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Posts posted by Zarkov

  1. "The Labyrinth really impressed Herodotus, “but an even greater marvel is what is called the Lake of Moeris, beside which the Labyrinth is built.” Herodotus claimed the vast lake, with a circumference of about 420 miles) was artificial, but everyone agrees. Flinders Petrie, the erudite and autocratic Egyptologist who transformed Egyptology from a treasure hunt to an exacting science, spoke for most historians when he declared Lake Moeris a natural formation, as was the waterway leading into the lake---it was sinuous, and the canals of the ancient Egyptians were never anything but straight.


    Rising from the center of the lake, completely surrounded by water, were “...two pyramids that top the water, each one by fifty fathoms (300 ft), and each one is built as much again underwater; and on top of each there is the huge stone figure of a man sitting on a throne.” From top to bottom, then, the pyramids were six hundred feet tall, half below the water, half above, a tremendous engineering achievement, if the account is to be believed. Petrie claimed that he found fragments of the statues, and decided that Herodotus’ “pyramids” were actually truncated pyramidal bases, about twenty-one feet tall, that supported statues that were about thirty-five feet tall. " Taken from that link.


    Just interesting experiences from the past...but it is curious that this account was written..

  2. Here it is then :-


    Drinking hallowed water was necessary for the continued existence

    May they let me eat of the fields and drink from the pools within the Field of Offerings.

    Pyramid Texts: Utterance 518

    Faulkner p. 191, Line 1200-1201

    but people, seemingly aware that unseen dangers may lurk in the water, prayed to the gods

    ... who remove the pestilence of the streams so that you may drink water from them.Coffin Texts Spell #12

  3. There are records in inscriptions, that state the sacred water was used to maintain survival, and the text specifically endorsed it's divine properties.


    The Nile is / was full of nasty parasites, passed on by snails, the ground waters were polluted by excrament ( that goes for wells etc).


    I do not know how much was produced, nor who actually used it, but I suspect it was necessary for the high priests and pharaoh.


    I think I posted an abstract earlier.

  4. Mystery street blobs spark concern CNN


    August 2, 2002 Posted: 3:25 AM EDT (0725 GMT)


    CAMDEN, New Jersey (AP) -- There's something strange underfoot in Camden.


    Black blobs polka-dotting the streets and sidewalks of the Waterfront South area have some residents fearful for their health and worried the blobs might signal the end of their neighborhood.


    The Department of Environmental Protection doesn't know what it is. Neither does the Camden County Health Department.


    The spots morph over a few days, Sanders explained. The fresh ones look like small oil spills -- most of them round, most of them about 6 inches across. Though they look like liquid, they don't feel like it.


    As they dry, the blobs get smaller, darker and look waxy. They end up about the size of a half-dollar and they're not easy to get off the sidewalks.


    "You could give the whole damn city of Camden a piece of chewing gum and it wouldn't be all these spots," said Sanders, 54.


    While sidewalks everywhere have splotches, the concentration in the neighborhood is high -- dozens in most sections of concrete.


    A quick field test wasn't able to confirm that the substance was petroleum-based, said Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Fred Mumford. That seems to rule out tar from roofs or street repairs and leaky cars.


    Officials at more than a dozen industrial facilities and two federal Superfund contaminant sites said they haven't had any operational problems that would cause the splotches, Mumford said.


    Bob Lentine, assistant commissioner of the county health department, said he thinks the stuff might be industrial pollutants or fuel discharge from the jets that fly directly overhead from nearby Philadelphia. In any case, it's probably nothing to worry about, he said.


    Keep me informed please >:)

  5. In this case energy has to be removed.

    In the king's chamber the roof is comprised of tiers of giant slabs of granite, maybe 6 levels, all separated.


    Granite removes heat very well, and can radiate throughout the pyramid and ultimately to the ground.


    Strange design, considering !

  6. Could be just Aman.


    I could have the design slightly wrong, they may have let the air in at the bottom, drawn it up through the lower parts, through the queens chamber and drawn out by the pyramid shape creating an updraft that sucks air up and out of the upward sloping air vents, and is driven by this rising air up the sloping sides to the apex.

