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Ultimate Infinity

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Everything posted by Ultimate Infinity

  1. He has given us you know everything good
  2. I am going to learn much more about the universe but just because I am sure that I will still believe in God doesn't mean I don't have an open mind I can learn about nature and its laws without having to deny God
  3. I find this insulting my favorite thing is learning about the universe because like you said it is so amazing and so please do not think I don't have an open mind I don't tell you guys that you don't have open minds just because you oppose me
  4. To me allowing sin and suffering doesn't seem good but I know that what God does is good so that must help us in some way and if that isn't the option how did humans arise the
  5. The devil added evil and suffering and if you believe there is no God them the only option is that humans arise by chance because somehow the universe has a design that is perfectly set up for humans
  6. This is in religion so you can do that so come share your brilliant beliefs about existence
  7. Suffering is a result of devil which God allows to exist Still don't get it
  8. Use this thread to share your personal beliefs so we can build on each other and improve our own theories- Here's mine I am a Catholic and believe in an all powerful all knowing ever present perfect and infinite God I believe that all of existence is a result of Gods actions "thoughts" and words I believe you can go forever in forever out forever up forever down forever right and forever left in anything
  9. How is my stance disgustingLook no one can prove if God is real or not but it comes down to if you think it's more probable that humans arose from a somehow perfectly set up univers just by chance or that a infinite perfect being exists that allows and does some things that we don't understand its up to you
  10. I'm not sure how old you think I am but I am 16 Hey I can tell you are all very smart and experienced in these fields and I admit I am very frustrated with dissuasions on this it's because I do feel like everyone here is opposed to y opinions I can guarantee you one thing though my faith will only get stronger
  11. He doesn't make people suffer he just allows it because it makes us stronger in faithI think they should call this the atheist forum
  12. My apologizes I meant not good I just forgot the no
  13. Why do bad things happen to good people it is the age old question I believer is my faith in God perfection that makes sense to me
  14. That is a great question I believe the best answer is because evil is a kind of sifter that separates the good from the bad the people that give in to and choose evil are not worthy for heaven but those who face the decision and choose love will have their reward
  15. First of all he can get rid of the devil and why would he feel embarrassed and the devil is t good
  16. Atheists will always just brush away anything theists say but at least those who know try to address the concerns of atheists
  17. Look pal I am not sure if you think that you are making me lose any sureness in my belief of God but the insults aren't needed
  18. I pretty sure he was using that unicorn thing as an insult to God who you loves and created him and everything else so you know Please do
  19. 100% I am Catholic and God did t create us sinful the devil tempted and introduced Adam and Eve into sin and God is all powerful and all good therefore he can do anything and and everything he does is the best most right thing therefore for some mysterious reason having us imperfect was the best way to make us better I mean don't you think God would be happier knowing that those with him in heaven chose him and chose to be good instead of just being created that way Sorry my last quote reply went into your quite strange what I said is the second last paragraph That's because all the good things are because of Him ( the universe love etc) but everything bad is contained within the realm of consciencness which is everything thought word and action and result of those from sentient beings
  20. This is a very immature quote that proves nothing please don't waste my time
  21. As I said He is no less if He isn't worshipped He created us because He loves us, we all would agree that existence is pretty amazing and all he wants in return for you know everything is for us to love him back which yes includes praising Him for being perfect I am Christian
  22. The number one way that the existence of God is undermined is because of the problem of evil. Which makes sense- how could an all powerful and all good God allow sin and suffering? I understand how this causes doubt. But the answer to why God allows evil is simple - free will. God gives us free will to improve the quality of his people. Think about it if we all could do no wrong how would we improve. We undergo trials and temptation it helps us be stronger and overall better. This is a support of God
  23. If God is infinite theoretically there is infinite ways to praise him right Hey you asked for more bud
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