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Posts posted by quickquestion

  1. I actually agree with you that putting people in jail is rarely a good idea. Indeed, I do not belief in justice on its own.


    I am surprised that you don't think it is a good idea, because it certainly increases hate, which you like, and it is torture of humans, which you also like. ;)


    What about eating worms or insects? Is that evil?


    Of course dogs torture and kill other dogs. Is it ok to torture these dogs?

    I only believe in torturing the deserving. I also believe in minor torture but not major torture.


    If that video is about domesticated dogs, it is irrelevant, because it is obvious the humans brainwashed those dogs, therefore the humans should be punished and not the dogs.


    I dont think it is evil because i dont think worms or insects have any deep sentience. i think the reptile brain, bird brain, fish brain or mammal brain is needed for sentience.



    A fluid takes the shape of its container.


    I see no evidence that this happens to the Earth during an earthquake, especially not from your inaccurate pictures.


    Incidentally all development of ether theories were tied to classical mechanics.

    SR was developed to explain the discrepancies observed in actual experiments.

    Quantum theory did not exist at all at that stage and even the electron had not been discovered, nor the structure of the atom.


    So QM is entirely off topic.

    What I meant by fluid is that it moves in a fluid manner.


    SR was developed to explain away discrepancies, but can you explain away the discrepancies I found in SR?


    That was me. It sickens me that your outlook is so naive, irrational, and simplistic that it can do nothing more than irritate.


    I've also mentioned your propensity to suggest impossible fixes are the only solution to your nihilistic fantasies. Much of what you post is sickening to me, but I've said it so often that now it's easier just to warn people away from you using the rep system.


    Your POV is such a caricature that it's hard to take it seriously. You're like a puppy that rushes into the room, knocks over all the furniture, and shits on the rug, then whines when the humans usher him outside. And you continue this behavior while crying about how nobody loves you, everbody's mean to you. You're almost as annoying as Kim Jong-un, just so I can stay on topic.



    China is NOT a fascist state. It's power structures aren't centralized enough. Foreign Direct Investment into Chinese markets have shown us recently how decentralized the government and local provinces have been fiscally.

    You are just full of it as usual.

    Typical human with no empathy, victim blames someone for not finding love and defends a corrupt world for not having love in it.


    I try to prove China is evil because it doesnt stop dog-torture, but instead of siding with me, you oppose me and insult me.

    It is clear you stand for nothing but defending your evil world.

    Here is why China is fascist also.

    Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

    14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.


    4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

    5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.

    6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

    7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.


    China fits all of these. A majority of the bullet points. You can google their media and human rights record. It all matches up. China's nationalism against Japan also proves a fascist point.


  4. Alright alright fine.

    I'll point out what I disagree with.

    1. No it isn't. The human mind has the cognitive ability to repress instinct in many different ways. The most common one with through logic. They logically know that they should stop at a road and look both ways. But that doesn't pent up their repressed instinct to just keep walking while looking. Now obviously, not everyone stops, but it's a vague example.

    2. What regulates itself? And what about all those people who could care less about social norms?


    4. Humans drink booze because they like the feeling of being drunk, do it because the people around them are doing it, or simply to take away their pain. Not so that they can go wild without a reason. You're still responsible if you damage something whether you're drunk or not.

    5. No argument there.


    6. There is no evidence of a subliminal slip in restraint. Please show me some.

    7. "Acknowledge"(FTFY) I've never heard someone try to get out of trouble by claiming the full moon did it. And if I went to my parents claiming the full moon did it, I'd receive a swift kick to the rear.


    Now, what are some of these animal instincts that are supposedly being suppressed?

    To run around naked and bang on your chest?


    2. By social norms I mean also to avoid punishment by society and that is why they obey social norms. This fear of society is embedded them in an early age like religion.

    4. I never said it was the only reason i said it was one reason. And people do stupid things when they are drunk like drive drunk. And you cant honestly tell me that they dont know that drunk driving isnt against the rules.


    6. the folk lore legend subliminally implants on them.

    7. By the time they sober up they are too sober to confidently say to alpha-male authorities that the moon made them do it. But before they did the crime they thought it might work as an excuse. When around authorities human feel submissive and less concerned about their own problems. For instance someone could be starving and rob a store, but when surrounded by News and media they feel shame because they feel submissive to the alpha-male authority. And the submissive role is to support the Alpha and focus less on their own problems. And so they dont have the courage to forge an excuse to their behavior, since they are in submissive/supportive mode.