  7. Yes Aman, that is mentalese.


    When we have two people or more we need a language above body language to communicate, that is our second language, but the first language that we think with is our mentalese.

    It is the same for each person, and most probably at lower and lower levels, for all creatures great and small.

  8. Well that expains the oil in my soxs, it was like fate for me to be there, I felt the force of the ether, the ether of magnetism, it pushed me to the exact spot under the rock, where the old sheet of inscribed aluminium has been accidently but deliberately and secretely hidden for the last 15,000 years. Yes, it was just too too coincidental!

  9. To do any task, there is a need to record and list the individual application and the series sequence of abilities.


    The outside expression of the inside mentalese is the language you speak.


    All the processes you use to engage logic reflect the innate process pathways.


    The actual architectural structures we create in reality reflect the structural processing created in the mind as harmony, ie can compute. IMO

  10. Exerps..


    "Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mecrcury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."


    The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances. A gift from 'those from upon high'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."


    The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas, goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the war: "...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendour... An iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.... the corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white.... after a few hours all foodstuffs were infected.... to escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment..." It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! References like this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic array of weapons and aerial vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books. One even describes a Vimana-Vailix battle on the Moon! The above section very accurately describes what an atomic explosion would look like and the effects of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping into water is the only respite.


    It then said the world became stone age again, as this type of writing would imply. (my last words)


    Interesting read, if it isn't true then those ancients certainly knew more about the actual possibilities in science, for them to write about them, than most of the people in the world do now.

  11. Yes the t-rna hooks into the m-rna which hooks into the operons....but there is much more to a strand than just operons.


    Best way to look at this is to imagine the sequence from conception up.....there is a logic, not just producing things, but actually putting bit in the right place, ordering the entire sequence , a bit like a conductor to the symphony.


    It is the logic, the brain behind the conductor, this is also encoded.


    It is truely amazing !

  12. In the DNA double helix, there is what people call "junk codes" these are bases that are not expressed in protein formation. What gets expressed from the DNA code is regulated by other codes.


    For a single species, we can identify which codes are used, and which are "junk"


    To go interspecies, it will require a greater understanding of the layering maths of the actual code sequences.


    We still have a long way to go, this science is still very descriptive, and obvious interpretations are the order of the day at the moment, the not so obvious ones are still to be determined.


    But what is apparent from it all is that.....the logic of the DNA could not come about by chance!

  13. No that is totally contrary to observation, Fafalone!!


    What I am saying is that the original seeds of LIFE, contain all the information for the whole super-organism. What we see in super cells (species) today is a frozen expression of that DNA specified information.


    The structure of the DNA is not just simply what is there! The coding is extremely complex, and layered, I like to compare it to a fractal.


    At each level of the fractal, there is the mechanism for the next expression, plus the expressed fractal (the organism).


    Fafalone, as we interchange ideas we grow to understand each other, this meaium called language is OK, but it takes time to dispell all the misconceptions so that true dialogue can occur. Please be patient :)

