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Everything posted by Scotty99

  1. Those holes appear hand carved to you? Are you serious?
  2. Scroll up one post, well here it is again since its saved in my copy post: https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrBT8y0vGdXoCAA7npXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0OG8yMzhpBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjE5MTBfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=puma+punku+stones&fr=yfp-t-726,463&fr2=piv-web#id=431&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmayrsom.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F02%2Fpumapunku-2009-14.jpg%3Fw%3D600&action=click
  3. I know what you all are thinking it was aliens right? I tried to explain above that is NOT what i am saying. So far from the truth. This entire thread is about the human race going back millions (maybe BILLIONS) of years with only scraps of knowledge being left behind from cataclysmic events.
  4. This is going to be a long link i dont know how to shorten it: https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrBT8y0vGdXoCAA7npXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0OG8yMzhpBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjE5MTBfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=puma+punku+stones&fr=yfp-t-726,463&fr2=piv-web#id=431&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmayrsom.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F02%2Fpumapunku-2009-14.jpg%3Fw%3D600&action=click
  5. I was going to link you images strange but honestly just google "puma punku stones". There are so many its easier that way.
  6. Stonehenge is childs play compared to some of the ancient megaliths, i wish i remembered the name of the one with the 100 ton stone. I am not kidding you, we could probably move it today with our most advanced cranes but it would be a literal challenge. I seen aliens posted in some of the replies and let me respond. Many of these sites i was made aware of from the ancient aliens series on the history channel, that does not mean i am a proponent of the theory. In fact i find the vast majority of their videos trash and i feel bad for people who take that crap seriously, but it DID at least introduce me to the ancient megalithic sites that i likely would not have been aware of otherwise as a fat american. Thats whats cool about being in my position, if you say the pyramids were cake to build (as you are seemingly insinuating) i can come back at you with blocks of stone larger than a school bus that were moved 50+ miles or stones with carvings that could only have been done with machines that we could only describe as CNC machines.
  7. But where did the inspiration for a pyramid come from, that is a problem in itself if you are taking that stand point. Who came up with that design? Could you imagine yourself having that strike of brilliance?
  8. You are completely missing the point here ajb. I am looking at the large scope. In actuality i am suggesting humans have been around for billions of years if i am being honest, with evidence being here and gone each time an asteroid hits or a tsunami washes everything away. If you look at humanity on that large of a scale and how often extinction events hit you will get an idea of what im trying to get across here. Obviously this begs the question of how do we repopulate? That is the key here. I dont know how far back this goes but are extinction events ACTUAL extinction events?
  9. Since this IS the speculations forum, gonna let loose for a second. I firmly believe two things about our existence: 1. We have a creator. 2. We are a society with amnesia. I believe these two are related somehow and i post threads like this for insight from like minded people. Again, that 300k year figure is just from bone samples we have found. Is carbon dating even correct? Is it possible extinction events dont exactly mean exctinction and a small populous survived to repopulate? I think i left something big out which is common place for my mind, this is all about passed down knowledge. How else could you explain the pyramids or any other megalithic structure that STILL is standing on earth today when our records state these people were literal hunter/gatherers.
  10. Who knows how far back that is the question i pose in this thread.
  11. Man i wish i knew how to quote individual replies, but ill do it manually here: Strange asked what do i mean when i ask how many times has humanity reset. Ill explain if it wasnt clear. If you look at the megaliths that stand on this planet today and how we thought the civilizations were back then you could rationally come to the conclusion we were far more advanced. If we know that little from our recent past who is to say this does not go much much further back? Who is to say cataclysmic events have either buried civilizations miles under the ocean or was lost to a heat related event. Simply that we have no idea of our history. Did you know the popular belief of the sphinx age is now closer to 20k years due to the aging pattern being rain based vs sandstorms? (egypt hasnt had those heavy rains for that long).
