a lighthouse would sink to the water after hundreds of miles due to refraction at the horizon much like Snell’s window rather than gravity due to a less dense upper atmosphere. As such light is almost repellent against gravity where light moves faster shone upwards to less dense air much like the phototropism of the leaves growing in the opposite direction of the roots. The way there’s a faint blue tint at the base of the vertical candle flame on a slanted candle mimics a momentary blue-shift as if light immediately travels at such high speeds due to tiny colour changes in frequency. (Horizontal Ancient Egyptian dog in the background to add context!) One way to interpret the quantum double slit experiment through the lens of classical mechanics might be if a torch was shone through a double slit rather than a laser beam. So even though there’d only be two light beams with a shadow between them after a torch double slit experiment then much like the two raised metal beams of a train track meeting at the horizon so too could the split torch beam meet at the horizon. When this happens could there be destructive and constructive interference patterns much like how a distant star in the night sky looks smaller due to perspective allowing more stars to be seen. Incidentally I formed some of these ideas on a quite country road last night where the magical stars exposed the desolation of underused misty agricultural fields ripe for collectivism. An ironic advantage of socialism is that studying and working non-stop is actually compatible with the humble idea of having never studied or worked seeing as anyone harder working might be incomparable due to a spiral effect. By contrast those who might underwork in communism or capitalism or those who study less hard are at risk of even thinking they’d worked relative to stronger people. As such socialism can resemble an aura of counterbalanced evil in any capitalistic or communist genres! No wonder two police guarda stopped me in their car to see how I was doing knowing that I’d ventured too far from my hometown of Ennis to the neighbouring aloof village of Clarecastle en route towards the posh hotels and big country estates of Newmarket! Who knows if my theories in science are impartially helped by having never been biased by studying more mainstream theories!
  4. Sublimation: to pass or cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state. Something sublime is wonderful so who knows whether’s there’s a pun here where the ghost in the machine is like the sublimation of our solid neurons into gaseous audial thoughts without subvocalisation. It’s in our inner mind or inner ear so to speak more so than our inner eye! frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) The CO2 we breathe out might be a metaphor for dry ice as we hear our breathing and morph the sounds of our inhalation and exhalation or our lub-dub of our heartbeat into our acoustic thoughts.
  5. Lets get back to basics where the Ancient Greeks mused that the world is made of earth, air, water and fire. So the simplest way to resolve quantum mechanics is to inquire whether fire is a particle or a wave. If fire was torched through an iron double slit then what would such an interference pattern resemble? Unlike a water wave a fire wave would not only diverge but also converge back into one flame after a double slit due to chaotic meandering. Rodded road drain on fire So is it possible that a two-prong interference pattern could still be a wave as if the vertical landing of an electron on either prong is still random top-to-bottom even if the horizontal landing isn’t so random? A radar gun doesn’t measure speed differences in light as such because as we know from Einstein the outgoing wave immediately travels at light speed irrespective of any relative velocity from the observers car or walking speed without there being a gradual acceleration to light speed. Moreover the reflected light speed from the perpetrator’s car is ironically the same speed where only the frequency has changed owing to the Doppler effect. So could the observer effect in the double slit experiment be a frequency change in electrons from a double prong to a multi-prong as if the observer was merely a polaroid of sorts? If fire is a destructive process then was matter made of photons all along? https://www.clearvibrations.net/how-does-a-police-radar-gun-work/#:~:text=In simple terms%2C a radar,after bouncing off an object. A simplistic solution to quantum gravity might be that if outer space is freezing cold and the Earth’s mantle is molten hot then the latent heat of fusion between keeping you a solid or sublimating you straight into a gas would alter your density due to diffusion. This means that Earth’s heat could sink you into remaining at ground level. Gravity would then act like a Cold War nuclear stalemate between the planets to preserve thermal equilibrium!
