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  1. If their rule is lick our ass and call it ice cream like it is here then yes they will
  2. No no my thread was locked. Oh boo hoo hoo hoo. please don't ban me mr. Moderator. Oh that would be the end of the world. Please don't ban me mr. Moderator. Oh I'm shaking in my boots. Oh where will I go? What will I do?
  3. http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/19228/physical-meaning-of-the-energy-density-of-an-electrostatic-field And the rest is trivial
  4. As for like repelling like that is the normal expected behavior for any field who's energy density is proportional to the square of the field strength. Combining two like particles doubles the field strength and multiplies the energy by 4. It therefore takes energy to push them together. When the two particles repel that energy is released. It is therefore passive gravitational mass that is weird even though that is what we are used to seeing
  5. Repulsive passive gravitational Mass? Gamma ray bursts fully explained: The explosion is driven by the energy in the gravitational field when the mass defect (nuclear binding energy) reaches 100%. 100% mass defect means that 100% of the passive gravitational mass (inertia) has been converted to energy. Passive gravitational mass causes like to attract like. Without it all that is left is active gravitational mass and like repels like just as it does for electric charge so the quasar explodes in a grb. Ordinary matter has both active and passive gravitational Mass. But the passive gravitational Mass dominates.
  6. Well of course the equation isn't exact. Have you ever seen a graph of the Isotopes? https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NuclideMap_stitched_small_preview.png#mw-jump-to-license
  7. You demand evidence and then ignore it when it's presented. I assumed you would be able to figure it out yourself but since you evidently can't I will explain it to you. Active gravitational mass is mass that actively creates a gravitational field. It is the equivalent of charge. Passive gravitational mass does not create a gravitational field but it is affected by it. I did not invent either concept. Both are old ideas.
  8. http://beyondearthlyskies.blogspot.com/2015/07/classifying-planets-brown-dwarfs-stars.html
  9. The size of a brown dwaef or neutron star is a function of atomic mass only
  10. no. thats what the equation says pressure at which an orbital becomes degenerate = 1/radius^6 thats why all brown dwarfs are the same size
  11. Evidence for active gravitational Mass? The evidence is gravitational fields. As for like repelling like that is the normal expected behavior for any field who's energy density is proportional to the square of the field strength. Combining two particles doubles the field strength and multiplies the energy by 4. When the two particles repel energy is released. It is passive gravitational mass that is weird Evidence for large atomic mass: A "neutron" star is >11.5 km in radius. This is <6900 times smaller than Jupiter. This is what would be expected if it were made entirely of material with atomic mass<13800 Yes. Due to time dilation. That was the point. Are you deaf?
  12. The only affect gravity has on photons is time dilation
  13. Gamma ray bursts fully explained: The explosion is driven by the energy in the gravitational field when the material becomes massless! (100% mass defect!) A "neutron" star is >11.5 km in radius. This is <6900 times smaller than Jupiter. This is what would be expected if it were made entirely of material with atomic mass<13800 It's also possible that the neutron star has a dense core of atomic mass 16384 surrounded by a material of atomic mass 8192. atomic mass 8192 atomic number: 1215 Density: 2.35 * 10^14 g/cm^3 Pressure: 3.1 * 10^28 bar atomic mass 16384 atomic number 1808 Density: 1.55 * 10^15 g/cm^3 Pressure: 3.35 * 10^29 bar Atomic mass as a function of atomic number: atomic mass = (Atomic number)^2/256 + 2 * atomic number + x (x goes rapidly to zero after element 96) Surface gravity G * (density g/cm^3 ) * (4/3) * 3.14159 * (radius km) in g = 9.4 * 10^10 g Pressure at top of dense core: 0.5 * 11 km * (3.1 * 10^14 g/cm^3) * (9.4 * 10^10 ) * (9.8 m/sec^2) in bar = 1.5 * 10^28 bar The density of a neutron star = 3 * 10^14 g/cm^3 Gravitational binding energy of a neutron star is one tenth of its rest Mass 3 * G * (1 solar mass)^2/(5 * 10 km) = 0.1 solar mass A typical Quasar emits 1 solar mass of energy per year. The biggest emit 100 times more. Over a billion years about 10^10 solar masses. Thats the gravitational binding energy of a 100,000 solar mass 900 meter neutron star. ( 3 * G * (10^5 solar mass)^2/(5 * 900 m))/c^2 If the quasar is made of element 65,536 (7.55 * 10^22 bar) with atomic mass 16,777,216 (2^6 in size) then it would be expected to be 9 meters and 0.122 solar masses. The density might be 10,000 times less than expected due to the mass defect. That would allow it to be 100 times bigger therefore 10 solar masses but with the active gravitational mass of 100,000 solar masses The last 10 solar masses might be released in the final gamma ray burst. The resulting material would be massless and unaffected by gravity. Being massless it would explode outward releasing the energy stored in the gravitational field (10^10 solar masses) and turning itself into a 2 dimensional sheet. The sheets kinetic energy is converted to matter and antimatter. The final size of the sheet might be around 1000 au. Surface area: 10^22 times earth surface area It does not emit light even at extremely high temperatures. It does however emit considerable thermal energy as gravity waves. The final orbitals may well be infinitely incompressible. All matter within the sheet is attracted very strongly toward a remarkably flat central plane. Very much like a liquid membrane. It is as though there were a tiny drop of liquid at the very center of every proton or neutron. The strong force pulls everything (matter or antimatter) toward the surface membrane of that drop. When the final core collapse occurs all of these liquid drops merge into one giant drop. The entire core of the quasar now finds itself inside one giant drop. The sheet ends up only one particle thick with the particles straddling the fluid membrane and therefore experiencing zero force, Left to itself the fluid forms a very nearly perfect sphere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_binding_energy#Mass_defect This means that like repels like for active gravitational mass just as it does for electric charges. Passive gravitational mass on the other hand does the opposite of what one would expect and completely changes the nature of gravity
  14. h = d^2/2r r = radius of earth d = 77km h = (77km)^2/(2*6378km)=464meters Roughly 1km at 100km
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