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Everything posted by DrKrettin

  1. At the 400 year anniversary of Shakespeare's death, they had 10 actors (9 plus Prince Charles) who each said the lines "To be or not to be, that is the question" in sequence. Each one gave a stress on a different word in the sentence, so you had the sensation that they were saying 10 different things, which they probably were. Entertaining, if nothing else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGTR__LiueM&list=PLEkdXL92nICBty4iYfN6CqXXqzqotXLdz
  2. This opens another can of worms - I find vegetarianism even less defensible. If you consume dairy products, you are contributing to the production of animals which ultimately have to be eaten, or discarded. It makes no sense on any level.
  3. Simple: the OP claimed a vegan diet was sufficient in itself. I said it was not because the only source of vitamin B12 was from animal products. He then said farmers feed B12 to animals, so vegans can take B12 pills. I found it difficult to believe that farmers did feed it to livestock, and it transpired that he was not differentiating between cobalt as an additive and B12. I find arguing with vegans is rather pointless - a bit like with creationists.
  4. I think we can safely say that the first symptom to appear has not had any symptoms before it.
  5. Yes, we are all on tenterhooks here.
  6. I have encountered many vegans, and this could apply to all of them. They just have not thought it through. As stated above by somebody, I think the OP has a good point that meat production could be reduced with a greater emphasis on vegetable crops, but he makes no case at all for veganism. I have yet to meet anybody who does.
  7. But this is nonsense, as I said earlier. Four hours later the moon will have moved about two degrees, not 90 degrees.
  8. So you have found a product which does that, presumably in the USA (Although I suspect it just contains cobalt, not vitamin B12). However, you can't just make a simplistic statement that farmers do that, because it is not generally true. I don't know what you mean by modern farming practices, but I used to be a sheep farmer and my sheep lived perfectly well without such supplements, and I was following what I thought was normal practice. The sheep were grazing land which was unsuitable for growing crops, by the way.
  9. Yes, interesting, but you have still not demonstrated that farmers feed vitamin B12 to their livestock. Not good enough.
  10. The first two links don't work. The third link refers to the adding of cobalt to cattle feed. Vitamin B12 needs cobalt, but the vitamin itself is not added to the feed. The cattle can synthesize vitamin B12 provided they have the cobalt. As I said in a previous ignored post, our species has lost the ability to synthesize B12, so feeding us cobalt would not be much use.
  11. That vitamin B12 answer is pathetic. Can you please give me some evidence that farmers feed vitamin B12 to their livestock? I've asked that before and received no reply.
  12. So what would you do with land which is impossible to cultivate, and only good for grass? Where would you get your vitamin B12? I've asked this before, but received no answer.
  13. I guess that if you walk to the equator and weigh yourself, you will weigh less than when you started out.
  14. You are nearer the centre of the Earth at the poles than on the equator, so with the inverse square law, the attraction is greater. In a Newtonian solar system, every object exerts a force on every other according to this inverse square law, so in principle, say, Jupiter directly overhead exerts and upward force which reduces the effect of the downward gravitational force. This is often used by astrologers to argue that the planets exert some kind of influence at birth, which is total nonsense because these forces exerted by the planets are far less than the forces exerted by the building in which you are being born. The only significant forces are those of the sun and the moon.
  15. Surely figure A is total nonsense on any level, unless I'm missing something. Primary School logic: if the moon orbits the Earth in 28 days, then it moves 360/28 = 13 degrees per day. At an eclipse, the angle between the Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon lines is zero. So one day later that angle is about 13 degrees. How the hell can it be 90 degrees after 4 hours?
  16. Those stupid photos of farmland (prime land used for crops, by the way) are an insult to the intelligence of everybody here on a science forum - do you think we are unable to deal with the figures which you bandy about? How about responding to some posts instead?
  17. OK, yes, it was only a reaction to your assertion that "Just like Newton's laws are not wrong ". I did later say they were right in some circumstances. Ultimately, right or wrong is not the way to look it. They are a veery good approximation, and GR is better.
  18. Can you give me a reference for this assertion please.
  19. I still think it is a mistake in English English, despite what American sources say. Why use a noun as an adjective when there is a perfectly good adjective available?
  20. That's a grammatical mistake (sorry).
  21. Although I agree with the sentiment, I think the language needs more accuracy. 1) Any theory is temporary pending evidence to the contrary. Evolution theory is an extremely good method of explaining what we observe, and so good that it is very unlikely that it will somehow be superseded. This still does not make it a fact. 2) Newton's Law's are wrong, in the sense that they do not explain every observable motion (such as the perihelion shift of Mercury). But they are such a good approximation that they are effectively correct under some circumstances. General Relativity is more accurate, and as yet has not been superseded, but it is still not a fact.
  22. I suspect there is a huge difference in quality between the McDonald and your mince. I dread to think what they use.
  23. I find vegans rather irritating, to be honest. I used to live on a farm in Wales, where most of the land had very little topsoil, impossible to cultivate. The only way it could be used was for permanent pasture, and because our species has evolved a way which has severely limited our ability to digest grass, we find it economical to graze sheep and goats, and then eat them. If we did not do that, the land would be useless. During our evolution, our species also lost the ability to synthesize vitamin B12, and we can only get this important vitamin from animal products. We had some vegan neighbours who lived in sheep-rearing country, living off state benefit and getting vitamin B12 tablets free from welfare, and preaching the immorality of eating animals. Some people have absolutely no sense of reality.
  24. I don't think it is necessarily more popular than other names of places which are foreign and obscure, such as Katmandu or Timbuktu. Also, easier to rhyme than (say) Stoke-on-Trent, and slightly more exotic..
  25. After several people have made quite an effort to explain an extremely simple problem, the OP has resolutely refused to understand any of it. At this stage there seems no point in trying to explain further. Of course, he/she could be a troll.
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