  12. Well first off lets just imagine the pyramids which is dated to around 4000 years ago. Our BEST explanation is literally ropes/logs and manpower. I understand this was supposed to have gone down over a ~30 year period but in my heart of hearts i cannot even fathom how that could have been completed. Who is the foreman? How did they know exactly how to place each stone so the next stone didnt get misaligned even a little bit tumbling the whole structure? The pyramids are an exceptional example of precision but the blocks were still heavy, but if were talking heavy take a look at the 100+ ton blocks from puma punku (i think it was this one). How exactly can you explain humans which may or may not have had a written language to move 100 ton blocks of stone?
  13. No not saying now, we still have a lot of research to do with our current theories. But down the road if we have all the blocks lined up but are missing that ONE factor will we be able to accept a creator as the keystone?
  14. Ya im not the astral guy lol. And my comment is actually aimed at the scientific method, my question is in my lifetime will science get to a point where the evidence builds up strong enough where mainstream science needs to take creationism into account to explain everything we observe around us. Will we get to a point where everything makes sense but you need to *insert creator for it all to fit?
  15. I'm sorry but i simply cannot buy any mainstream explanations of how ancient megastructures were built. No the pyramids were not built with ropes and logs and elbow grease, im sorry but that did not happen. Whats funny about this whole deal is as amazing as the pyramids are, they were not even the most difficult thing to accomplish if you look around other megalithic sites you find 100+ ton blocks that would be a real challenge to move with modern tech. This moves onto the title of the post, how many times HAS humanity reset? Clearly we know NOTHING about even our recent past (10-20k years is very recent) how can we know anything about our actual history on this planet? Who is to say we havent been here millions of years and the cycle keeps repeating? Obviously this would require at least one man and one woman to achieve, but that honestly makes more sense to me than the current view.
  16. Surely, but i am talking about science getting to a point where they have to look to a creator for answers. I am not saying that is today, but i think that is what michio's endgame to be.
  17. Is there a graphic that exists that shows the scale of the world vs people if crammed into one spot? Of course include cars/factories and all other polluting sources into this graphic as well. Its just that ive had a hunch for many years there is no way we are having a large impact on our environment, i dont think we are that big yet.
  18. For sure, and i know how much politics is behind this whole deal it would be hard to have this discussion on a large stage. I just think eventually (thats why i said 10-20 years) we will get to a point where the discussion will HAVE to take place. Max Tegmark (i think thats his name, MIT) has also come out with similar statements to this as well.
  19. Why's that? I think a lot of logically thinking people are starting to at least entertain the idea that we were created. My geocentrism thread got a lot of traffic before they closed it due to "abrasive posting style" is what i believe they put. I even had regulars on this forum private messaging me telling me to keep posting as they believed it was important to at least have the discussion. Now im not saying i know geocentrism to be a correct theory, but with michio coming out with these statements (if proven they did happen) then it just opens the door to having the discussion about a creator.
  20. Right i wasn't sure of the source either but i did see two news stories about it on yahoo. Like you said michio has stated god is a mathemetician, and ya he isnt speaking of a christian god but more that we were created. I hope i live a while yet, these next 10-20 years are going to be very interesting.
  21. Ya i get the process i just feel more respect should be due on a subject of this magnitude. This is a massive announcement and took real balls for michio to make it, what happens from here on out is going to be very interesting.
  22. Well odd to me because clearly michio is smarter than any of us on this forum, but gets instant backlash. Unless some of you think you are brighter or more involved than this man? Not saying that isnt possible, but i dont know any of you.
  23. It just strikes me as odd how many people would come out against his thoughts so fast. To me this was a new finding, had michio already stated this conclusion prior and i missed it?
  24. After reading i fully understand where you are coming from, but you guys arent even giving michio a chance here. It would make a whole hell of a lot more sense if you just accepted his thoughts on the matter before dismissing them entirely.
  25. Then who do you go with? Who is now the leading proprietor of string theory nowadays?
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