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Posts posted by Sensei

  1. I don't think so physics negate role of neutrino.

    There are scientists that are studying it f.e.Ephraim Fischbach and Jere Jenkins.


    Why is discarded the version that anti neutrino has the potential to “smash”, I would say to bound, hydrogen components in another volume to became “neutron”?


    Neutrino detectors are utilizing f.e. isotopes that are prone to neutrino bombardment. f.e. Chlorine changes to Argon, and Gallium to Germanium.

    After experiment you have to filter out original isotope from newly made to count how many reactions we had in container.


    This shows how hard is to detect neutrino. Read "Detection techniques" in


    (~500 tons of substance is not something that everybody have at home, don't you think so?)


    Neutron decay neutrino has fraction of energy needed for these detectors to work.


  2. Will this work, or will there be health issues, such as blood cooled as it passes your wrist being more prone to clot because it is cooler.


    In Peltier cooler cooling depends on current flowing through it.

    So you could adjust it with potentiometer and have lower/higher temperature if needed.


    Mine Peltier cooler tec1-04905 has max 5 A, 5.8 V = ~30 W.

    So it would require 8 AA batteries to use it to the maximum (4 serial to increase voltage from 1.25 V -> 5 V, 2 rows parallel to increase amperes from 2.5 A -> 5 A).

    Their total mass with container would be 220 grams (measured now).

    They will work for 2000 seconds (33 mins) or so.


    Device would have much more sense, if it would be built-in shoes soles.

    Cold plate would be taking heat from feet then to Peltier then to radiators.

    Nobody would know that your shoes work this way (which addresses swansont's aesthetic feeling).

    And there would be enough place for 16 batteries.

    But there is still downside- fast discharge at maximum amperage, and mass of shoes >500 grams higher (I like light weight sport shoes. Mine current one have 332 g each. Additional 220 g is 67% more (and mass of radiators is not counted)).


    ps. When I the first time saw initial post, without reading, I thought so it will be about generating energy from human heat to recharge electronics.

  3. Sam, imagine you have boat on water.

    1) boat is at rest, and water is waving, f.e. 1 meter wavelength (distance between crests of wave).

    2) boat is moving in direction of source of waves, and wavelengths will be shrinking, less than 1 m.

    3) boat is moving in direction exactly opposite to source of waves, and wavelengths will be expanding, higher than 1 m.


    The same happens with sound waves in air. Which is easily noticeable when ambulance is approaching and receding us.




    That's classical Doppler Effect.


    Add to it constant speed of light, and you will get Relativistic Doppler Effect.



    The same we can say about all the other light even-even nuclei with Z=N pairs: 4Be8, 6C12, 8O16, 10Ne20, etc.


    Beryllium-8 is very unstable isotope.

    It's decaying to two alpha particles.

    Therefore we have to eliminate all those nuclei from the Periodic Table of Elements, because from the known principles of Physics they cannot exist.


    Or, what is much more probable, you have no idea why they are existing.

    Existence of Helium-4 is doubtless.

    You can just ask question- why is it stable.


    I have calculated hypothetical Decay Energy of a few lighter elements, and every time isotope is stable Decay Energy is negative value.

    Proton, Deuterium, Helium-3, Helium-4 don't have any hypothetical daughter element which is conserving both energy and electric charge.

    When element is unstable you have Decay Energy which is higher than 0.

    Helium-5 has Decay Energy > 0 only for neutron emission (DE<0 for beta decay-, beta decay+ and proton emission). And that's the way this isotope is decaying.

  5. 1- It is impossible to explain the magnetic moment zero of the 2He4 by keeping the current dogma of the monopolar nature of the electric charge.


    And as consequence:


    2- Therefore it is impossible to explain the magnetic moment zero of the 2He4 by taking as starting point any nuclear model which do not work by considering a structure of the aether formed by particles and antiparticles as gravitons, magnetons, electricitons, etc.


    3- Any nuclear model developed by no considering the participation of the aether within its structure is according to the monopolar nature of the electric charge, and therefore cannot be correct.


    4- All the current nuclear models of the Standard Nuclear Physics are wrong, because they do not consider the aether within their structure, and so they cannot explain the magnetic moment zero of the 2He4.


    Your conclusions are quite ridiculous.



    5- Nowadays all the nuclear theories of the authors trying to explain the cold fusion cannot be entirely successful,


    How can scientists explain something that never have been detected?


    Fleischmann detected unexpected heat. At least that's what they said. We have just their words for it. That's it.

    Their claim that it must be cold fusion, have as much value as your claim that magnetic moment 0 in Helium leads to existence of aether..


    Fleischmann did electrolysis of heavy water in vacuum flask.

    And instead of 30 C he measured 50 C.

