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Everything posted by robark

  1. Thanks for the link Robittybob1, extremely interesting.
  2. A mask is a really powerful tool for demostration of emotions. Excellent photos.
  3. Wow, are there any reports about the deyails of the mission available so far?
  4. Personally I treat Wikipedia only as a starting point. It gives a general overview, but not indepth information. I also noticed that some articles are not up-to-date, so that I can't trust it absolutely. And of course, if the source is edited by anyone without taking responsibility for that, this source can be trusted equally to an author book or an article.
  5. Seems like that. Another image of the surface: http://cache.boston.com/universal/site_graphics/blogs/bigpicture/saturn_05_30/cassini9.jpg
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