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There is a link between pellagra and B3 deficiency. I was wondering why gastrointestinal issues are first to present in pellagra?

I had found information about this previously but now, no amount of googling seems to be bringing this information up on any other websites or journals.


any help is appreciated!!

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One possible reason is that the gut has to continuously "repair" itself because it's under attack from the digestion process. The tissues there are fast growing and thus susceptible to damage from anything that reduces their growth.

That's certainly part of the reason why the GI tract is greatly affected by radiation sickness and by some anti-cancer drugs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Becki: I was not aware that the gastrointestinal issues are the first to present in pellagra. It affects the whole body with the three D's. dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis. Dementia can be slow to detect, skin irritation may present gradually but diarrhea tends to be pretty quick,and maybe the first noticed.The gastrointestinal tract can be less tolerant of discomfort than the skin in some ways.An itch on your hand may be more tolerable than one in your colon.

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