    I have many times reached 100 C (and have to stop) during electrolysis of normal water, but never thought about it as cold fusion.


    First question that I would ask- what material is vacuum flask made of.

    Usually they're made of aluminum. We would have to ask Fleischmann (he is dead now) or his team..

    We can easily see that if it's made of aluminum, there will be Al(OH)3 floating in it after a while of electrolysis.

    The more of it floating, the more current is flowing.

    I have literally kg of Al(OH)3 (and after removing water Al2O3) created during electrolysis.


    Another question- what electrolyte was used.


    because they are developed by considering wrong nuclear models, since all they are based on the monopolar nature of the electric charge.


    Are you saying that f.e. proton doesn't have 938.272 MeV etc. with other particles ?


    If not, which part of nuclear models you don't agree?


  6. There is no single answer.


    For Hydrogen you can calculate energy of emitted or absorbed photon with some level of precision.


    You might want to read about Rydberg formula



    Personally, I like to use this formula


    E = 13.6/n^2 - 13.6/m^2 (in electron volts)

    n >= 1

    m >= 2


    so f.e. for n=1 and m=2

    E=13.6/1-13.6/4 = 10.2 eV




    wavelength = h*c/E


    wavelength = 4.135667e-15*299792458/10.2 = 1.2155e-7 m = 121 nm


    You can put this formula in OpenOffice Spreadsheet, and you will receive something like this:




  7. I want to know if this back story is physically possible considering the properties of plasma. My second question if there are any glaring drawbacks or limitation.



    Plasma is causing unpredicted chemical reactions.

    It's stealing electrons from surrounding it matter.

    It wants to go back to gaseous state of matter.


    There must be enough high voltage, or density & temperature, to keep plasma in plasma state.

    That's not plausible in living organism.


    I have cascade generator which is "producing" 40,000+ Volts.

    Once it will create electric arc, or create coronal discharges (especially), we can smell ozone O3.

    3 O2 -> 2 O3

    (that's example unpredicted chemical reaction. it depends on available matter what will be produced. If you would have 2 L Hydrogen, 1 L Oxygen, water would be plausible).


    With enough distance between electrodes (or if we will place magnets close to them) ozone can be produced in large quantity even at 11,000 V in coronal discharge (that's appearing as small violet thunders coming mostly from positive electrode. It slowly, slowly goes from one electrode to another, once they unify, there is explosion and discharge of capacitors).






    Above photos are from ~25 kV.


    You can't use plasma to keep living organisms flying in skies.

  8. Geothermal all depends upon our ability to drill holes very deep. Why not think of it as a long-term project? Drill as many holes as you can, as deep as you can, and in the future with better technology, you can make the holes wider and deeper.


    Internal heat of Earth is result of decay of radioactive isotopes that are present inside of Earth, and initial heat of forming planet.

    It's *finite* source of energy.


    There is finite quantity of radioactive isotopes, and new one meteorites are rare at this stage of formation of Solar System.

    At one day they will all change to stable isotopes and no longer release enough energy.


    Abusing geothermal power would lead to unprecedented results.


    You have many examples in Solar System of what happens with planets or satellites after losing all heat: Mars or Moon.


    Lack of energy will change metal liquid core to solid, which would result in lost of magnetic field, which would result in lost of protection against Solar storms, flares, particles with high energy.

    Which would lead to lost of atmosphere and sudden death of all organisms.


  9. Matter is form of energy.

    For instance electron/positron has energy 510999 eV. (That's ~220,000 times more than green light photon 532 nm)

    Proton/antiproton has 938272046 eV (1836.15 times higher than electron).

    Neutron/antineutron has 939565378 eV.


    That energy can be released during annihilation of particle.


    Annihilation (unlike layman think basing mostly on sci-fi movies) is not total disappearing, but changing matter to f.e. gamma photons.

    For instance positron with electron:

    e+ + e- -> y + y

  10. Why would that change? All that would really change is how you display the date itself in human readable form. And we manipulate that programmatically anyway depending on he needs of the user.

    For instance - to display name of day of week currently we have to execute following code:


    int seconds = time(NULL); // input data

    const char *daynames[] = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", .... "Sun" };

    int days = seconds / ( 60 * 60 * 24 );

    printf( "Today is %s\n", daynames[ ( days + 3 ) % 7 ];


    OP postulated extending quantity of days of week:

    but the last week of the year will be 8 days, instead of seven. And during the leap year, the last week will last 9 days.


  11. Taking video and adding it to a server through wifi



    Uploading it to FTP?


    Taking video - but from what source?

    If it's digital camera, after connecting it through USB there is appearing new removable device with it's own path.

