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Superconductivity is misunderstood as well as misnamed by science. Tests were done at White Sands, thatindicate semiconductors are superconducting when the atoms are in North-to-South alignment. This is a new state of matter, similar to solid liquid gaseous and plasma; a state of alignment. This state is an example of the Science of Harmonics or Sympathetic Vibrations; for we either have atomic content working together and creating one larger EMF field or they are not in harmonic cooperation and have many separate smaller EMF fields competing with each other. We know the electron always go in the south pole of an EMF field and exits the north end. So when superconducting the path an electron takes is straight through. When not in alignment the path is not only longer, it has to make directional changes and there is lots of friction and contact; hence electron loss is turned into heat. More importantly when superconducting there is only one EMF field to traverse as opposed to many.
Imagine computers made with aligned matter as opposed to semiconductors, there would be no heat sinks needed and they would go much faster.

But we can take this state to the next level for it gives us a idea how gravity fields work as well as how to make small gravity fields for space travel. Knowing that Earth has a very large EMF field or gravity field and that these fields are created by harmonic alignment, one has to ask what on Earth or maybe what in Earth is in alignment? It cannot be the mantel, nor the outer core, since these layers are anything but pure. So we traverse down to the inner core of Nickel and Iron. Super compressing and thus super heating these elements seem to create alignment and our EMF field. Why these elements make it to the bottom and others do not must be due to their elliptical obits, that force alignment when compressed.

Roger Bacon apparently understood the principal of the alignment of the atomic content to produce a gravity field. In his book Opus Tertium, in which he discusses "the alignment of the poles in recreating the gravitational pull of the Earth.” If you would like to read the manuscript online it can be found here.


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woops wrong title was suposed to be superconductivity SORRY

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I also fixed the title.

Superconductivity is misunderstood as well as misnamed by science. Tests were done at White Sands, thatindicate semiconductors are superconducting when the atoms are in North-to-South alignment.

Evidence, please.

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Knowing that Earth has a very large EMF field or gravity field and that these fields are created by harmonic alignment, one has to ask what on Earth or maybe what in Earth is in alignment?




Interesting ideas. Why couldn't gravity be a product of chaotic processes?

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Interesting ideas. Why couldn't gravity be a product of chaotic processes?


What is a chaotic process? I know of simple iterative processes that upon numerous repetitions generate results that we consider chaotic due to the ridiculous level of reliance on the precision of initial conditions. In this very area of the study of gravity; three bodies in a mutual gravitational attraction with the initial positions and velocities given -- this should be analysable but very soon we come a cropper. But the equations, the mathematical model, and the description of the process is simple, deterministic, and non-chaotic.


So what is a chaotic process?

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