    China operates more like a top down dynasty from what I have seen than like an absolute dictatorship.


    Also, we cannot expand our presence to North Korea without provoking a war with China. Competent leadership that fixes the North Korean economy and brings in political stability is more important than spreading democracy.

    Then give the rights to Japan or some other nation and not Fascist China.

  6. 0vXmoAb.jpg


    An S wave, in an earth quake, as you can see the Earth functions as a fluid in regards to the wave.

    Similarly light functions as a thinner wave in Aether, similar to the S wave in the the above diagram.


    I want to also mention something about QM.

    Our sense of past and future is a bit of an illusion...the QM wave already part the future that it will be observed and collided, and thus condenses as a particle.

  7. It sickens me that you give me a -1 for trying to save the human race.


    And it sickens me that people want China to control the next dictator who controls NK.

    Why would you expand China's dictarorial backwards influence? I smell human (and dog) rights violations.


    You ask that on a science forum? This is a community; act in an anti-social way and we will kick you out. We are social agents; man is a political animal and the polis is the city, the civilization, the state of being part of a community.


    Yes - Facebook is large; but how many (real) people of the untold millions (actually) read the posts of Joseph A Bloggs? It's about 26 on average if memory serves; far more people here read your posts. On some internet fora - the really busy ones - average post read is well into the hundreds. Facebook cannot be a community because it is near universal - smaller forums can be a community because there is a unity of purpose or interest

    I have no problem with science forums.

    What I have a problem is with Facebook and the style of community it promotes.

  9. I wondered how long it would take before someone vandalised the conversation with metaphysical woo.

    It has very much to do with direct physicality.

    We say the Now exists because it feels very physical.

    Thus upon our deaths we (hopefully) forget our lives.

    This is the nature of physical space...It feels real then we forget it.

    But first, it must feel real.

    Thus We (Me, I, You, I am You)

    must experience it, then forget it.

    Thus I am You and I forget your life.

    But if I had never forgotten your life, then your life is a paradox in my reality, and does not exist in Block Time.

  10. I have never been taught anything of this so can you fill me in on a few details.


    I don't know how something can be "normal" to a line, to be normal you need at least 3 points.


    By S waves, body waves, and transverse waves, do you mean that the wave is flat and 2 dimensional?


    But the official photograph of light looks like 3d lasagna.


    Cos those abroad don't have customs or aren't human??



    The argument is more complex than that - to set up a presence on the net which is not constrained by rules is not trivial, but one which is constrained to a very small degree is a piece of cake. To join such a community is easy as pie.




    No it is like saying "make your own films" - and I think you will find an amazingly high proportion of creative beginnings are cued by someone thinking or saying "Damn - I can do better than that!" and then someone (often themselves) replying "Go On Then!" and they do.


    Either work within constraints which others have set in their own domains - or branch out and experiment with your own personal ideas. But coming into someone's house/domain/website/etc and immediately moaning that the rules are wrong, that one is being oppressed, that the system is biased, or any of a host of other moans is just anti-social.

    And how is anti-social a bad thing.


    And joining a community with may be easy as pie but what is not easy is joining a community that has as many people on it as Facebook.


    Difficult or easy the link you provided stated an explicit mathematical derivation of the exact value measured from Lorenz .



    I was hoping for the same from your hypothesis.


    Also please explain why your ether has to be a fluid, and what property of this fluid restricts the vibrations of lightwaves to the transverse mode?

    Lorentz made his theories from a false premise, that ether was stationary.



    Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) is a mode of propagation where the electric and magnetic field lines are all restricted to directions normal (transverse) to the direction of propagation. Plane waves are TEM, however, we are more interested in what types of transmission lines can support TEM.


    if I put my finger in a tub, it is natural that waves will propel outward from my finger.

  13. Then the problem here, is the human species. Fix the human species and abominations like Kim 2, dog-torturers, and fascist Chinese. If you fixed the human species you could feed starving people without fear of being bombed. And to do this you must somehow invent a genetic modifying transmutagen that promotes nobility in humans.


    Where did your example come from, and why didn't you give citation? The quote seems amateurish at best, ranty and crackpotted drivel with waving hands and no meat. I'd like to know where you found it, why you decided to quote it, and why you think it doesn't deserve to be cited. I couldn't find it anywhere else on the net, so what are you up to?