  6. A limitation of the uncertainty principle is not only does knowing one variable like location make another variable like speed more uncertain but there’s also a problem of deflection. So if you roll a ping pong towards a bowling ball you can infer the original speed of the bowling ball by the new speed of the ping pong. Yet there’s still a small bit of deflection on the bowling ball due to a conservation of energy and Newton’s law of for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. I don’t exactly know what the detector is in the double slit experiment but how do you know that if a detector emits particles to observe the original electrons that those electrons aren’t confined like a tunnel barrier?
  7. I learned that the camera detector is actually pointing at the double slit in certain versions of the double slit experiments where the top slit is tagged as if with a polaroid instead of the camera pointing towards the final screen. So an alternative solution might be that the final screen that showed the interference pattern is itself also a quantum system like glass. Hence in this inverted solution there might only ever be two-prongs with the remaining prongs being an illusion of double vision where the slight translucency and transparency of a glass screen wouldn’t fully capture a photon to describe its precise location. When you hold your finger in front of your eyes then it’s the light the produces a double image rather than a cloning of objects in the background only that in the double split experiment light or electrons are themselves the objects rather than the “glass” medium. Double image blurring of flower vase shadow on double pane windows
  8. A counterargument against materialism might be how the photon seems to require a second photon to be a wave in the double slit experiment rather than just one photon being a wave in itself. So in the double slit experiment not only could you fire electrons individually but for emphasis you could delay each electron for 5 minutes. Then how would an electron be connected temporally to an electron fired 5 minutes prior to be diffracted with where they ought to have been two separate waves. In other words if an electron travels randomly then why would its motion become more random after the double slit towards the interference pattern on the last screen rather than just crashing into the first screen beside the double slit? Could the electron quantum tunnel through the first screen to appear to be deflected on the multi-prong interference pattern?! To paraphrase an argument I made in the opening post if you attempt to emit an electron straight in way that immediately becomes a slightly random direction then maybe it has to be detected on the camera from a random direction as if the electron was always moving randomly rather than temporarily being random after the double slit.
  9. One way to think of the observer effect in the double slit experiment is if the lens of the eye functioned like a prism where the multi-pronged interference pattern on the screen merges into two prongs in your eyes much like white light separating into multiple colours on a prism. prism
  10. One way to resolve a paradox is to counterbalance it with another paradox. So the way the double slit experiment is ranked less difficult than the mind-body problem means that the double slit experiment might be metaphysically flawed rather than just mathematically flawed. The quantum uncertainty principle applies not only to the photon interference pattern but also to the imprecise location of the camera detector or the eye. The more you know about movement the less you know about location rhymes with the motion blurs of a hallucination rather than just consciousness(!): The Babysitter - Bella Thorne An advantage of free thought is that even if you’re wrong there’s no limit to how extreme any other belief system can be in such a way that rejecting my belief system can still anyone to be more extreme about their own scientific beliefs. For example the idea of using a mirror in the detector in my opening post is a bit like time symmetry in a light beam as if the light were sucked out of the black screen back to the electron emitter much like a magnet: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - First scene: street light suction In other words if light is fully distinct from atomic matter then light might not obey entropy seeing as any heat that causes chaos is caused by changing electron orbitals but technically not the light emission spectra itself. That way light could theoretically move forward and backward in time. “By splitting a photon, or packet of light, using a special optical crystal, two independent teams of physicists have achieved what they describe as a "quantum time flip," in which a photon exists in both forward and backward time states.” https://www.space.com/quantum-time-flipped-photon-first-time
  11. True yet the double slit experiment uses very little light. “The human eye is very sensitive; but can we see a single photon? The answer is yes: sensors in the retina can respond to a single photon. But neural filters only allow a signal to pass to the brain to trigger a conscious response when at least about five to nine arrive within less than 100 ms.“ math.ucr
  12. Extromission theory about eye beams might appear ridiculous to a materialist but there’s also an inverse problem in intromission theory where if you look at a dark room then the room should somehow get a tiny bit darker to account for the lost light trapped by your eyes that’s no longer capable of reflecting back and forth diffusely off objects in the room. “Specular reflection, which occurs with smooth surfaces like mirrors, causes light rays to reflect at the same angle as they hit the surface. Diffuse reflection, which occurs with rougher surfaces, scatters light rays in different directions.”