  14. W O R T H I N E S S


    As shepherds watched their flocks by evening

    They couldnt believe what they were seeing

    For on the side of yonder hill

    Sat a guru all in white and so very still


    His head it became so bright, it seemed to glow

    Then they noticed a great shinning orb

    Above the hill it was hanging

    It just came from where they did not know


    It was bigger than the moon they knew

    And it rolled slowly down the hill

    Until soon they feared and they cried

    For the guru it would surely kill


    The guru, he was lost from sight

    As the burning orb enveloped him

    But to their utter amazement

    He came out, born again


    The shepherds fell to their knees

    A miracle, a miracle they screamed

    As the orb crashed to the bottom

    And disappeared into the stream


    They lay for quite a while

    Exhausted by their ordeal

    But soon rushed off to spread

    This miracle they knew as real


    A meeting of elders was convened

    And a motion quickly passed

    That guru must be returned

    They all agreed, and fast


    The villagers, they all bowed down

    And begged his forgiveness

    What is the secret of such protection

    Please give us all deliverance


    The guru told them their mistake

    Life is a mystery, he quietly spake

    All you need is faith, not me

    For reality is yours to make


    This enlightenment was so profound

    That they all fell to the floor

    But when their senses they regained

    The guru he was out the door


    All those who truly believed

    Then conceived of a plan

    For worthiness now could be tested

    In each woman, child and man


    Boulders so large, were pushed

    To the summit of the hill so sacred

    And a chosen one waited at the top

    Whilst all the rest sat to be tested


    The boulders he rolled off, one to the next

    And he thought until all were released

    Oh to be so heaven blessed

    And not be here, sacrificed for their benefit


    The chosen one, he then descended

    Eager to be found worthy as well

    But what he found was not heaven sent

    But a squashed hell


    He bowed his head, so low down

    And he thought of his brethren

    He wondered why they all

    Were not worthy enough for heaven


    So he contrived a plan with stick and rope

    Where he could sit and himself test

    And for his boulder he waited

    Hoping to be heaven blessed


    And he was truly blessed

    For his boulder hit a pebble

    Clean over his head it bounced

    And he didnt even tremble


    He went out to spread the word

    But only a few wanted to be tested

    Many thought him quite absurd

    And its lucky for us that they protested

  15. No, you are ALL wrong, the squid retreated to the sea and built pyramids down near the pipe vents on the fault lines way down deep under the sea. They distilled their fresh water requirements, and still live there today, with wonderful technology!!


    But Rad E is correct re the tenticles and spin gravity, actually that is where I got the idea from.


    These deep mysteries were recorded and handed down, and lost for centuries, until I found them under a stone, at the top of a hill. I figured this hill had been driven up from deep under the sea, because I found 2 shells and a piece of sea weed!!!


    Isn't fate wonderful!! :) :) and I'm happy :)

  16. No, Gaia is an unfortunate concept, a similar concept was held by the Stoics, in that the whole of the Universe is / was a living organism.


    Personally, one's philosophy should be useful, and one should be able to make decisions based upon it and be able to find a meaning to being alive.


    The only useful subset of the above is to understand, and this is a reasonable interpretation of scientific observations, that all the living organisms on this plane belong to the one creature, and are cells in LIFE, one super organism.


    From my understanding of LIFE and AI, and DNA it is plainly obvious that a Creator can be then be argued for, from the design angle.


    DNA is an amazing construction, that is almost the same for all species, the differences in species are expressions only.


    I expect the whole "seed" structure of DNA can expess from this one molecule all the variations we can elucidate, and then some.


    The variations only occur (they are often randomly, but specifically expressed to test the suitability of the environment) and are stable once the old environment has been modified to allow the new version to live.


    In this way a toxic inhospitiable planet, (environment) is slowly modified to allow higher and finer expressions of the DNA to live, and ultimately on this planet, humankind here is the end result.


    So humankind could be viewed as the flowers of LIFE. Which gives us some idea of our purpose!


    Stoicism can then lead the way forward for direction and purpose for living :) :)

  17. Rad E, Sayonara, ?? if you despair , what for, I give you informtion you do not know.

    Are you yhinking you do not have a built in language?? Well think again!! :)


    Yes and AI means Artificial Intelligence, my pet subject!, in which I shall have a brain online sometime soon!


    But am I stranger than Fiction? :) :)

  18. Blike, about archieving, when a topic is dead, what is going to be the policy!


    Can we declare a topic dead?


    Pictures are usually just a link arn't they, either open in another window, or current.


    Current window pictures can take a lot of bandwidth, and make low bandwith users chew up their allotments.


    I think users should be alerted to links, generally posting a precis of the link and the link ( to be opened at their option) would be best.


    This type of forum has no mechanism for update notification other than checking the "home" or thread etc....this is consuming bandwidth!


    Hope it is all going well, I have had over 2500 views....OK :)

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