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John Harmonic

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Posts posted by John Harmonic

  1. I don't know, maybe I am talking more philosophically. Possibilities are endless, so shit could possibly start talking in the near future, who knows, possibilities are there. What about a a designed and constructed robotic shit that that actually speaks? This is a "world" of possibilities, so what I mean by "ones man trash is another mans treasure" is that one thing can mean more to one person than another. One can establish evidence for anything by simply saying it is possible.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Good and bad are hopelessly subjective terms to use wrt qualitative judgements. They won't give you any meaningful answers, especially when used on a large set like people who play video games, or on states like "overall mental health". If you want a more specific answer, or any scientific answer, you need to ask more focused questions. 


  3. Muscle development, 

    23 hours ago, Prometheus said:

    A striker is said to peak around 29ish, measured by goals scored. A goalkeeper peaks around 33ish, measured by goals conceded (although modern metrics are a little more sophisticated than that). They peak at different times because they are performing different physical tasks. The discrepancy will be even greater when comparing gymnasts ('peak' maybe in mid teens? Based on what i see at the olympics) to weightlifters (mid 20s?): maybe a whole decade of difference.

    Do you have a link where it says this?

  4. What muscle groups are involved in punching. I have tried punching stuff myself mostly a heavy bag and I feel it mostly in the shoulder area. I think the reason behind this is because I learned off of YouTube a technique called the "Shoulder-Snap" which utilizes your shoulder movement mostly which is how you are meant to throw your punches properly.

    There are four main punching techniques and they are the jab, hook, uppercut and cross. I am wondering what muscle groups are involved when throwing these punches also how can you effectively increase punching power, I read different articles teaching about different weight exercises to boost punching power as well as implementing different types of techniques in order to also increase punching power but I tested these out myself and found that I felt more stiff when throwing punches, I don't know if what I feel equates to whether or not I am effectively increasing my punching power. I tried also hitting the heavybag about 3-5 times a week and felt like I got the best results, which I don't know why. But I am wondering about you people with possibly in-depth knowledge on human anatomy can maybe help me with this. 



  5. For stuff like using big crowds in movies and shows, is the golden rule for people to never look directly into the camera? How do they deal with big crowds. Do they say stuff to anyone who may be walking past to not look directly into the camera as a golden rule? Or do they get actors to form a large crowd.

    Movies like Bourne 2016 it got me wondering how they controlled the environment with lots of people in it cause there were people violently protesting as well as all over the place, and point is there were LOTS of people so they had to somehow control the environment somehow so people are doing what the movie maker wants them to do.

    Great work by movie makers by the way to pull of such things. Also another question do all actors get paid or can you hire actors to volunteer?


  6. 2 hours ago, Phi for All said:

    Don't you know what I meant by "I'm not sure your question will get you any meaningful answers. Your body develops as you age, and each part for each person progresses differently. There really is no peak or prime. Your body will be better at certain activities at different times in your life"?

    You sort of rob the answer of any meaning if you aren't qualifying the question with parameters for consideration. You're asking for a scientific assessment of "peak body state" wrt age and nothing else. Your answers are going to be just as broad and helpful.

    Perhaps you could pick a type of athlete you think has the best overall fitness (swimmer, runner, gymnast?), and then see if there's data on if there is a more precise "peak body state" for them.

    Is that your opinion or scientific fact?

  7. It is measured in age or age range and we know it has a peak well we can assume because we usually have two extremes, one is old and decayed-like and the other is young and still growing. And no I am not taking into account nutrition or exercise or disease I am making the assumption that the person eats 3 meals a day and is the average joe. When is the average joe fully developed muscularity wise, strength wise or internally hormone levels. 

    Can you give a scientific estimate since you know two extremes.

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