  13. An ironic advantage of spirituality is that to promote relevance to astronomical transcendence or unconsciousness means that you know you’re absolutely not relevant to a specific quantum system. By contrast those promoting materialism might accidentally imply there was a sarcastic risk of themselves being slightly relevant by stating they weren’t relevant in a way that could backfire for atomic nanometers! So when we think of obsessions about semantics in philosophy it might turn out relevant in clarifying the double slit experiment. For example when we observe a classical object like a chair there’s a surplus of photons whereas when we think of the double slit experiment it’s almost like it’s nighttime where the photons are emitted individually. So when a camera detects a photon in the double slit experiment the photon is by definition in the camera and no longer on the screen. In other words the surplus of photons for recording a large classical object means that there can be an illusion that there are pairs of photons with one on the camera screen and one on the classical object. Hence when we think of the double slit experiment as being in the dark then we cannot tell how the detected photon travelled from the last black screen to the camera. If the photons were randomly diffracted by the double slits then it’s possible they were randomly reassembled when the photons re-appeared on the camera as if the the last black screen were a lenticular image with a momentary multi-prong interference pattern that appeared like 2 prongs to the camera. We could also risk making a false dichotomy between the observer and a photon if consciousness were itself photonic such that the photon no longer exists after contacting the eye’s retina and is converted to an electrical stimulus in the brain. In other words the conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed where energy can only be converted from one form into another. So when we think all that’s needed is a camera to break the interference pattern in the double slit experiment then we could think of a human observer as being just like an eye that captures photons rather than a complex brain. Another metaphor is to think of light as being like alternating current rather than direct current where we cannot tell whether light travelled in a straight line from the last black screen in the diagram above to the camera. A shortcut might be to think of the last black screen as being like a mirror that reflects light back through the double slit such that we can only see two lines where the rest were blocked by the cards used to form the double slit. A last resort were the markings on the last black screen just a hollow vestige of a photon rather than a photon itself might be that if an observer is illogical than the experiment would somehow turn out to be illogical in a random way simply because the material world wouldn’t conspire with our own importance if we’re spiritually self-sufficient! Even though America won the Cold War and put a man on the moon it’s possible welfare is still justifiable if no one can be serious when the standard of capitalism imposed by quantum mechanics is artificial intelligence! Darth Vader (Star Wars)
  14. Determinists assume they’re better at determinism than the free will advocates fathoming evil against determinism knowing that the might of the material world can withstand evil! So determinists might risk falling for bait where chaos theory isn’t technically required by time-travelling versions of sleep even if it’s offered as a concession. So when you ponder if your mental decisions can be predicted if God knew the movement of every atom in the universe then surely it’d be much easier to predict the movements of your neurons if you knew the position and charge of every neuron in a brain scan. So when you go to sleep it’s easier for your brain to predict the future of your sleeping brain independent of external stimuli using simple Newtonian mechanics in such a way that you’d actually be less deterministic when you’re awake by receiving chaotic sensory stimuli from the external environment. Yet the inference that you’re actually superdeterministic when you’re asleep and less deterministic when you’re awake could be read as sarcasm if materialism exceeds your mind where the clue is immaterial. “So Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion…” She Nailed It (Final Destination 3 2006)
  15. If the hard problem of consciousness is at risk of taking another millennium to resolve then we might have to take the nuclear option! According to idealism where the world is only consciousness then in theory the mind could somehow survive a nuclear detonation for an afterlife. So one way to think of slow-wave sleep is like nuclear fusion where each half of the brain shares ideas in one timeline. Then REM sleep might resemble nuclear fission where each half of the brain disentangles from the corpus callosum to form independent ideas in two simultaneous timelines. That way a subsequent slow-wave sleep would merge the ideas formed during REM sleep to recursively knock us further unconscious rather than just the initial slow-wave sleep after trying to lie down in bed awake. An ironic limitation of determinism is that some evil people might not actually want to be forgiven with rehabilitation purposes in such a way that people could have free will to be evil if only to represent the worldview of evil even if they’re still somehow deterministic to others. The mist can be an active reminder of how internal the world might be were the nighttime too passive in blurring objects. So I saw a bit of a pulsating purple beam from eyes if I stared too long in the mist at the top of Croagh Patrick recently as a form of blue field entoptic phenomenon. I joked to my father who climbed with me how the fog can resemble short sightedness as if it were wave-particle duality!