    Here it is again in case you forgot:

    It is a quote from me I made earlier.

    You're the one waving hands and not saying anything of substance...did you get the point I made about the pulsar or no.


    Well the, why don't you describe the proprties of your aether? Some experiments that could test for the existence of it?

    The experiment would be an accelerated interferometer. Put an intereferometer in a room, accelerate it, and watch how the interference patterns indicate they no longer match up. The acceleration must be large to compensate for the low quality of the device.


    I look forward to you posting your calculations, commensurate with your mathematical ether description, to arrive at this result.


    Aether is a fluid and thus difficult to give the exact calculation of.

    However the Frenzel experiment does give me the results I had hoped for...that when light is in water, the aether is dragged with the water but not fully dragged, and thus light is slowed down slightly.

  15. USA is a lesser of evil than many countries. I don't see how that justifies USA entering a preemptive war of choice. It isn't as though war is upon us and everyone must choose a side. We (USA) have a table full of options and nothing is forcing us to use force.

    Because its about saving the Koreans from unbearable tyranny and starvation.

  16. The idea that matter is changing, is different than matter is moving.

    Matter-moving theory means that particles are simply moving.

    Matter-change theories imply a build up of aether, creating a congested aether our senses can detect as hard-particles. Thus a particle is not really the same, but a entity inside of a stream.


    Like Michelson, Fizeau performed many experiments. Which one are you referring to?


    Can you precis the experiment for us please, stating how the important conclusion is arrived at?


    And which theorist(s) claimed this as false?

    According to the theories prevailing at the time, light traveling through a moving medium would be dragged along by the medium, so that the measured speed of the light would be a simple sum of its speed through the medium plus the speed of the medium. Fizeau indeed detected a dragging effect, but the magnitude of the effect that he observed was far lower than expected. His results seemingly supported the partial aether-drag hypothesis of Fresnel, a situation that was disconcerting to most physicists. Over half a century passed before a satisfactory explanation of Fizeau's unexpected measurement was developed with the advent of Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity. Einstein later pointed out the importance of the experiment for special relativity, in which it corresponds to the relativistic velocity-addition formula when restricted to small velocities.




    From wikipedia.

    And einstein using mental gymnastics to disprove the obvious implications of Frenzel.


    We know einstein's time dilation is impossible because the time-dilation curves are non-linear.

    I thought of the Grandma Problem to disprove Einstein, but Einstein also foresaw a similar error in his theory, so in his 1905 paper he demonstrated the Twins Paradox and tried to explain a solution.

    His solution was that the divergent realities would be reconciled on the return trip to Earth.

    However, since time-dilation curves are non-linear, all you have to do to create 2 alternate realities is simply drive slower on the way back.

    So if you believe Einstein, you also believe that simply driving on the road will put your consciousness in an alternate reality and alternate dimension, and create a duplicate dimension where you are in but everyone else is pzombies.

  18. "We"? You stated earlier you were not talking about the same aether as in the OP.


    The experiment that showed we were moving through the aether was Bradley's observation of stellar aberration. If you read through the thread you will find the three previous times I mentioned this.

    Ok. I will go back to my aether thread then and research this Bradley thing.

  19. You see things black and white. Religion started as a way to unite people (like wolves in a pack) and it gave a lot of answers since our scientific knowledge was very small. (compared to what we know now)

    Religion is not necessary anymore but perhaps religion helped us to become the rulers of this world.

    Despotic rulers of the world.

  20. Lot leaders around the world who need to be brought to "justice". Why is it the USA's who gets to decide when and on whom "justice" happens?


    As for sending over spies what happens if and when they are caught. Do we stand by and allow them to be imprisoned indefinitely or executed?

    How do you know?

    Not sure what to say, because America is a fascist nation of itself.

    America is the lesser of 2 evils, so I am for America defeating NK.

  21. Who does?

    Facebook is a company and, within legal boundaries, can decide what happens on their servers.


    If you don't like that, host your own server, or rent one, or find one that suits your purpose.

    Many FB employees are hired overseas with no knowledge of human customs. Getting blocked on it is rarely a fair trial, its basically a race to the report button to see who they randomly decide is in the wrong.


    Your argument that I should make my own Facebook is ridiculous, and would have no chance and would be wasting my time.


    It would be like someone complaining about Hollywood, and then they say "make your own hollywood."

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