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Everything posted by Mossydie

  1. Accoring to my GCSE Biology textbook, Nitrifying bateria convert ammonia from the decayed remains of animals and plants into nitrates. I was wondering - how is this an efficient process for them? It must take up a large amount of energy, what do they get out of it? Or is this a case of crass oversimplifying at GCSE level?
  2. I thought H2SO4 was more corrosive because it gives off two H+ ions? Diastic I think it's called.
  3. You could try turning it into 12k weave bike parts and selling it at extortionate prices :|
  4. Spirits of Salts is another one to look out for, that's HCl...I found a 5l bottle going on Ebay(.co.uk) Isn't NaOH sold in pure, cystalline form as caustic soda which can be bought from any supermarket? I also found a guy selling Liquid mercury at £10 / 4oz Plus postage which suprised me because it's apparently hard to get hold of. I didn't buy any though, I don't want to touch that stuff... Someone else was selling 2l bottles of battery acid from a garage clearout although he wouldn't post them I found a site called http://www.reagent.co.uk/ which seems to sell everything although I assume it will require a license number of some sort at some stage during checkout for the controlled chemicals. Pottasium / Sodium nitrates, and Pottasium Permanganate and other such oxidisers can often be bought from ebay.co.uk too Hell, most chemicals can be got by someone with enough experience / money / determination! Paranoia is hitting me now because I'm sure everything I have said is just far too obvious, but oh well.
  5. I thought it would be polite to introduce myself before I start posting away. I have used discussions on this site several times, mainly in the chemistry section and have generally found them interesting and informative, so I decided it would be a good idea to join up My interest in chemistry as a hobby when I built a tech project I hated and decided I had to dispose of it in an interesting way... After that I think I just got addicted to the idea that interesting substances could be produced by treating household items in various ways, it's great if you're broke but there's also a level of excitement to it. Anyhow, I hope I will be able to help people and expand my own knowledge too. God, reading over this it sounds like a Chemistry College application oh well
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