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Making Microscope Slides


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Hello :)


I am a science buff and recently added a stereo microscope to my collection of tools.


I have been researching the subject of "slide making" on the internet, but, information seems to be limited. There are many videos on how to make a slide from an onion, but not much else.


I understand that there are two kinds of mounts: wet and dry. I want to learn more as I would like to begin building my own slide library.


I just returned from Barns & Nobel, hoping to find books on slide making, but nothing.


So my question:


Can someone recommend books on Slide Making? Also, I would like recommendations for "Slide Preparation Kits". A pre made kit is okay, but I also wouldn't mind building my own kit base on recommendations, so, if you can recommend a good supply house for such supplies, that would be great too.


Thanks in advance...



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I chose a subject (plant cells) and then googled how to stain and mount plant cells, this is by far the best way to get information on techniques. So for example if you want to learn how to stain and mount bacteria google how to stain and mount bacteria. Unfortunately there are so many materials and methods that it's dificult to write a book to cover the lot.

You are better to break down your search into the sections you are working on, I would learn to fix samples first then practice staining techniques and finaly permanent mounting.


I got lucky very early in my carrer and had the privalage to work with a fantastic guy who had worked in a pathology lab. That was over 30 years ago now and I still use many of the 'tricks' he taught me.

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