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John Harmonic

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Posts posted by John Harmonic

  1. Can a person be muscular on the inside but the outer appearance of the body is not muscular? 

    Also I remember when I was a kid in high school and we had rugby game against this other team, at that time weight around 220 pounds, and there was this skinny guy half my size and bony as hell (I could feel it when ever he tackled me) who seemed strong as hell for someone his size. Every time I ran at him he would lift me up with his strength and put me down, I don't know what the hell he was on but he was one hell of a kid. My second question is, why are some people who are skinny really strong for their size when they don't have muscles that show?

  2. Is ancient Greek history as grand as movies portray to be? The whole warrior culture thing, the Spartans and the Myrmidons from Homers Iliad as well as other stuff I have no idea about. There is a new game that came out called Assassins Creed: Odyssey and it has a lot of this warrior stuff and people wearing warrior clothing and all that stuff, lots of fighting lots of sailing. 

    My question is really, is ancient Greece really "all that"?  

    Also how comes Greeks now days are not not that good at sports if they had such a culture, Polynesians also had a warrior culture in the past and they are some of the most successful sports people.

  3. Do something no one has done before or find improvements to things such as in the fields of: Art, Science, Invention/Engineering, Fashion etc

    I would take invention as the best one cause you could always sell it to a company with out buying  a patent. And you will become rich and famous for it if your invention is a ground breaking one.

    That is just an idea from me I am not really an expert on this cause in real life I am a nobody.

  4. 4 minutes ago, studiot said:

    May I ask why you are so interested in publically (discussing) habits most people would consider private?

    Maybe that is a topic up for discussion. Me and my friends talk about masturbation all the time, we don't consider it private. That is subjective view. And yes I believe there is some medical interest in it for me as well so if Staff/Admin could move this question to correct place that would be awesome.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Strange said:

    FFS grow up. Stop postiong such idiotic and immature threads.

    If you can't behave like an adult about it I suggest you yourself grow up. There is nothing immature about this, this is a serious thread. My intent is pure curiosity. 

  6. My question is do you masturbate? I am doing a survey on this forum to get an idea of who masturbates and who does not masturbate. I think we can all be mature about it as we are mostly adults and can be serious about such topic and leave out the baggage that sometimes people associate masturbation with.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Itoero said:

    It's not 'proven' but the reason why we grow up so slowly and tend to be physically weaker then primates is probably because our brain demands a lot of energy.https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/08/why-do-humans-grow-so-slowly-blame-brain

    So if you find a way the body grows faster then other children then that might mean the brain develops less.


    That would be awesome to sacrifice a little brain power for physical power.

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