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Posts posted by Zarkov

  1. You could be right Aman, only tests would tell.


    The condensed water would not be frozen just cold, maybe about 5 degrees C.


    With the LN2, if you melted the ice as quickly as it formed you would turn over a lot of water.


    Just Athought, Aman :)

  2. Sorry RadE if you hang around me too much you will be as crazy as I am.


    Mentalese is everybodies first language, it is the language inside your head, you then translate into english!


    I was just wagging your tail!!

  3. S O U L M A T E


    Oh sweet expectations and teasing despairs

    Sets flight to days long with sultry aires

    The sight of you sets my heart to the wing

    An unseen bond ties as tight as any ring


    When our eyes meet a force so strong

    Excites us both to know we belong

    Your smile comes flowing so caressingly fine

    Your body shows it's delight to mine


    We hold our gaze just a little too much

    Maybe a few words or else a touch

    Then you are gone to where you fly

    While I just sit here and wonder why


    It seems to me to be sheer greed

    This desire of people to desperately need

    To own all that LIFE sets so freely

    And gives to us just as easily


    Oh free spirit, my soul mate

    Will one own you is that your fate

    Or will you be tamed or left to fly free

    Oh I pray you will always a free spirit be

  4. Should have read


    Desert air is quite humid, especially along the nile.


    In that part of this world, the radiant temperature, evaporates water very fast, and in so doing draws moisture upward in the ground.


    At night the temperatures in the desert get so cold that you can freeze shallow trays of water.

  5. Desert is quite humid, all the pyramids were in the Nile valley, following the river.


    We will not know the truth of this until they are put back into commission or I make a model or a refrigeration engineer does some calculations, re efficiencies!


    The pyramids would most probably work better at night.....but would have produced 24/7 :)

  6. BUT RadE, the more air the more heat has to be removed, you can only let so much air in.


    But these are facts that really need to be tested.


    In any case, if it wasn't built for water then it would have made water anyway!! and this would not have been good for any other purposes.


    Certainly even today, food and such, animals. get rapidly dehydrated....this has been commented on :)

  7. Thanks, Guest, yes I see your point I do get ripped to the ground!


    I have thought of building one with modern materials, you know silver paper etc....I most probably will do that soon.


    But today I would use a glass solar still to achieve the same results, much more simply,

    but that will need constant attention.


    I like your appraisal, thanks :)

  8. Fafalone that is the starting equation Newton used, he then introduced Keplers 3rd Law, and a bit more to get the Universal Gravitation equation.


    Now this formula is for conatant acceleration, what about varied acceleration?

  9. Because I have studies the phemonena for a long time, I have conducted experiments, I believe matter is equally affected by gravity..you know the feather and the block of lead example....it seem everyone has forgotten the basics...I have worked from the basics up...now I know what I am looking for but I need a roadmap through all the physics equations.


    I need something like centripetal force, but with varying acceleration! thanks for your interest! >:)

  10. Fafalone, I am looking for the maths to describe a varying spin vector, a magnetic vector and the resultant gravitational force.


    That formula for red shifts, is I admit interesting!


    I do not know the maths, if I did I would be of far greater help to you and others! :) :)

  11. Fafalone, why are we bickering, I have no fight with you. I am a biologicalty trained person, maths as such is not my strong point.. Oh yes I am good at maths if I know the formulae, but I have little background in physics as such.


    If you would like to join this project and rewrite the theory of gravity, please do, just as Neils Bohr aided your hero Einstein.


    In a thousand years from now we will all be incorrect.....so why not increase the world's understanding now while we are able . :)

  12. Fix the pyramids, yes sure!


    Seal them up again, and recover the outside with silver paper, or if you wanted a permanent fix, recover with highly reflective limestone tiles!


    It would be nice to replace the cap stones, and place a gold peaked hat on top!!


    Way to go :) :)

  13. So you know what magnets are.


    Well think again, they are like lenses are for light.


    Read about the all pervaiding ether of magnetism.


    Read about "gravity", it is not matter attracting matter. Gravity does not suck it pushes.


    Read Spin Gravity, now and update your understanding to the new millennium.


    :) :)

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