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Posts posted by moth

  1. Except where they didn't. Like the beings on Star Trek who could move so fast you could not see them, but somehow avoided making sonic shock waves, or the creatures who could eat several cubic meters of solid rock and turn it into a small puff of smoke.

    I admit to looking forward to the next season of the Expanse, hoping it won't be so "soapy" though. I feel like an "Elysium" or "Blade Runner" space presence is more likely, but I wouldn't mind being a beltalowda. 

  2. I feel like it goes back to the 80's when the Reaganoids started slapping "i found it" bumper stickers on their cars, and blinkers on their rationality. Scientific American even ran editorials about how dangerous this could become if allowed to fester.
    Cheney-Rumsfeld were flooding foggy bottom since Nixon ran the circus, and their rhetorical style has lived on through many iterations of pundits from lee atwater through roger stone today.
    All of it leads to faith in our glorious leader and "Dixie Chick"ing any dissenters. 

  3. Thanks for clearing that up. @wtf.  Reading the Wikipedia page about equivalence classes now. In the pdf i attached, each column is an equivalence class for mod 2, 3, 6, and 5. 

  4. I think I see the difference now. 5 and 3 (and all odd numbers?) are equivalent mod 2 so the mod operator returns 'true' while the '%' operator returns the same value (1) for (any odd number) mod 2, but the '%' operator would take a few iterations to determine if two integers are in the same equivalence set?

  5. Thanks for the link. Found some good stuff in the "see also" section too. Now I think I'm misusing the term "Mod". The '%' operator in C is the remainder from integer division, is the result of that operation the same as the mod operation ?



  6. For any prime number n > 3, n mod 6 = 1 or 5. any prime number n > 3, n mod 3 = 1 or 2. The same prime numbers are in column 1 either way and the primes from column 2 (mod 3) are in column 5 (mod 6).
    Are there 2 kinds of prime numbers? Is there a name for these primes?

    The attached png is the primes mod 2,3,6, and 7.


  7. Thanks MigL I'm reading the paper tonight. looks like it will give me some help with my questions. 
    I read (in WIkipedia i think) that accelerating one end of a stable wormhole near c and then returning to the other end resulted in a wormhole version of the twin paradox. If you go through one way you age, if you go the other way you're younger. That is the type of wormhole I was using in my atom emits a photon example I don't think it's a CTC.

  8. Maybe some arrangement where an excited atom emits a photon then goes through a wormhole back in time to emit the same photon over and over, or dropping an electric charge through a field and wormholing it back out to be dropped again. Like a wormhole current source. 

  9. 4 hours ago, MigL said:

    ...if the laws of physics distinguish between different points in space ( external and internal to the wormhole ), then conservation of momentum is not required.

    Does that mean a properly configured wormhole can be a free energy device?

  10. 1 hour ago, MigL said:

    ... if the laws of physics distinguish between different points in space ( external and internal to the wormhole )...

    Could it be something like a black hole's event horizon making the distinction? 

  11. 23 minutes ago, beecee said:

    We have never seen or detected any wormhole, but it is a solution to GR equations.

    You never played Portal? In Portal 2 the machine gun turrets all serenade you at the end, it's great.

    I know there's no way to test these ideas without a wormhole to experiment with, that's why i put this in speculations.
    I don't think the lack of an observable worm hole should stop us from trying to build a model of how they could exist and be consistent with the rest of physics.
    It was the same with Black holes at one time, they were consistent with GR theory so people made models of how black holes could be consistent with physical laws.

  12. Is it possible to violate conservation laws with wormholes (i don't think so), or would a violation mean wormholes are purely sci-fi?
    If you could put one end of a wormhole at the bottom of a lake and the other end on top of a nearby mountain you could generate electricity using the water flowing back down the mountain to power the wormhole  generator.
    In the inertial drive setup, I'm assuming an object traversing a wormhole doesn't give up all it's momentum to the wormhole. If objects did lose all their momentum to the wormhole, that might restore conservation of momentum but then how can you move through a wormhole when you have zero momentum?

  13. If you could make a "u" shape wormhole and mount it so both ends of the wormhole are side by side at one end of a tube,
    and then accelerate a mass from  the other end of the tube through the wormhole so it comes right back to where it started...
    Does conservation of momentum still hold?
    When the projectile is launched, the tube gets accelerated opposite the projectile, and when the projectile lands the tube gets accelerated in the same direction as the projectile so all the forces act together to accelerate the tube without reaction mass.  


  14. 45 minutes ago, MigL said:

    Wait …
    Aren't we still in the Age of Aquarius ?
    Sex , drugs and Rock 'n Roll ?

    Oh wow man, just flashed back to my first 8-track (cast recording of hair)
    A home for fleas, a hive for bees, a nest for birds there aint no words...
    Now I feel bald.

  15. due to several months of insomnia, I saw this the other night. Seems to fit right in here.


    ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.’

    ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that’s all.’



  16. 26 minutes ago, John Cuthber said:

    I Thought the most interesting bit was where he said he didn't know about Qanon.
    Isn't that a rather major oversight for him?
    Surely, he should know about groups like that- at least the big ones..


    I guess a million dollar donation doesn't get much attention from a billionaire, why would trump lie? oh, that's right he's trump.

  17. 9 minutes ago, Kartazion said:

    Normally I use tcpdump in shell which is like wireshark in graph. But these programs list the listening and give the IP as well as its destination port. But maybe you want me to understand that in the packets there would be the call of the file or the service on the server? Good idea.

    I don't have Wireshark running on this machine, but i don't think it will show the files that are activated , only the service. I think you can get the  files from top or ps (ps -au maybe)

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