    So application can monitor that path, to see whether new files appeared, then upload them to remote FTP or copy to local disk and share it in local HTTP or FTP.


    Mine two digital cameras are locked up when they are connected through USB to computer. And nothing can be done with them until unplugging.

  12. Would the neucleus of each atom repel away from eachother?


    Yes. Nucleus possessing the same electric charge (f.e. positive and positive) will be repelling.


    Typical human made plasma wants to expand in the all directions in vacuum.

    Therefore we need to surround it by very strong magnets/electromagnets, which will be pushing plasma from all directions and it won't touch device's walls (that would melt it).




    Nucleus of matter and nucleus of antimatter will attract.


    There is even exotic human made matter where antiproton is orbiting for a while Helium-4 nucleus (so role of electron is taken by antiproton).

    Then after a while antiproton and nucleus are annihilating.

  13. Negative energy, and negative mass, is hypothetical concept.

    You can read about it here



    In whole article about Casimir Effect there is no single mention about "negative energy". There is just about "zero-point energy".



    Will be the following geometry to generate negative energy?


    Do you understand that you're asking about something hypothetical.. ?


  14. So is there a point of maximum compression?


    After reaching some threshold compression, matter will change to plasma (nucleus and electrons are free), and nuclear fusion will start up (at least for initial H2O).

    Water will no longer be water, but mixture of protons and Oxygen nucleus and electrons.

    But it needs cosmic scale amount of matter to create enough pressure. Some estimate that Jupiter would need 50-75 times of its current mass to ignite and become star.

    For instance Sun core has density 150 g/cm^3, which is 150 times denser than water density on Earth (and 7.7 times denser than gold 19.3 g/cm^3).

    Average distance between particles will be much much smaller.

  15. From a practical point of view, I wonder how to stack 200 layers and maintain 1nm spacing. But maybe that's not what you're interested in right now.


    He said "Vacuum gap 10e-9 m Casimir effect"


    10e-9 m is 10 nm.

  16. If the Russian Government / Mr Putin wanted to get people to write propaganda for them on web sites like this one, I would expect them to do a much better job.


    Newsweek article about russian cyber propaganda attacks (use translator to read it).


    SuperExpress article about the same.


    First paragraph after translation

    "Newsweek expressed his concern, because he noticed that every time they publish an article on the situation in Ukraine, in the comments there is a huge amount of anti ukrainian and anti-our nation comments. Quotes are often vulgar and definitely very pro-Russian."


    The KGB would do a better job.


    Problem is quantity.

    There is hundred portals. With thousands articles.

    And each one is commented by them whole day.

    The most competent are probably concentrating on CNN, BBC and MSN.

    Less competent are using translator and are easier to notice that something is wrong with them.


    They need to:

    - use proxy servers to not reveal their true IP location

    - register e-mails in western countries

    - register on forum using above e-mail

    - knowing language of forum they are writing, or using translator

    - stay on forum for days, since 1 march, commenting everything especially articles about situation in Crimea and Ukraine.

    - comments are in the same tone: how good is putin and russia, discrediting Ukraine, condemning sanctions, disparaging war, introducing fear.



    I will give you examples from today (discussion between Merkel with Obama about escalation of sanctions)

    Comment about Merkel from above link after translation (google)

    "Polish Jew should remember that there is no majority in the Bundestag and censure could end her political career. This pederast who was the loudest Russophobe is no longer in the Bundestag, nor his party ..."

    (Merkel grandparents are Polish if you don't know)


    Comment from this article:

    "Bravo President Putin. EU using money from the CIA introduced brothel in Ukraine and now has them in ass - any help (except for installing their agents in the style of a new prime minister or president). In contrast, Putin was the only one still helps Ukraine, crediting its gas supplies to the country. Now you can see where Ukraine has real friends."


    So our "friend" alkis3 is quite nice person in comparison to what we can find on the other forums.


    Exactly. And our law now says that if I watch that illegal content, I break the law. So, how the hell do I know if I am about to break the law? That is the question.


    It's pretext to introduce Internet censorship. Government will tell you which websites are 'right' and which are 'wrong'.


    As a result all people will have to encode all their traffic and use services such as Tor to hide everything what they do on the net.


    You can show what you think about such politics in the next elections.

  18. Yes I would be glad to Putin rules until the end of life

    Alternatives to Putin no


    So according to you putin is the only intelligent enough person in your country to have power. That doesn't sound good about your nation.

    Western countries have many valuable competent people. Lost leader can be instantly replaced.


    Unlike English people on forum here, I absolute don't have any doubt that you're hired by KGB person to write for money in western medias.

    In mine country we have genuine flood (or rather tsunami) of people of your kind never observed before.

    You're paid for writing good about putin and russia.

    Fight for people minds.

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