  16. One reason I didn’t eat too many apples and oranges in the past is that I drank so much apple and orange juice that were so sweet that I became suspicious of the boring taste of solid apples and oranges. I thought perhaps apples and oranges were meant to taste sweet when I become middle aged. After all the small mandarins can be so sweet. Yet now I suspect the apple and orange might intentionally be bland in taste as if the solid substances were trying to counteract a sweet tooth of the juices inside. So you’d need a faith that the apple and orange were still secretly very sweet to have this viewpoint.
  17. Well a cheetah has a smaller head than a lion and the cheetah can still breathe as efficiently as possible. A larger head in terms of breathing might be more about multitasking where you can still breathe mostly efficiently without having to focus as hard on it. So someone with a larger upper body can indirectly use their larger neck muscles to assist their breathing even if their larger neck muscles weigh them down a bit during running.
  18. Many adults and teenagers with smaller heads can still be very intelligent and athletic. Yet when we admire a larger bodybuilder like Arnold Schwarzenegger we forget that he might be helped in maintaining more upper body strength simply by having a larger brain and head size. So even though many track athletes have a diverse head size it’s still possible when we think of lions that their larger muscles can be helped by having a larger head to breathe more efficiently.
  19. The brain can be a big mystery where a lot of the brain is viewed as being for emotional processing. Yet we forget how strong the heart is when it never stops pumping where a lot of the brain might be interconnected with monitoring the heart. Could the brain be like the speed dial on a car? We don’t often think of the brain as being like an engine rather than just a computer so could anxiety help us breathe more passively?
  20. In 2016 I was in a psychiatric ward for a month and a half with anxiety. It felt as if I was breathless but somehow I wasn’t physically drowning. One possibility is the breathlessness was the opposite of a lucid dream where I wasn’t fully self-aware in the real world as if it were like a negative symptom of schizophrenia in terms of apathy. So one version of breathlessness is as a form of extended sleep paralysis where breathing is hard even as you walk around. I couldn’t understand how meticulous the pain response appeared to be in changing forms between chest pain, overheating and breathlessness yet the body controls our smooth transition into unconsciousness during sleep. For example during sleep our body keeps working to move blood through the valves with the calf muscle pump when we roll around. So a sensation of heavy legs with shin splints could mimic a sleepy calf muscle pump. “Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also feel pressure or a sense of choking.” webmd “Calf muscle pump (CMP) promotes venous return from the lower extremity and contributes to preload and cardiac output.” pubmed To some extent the pain of breathlessness might have served as a reminder that the brain is also physical in helping to control breathing and heart rate as a way to counteract dissociation when we can’t touch our own brain. To some extent when we feel lightheaded our brain is like a dumbbell weight that we can detect by lying down. Perhaps the anxiety wasn’t drowning but the fear of drowning! Titanic 1997 - Rose rescues Jack (axe scene)
  21. “Alternating current is an electric current that periodically reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time, in contrast to direct current (DC), which flows only in one direction.” One way to view the neurons in the brain is as alternating current rather than direct current such that our mind would swing between both halves of the brain like a pendulum. For example some synapses in the brain are multi-polar with multiple dendrites. So the way we can close one eye and lose some of our conscious awareness of blackness on that eye while looking out the other eye might feel as if our mind’s eye mind was in one brain location with both eyes swapping like each eye were an alternating scope. The partial blackness on the winking eye can help your depth perception where if you rotate your head towards the winking side and look out the same corner then the blackness of phosphenes above your nose will stand out a centimetre forward. An irony of viewing out with only one eye is that you might think your locus of consciousness was behind the middle of that eye instead of behind your nose as if your visual cortex swapped to the same brain hemisphere as the open eye. With monocular creatures like horses it’s possible to think if the creature had no brain then shining light through one eye might go straight out the other eye as if light had been teleported between both eyes. That way parallax could be helped by tiny time differences between both eyes as if the brain could virtually wink between both eyes were we to look at an angle towards a light bulb. Our mind is somehow levitating between both sides of the visual cortex with the nerves from the left and right sides of each individual eye diverging in the optic tract towards the visual cortex. I was musing beside a horse a few days ago! If both of our human eyes acted like projectors towards the back of our skull then they might naturally superimpose into one image.
