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Posts posted by kenel

  1. MSNBC is carrying a report on how The National Academy of Sciences is evaluating the advantages of witholding information when studies are published, in an attempt to keep the information from terrorists.


    In my opinion, it is common sense with the war on terrorism to censor any information that could be used by our "enemy". Homeland Security advisors should have considered this quite a while ago.


    And as the headline questions, Should scientists hold back research?

  2. Originally posted by aman

    I don't think I repel lightning but there are cases of multiple strikes on people. The conditions of the strikes seemed unusual also.


    Could it be possible that some people have a higher...."something"....inside of them that makes them more prone to being struck by lightning?

  3. Playing God is terrible, when you're supposed to die, you die...other people are not supposed to make that decision for you.


    People with extreeme cases of pain, I could possibly deal with; The killing of criminals, I could possibly deal with (though that would be hypocracy on our part).


    I'd assume you're right blike, when people actually see what "hell" is like (not that they feel, or experience it themselves), and how much pain individuals go through, why not end the suffering? Seeing as how I'm partially religious though, I cannot agree fully with Euthenasia.

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