  22. Apologies for one last spider analogy but I think it bears directly on optics. One way to think of a tarantula’s eyes is as a mirror maze. One way a tarantula can inflict karma is that the creature has good short-sighted vision as if each peripheral eye served as reading glasses for the central eyes such that to objectify the creature can accidentally risk objectifying part of our own vision. One ironic reason the huntsman spider below felt creepier than the jumping spider in post 4 is that the jumping spider had larger peripheral eyes to deflect from their central vision whereas the huntsman spider has relatively smaller peripheral eyes as if to emphasise binocular vision like a human. On first impression the lower peripheral eyes on the huntsman spider were almost like an eyebrow frown to give an angry expression which is a creepy anthropomorphism. So if the retina of the eye in a huntsman spider served as a concave mirror to reflect the image back onto the rear-eye side of the convex lens only to magnify the image back onto the retina then each eye would recursively reflect the image to other eyes like a mirror maze or infinity mirror. So even if the tarantula had good short-length vision then that doesn’t mean the tarantula is conscious of all of their vision because the peripheral eyes would make their vision too difficult for the tarantula’s small brain to understand. I’m not necessarily trying to promote a fear of tarantulas but those who don’t fear them might not actually know why others fear them. My first instinct was to focus on the central two eyes and lower peripheral eyes but glancing at the top two eyes on the side of the head can help reduce anxiety as if the creature almost had eyes on the back of its head as a source of bewilderment for the spider. That way the way spider’s vision is made more unconscious like how the faster speed of quadrupedal wolves doesn’t make them more conscious than a human.
  23. I understand and will try to avoid snake and spider analogies. For my previous point in terms of optics I was merely alluding to how an 8-eyed tarantula with 6 more eyes or 3 more pairs of eyes than a snake doesn’t directly have an extra 3 times more consciousness than a snake.
  24. One reason many Australians and Brazilians might not be too afraid of large spiders and snakes might be that the head-size of tarantulas are comparable to a snake head even though a snake would have a much longer body. This might help to counteract the mysteriousness of their minimal psyche even though I’m not too sure if most arachnophobes also have a fear of snakes. I was slightly creeped out looking at online photos of tarantulas yesterday only to have a dream of carrying a snake box last night as if to neutralise the initial fear of tarantula images.
  25. Judging by the jumping spider one way to think of a tarantula being less creepy might be to try and focus on either the head or the eyes separately rather than simultaneously in order to avoid multitasking the reflection of the eyes with the slight neurological complexity of their brain. Viewing their retina as a concave lens might imply that the tarantula is mostly neurological whereas viewing their retina as a concave mirror might make the creature appear more transparent and photonic. The eyes are often hidden in smaller spiders such that it’s easier to view the creatures as neurological without the need to view their retina as a lens where the retina might be as small as a concave mirror. In other words if you’re afraid then you could dilute the creature as being deterministic and neurological or as being thoughtless and visual. The way the jumping spider’s eyes are black might imply that their vision is tinted darker or black.
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