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Expansion formula

Edgard Neuman

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I have some ideas about expansion, and I'd like to know if they are confirmed by observation.


One idea give me a equation for expansion factor of space :


given the age, t, and the age of the observer tO

given the expansion factor, f, and the expansion factor of the observer (at t= tO) : fO


the equation would be :


((tO-t)/tO)² + (f/fO)² = 1


Or it could also be :


(log(tO-t)/log(t))² + (f/fO)² = 1


Could it be some how related to observations ?

My idea is to establish a relation between "age" and "distance" similar to the relation between "time speed" and "relative speed" in special relativity


(excuse my bad english : I used "formula" instead of "equation")

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when you look at the graph,


the curve looks like the one my second equation gives :

(log(tO-t)/log(t))² + (f/fO)² = 1

f(t) = sqrt(1-
(log(tO-t)/log(t))²) * fO

I just want to know if my theory is relevant

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AFAIK LaTeX is a feature that is built into the forum, there is no need to download anything, all you have to do is learn how to use it.


There is a turtorial in the maths section, here is a link: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/3751-quick-latex-tutorial/


For instance the equation in post #4 could look like this:




But I don't understand what "the age of the observer" has to do with observed expansion?

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thanks everybody
I was going to use it, but for now I can't download on this computer
The age of this observer is the age at the moment of the observation, like 13 billion years for us. I don't really know how this ideas could be interpreted,
I just figured that in special relativity we have :
and I thought that age and apparent position of things may be related the same kind of way : If we (instantly) travel to another planet, the apparent age/distance of all this object would be changed, and their distribution would appear to be compressed near the limit, just like speeds distribution would be with a Lorentz transformation.
It looked like the way speed of objects are added in special relativity .
[math]w = \frac{v+u}{1+(v*u/c^2)}[/math]
If we assume that the "univers size" at a given time act like the speed of light
I know it's not that simple, so I added Log because I read that Moore's law were also observable in living organisme and even before
So maybe the time we should considere as "absolute" is something like [math]log(t_{o}-t)[/math] (to reflect Moore's law)


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Spyman, on 20 Mar 2014 - 3:15 PM, said:

The age at the current moment of observation is thought to be the same as the current age of the Universe.

Of course, but the equation is suppose to work at any time.

"[math]{t}_{o}[/math]" is not a variable here but nearly constant for any observer

"t" is the own age of the object observed, so it's related to apparent distance

For any point in space / time, we have a number which is the absolute "age" of the place, and is linked to the size of the observable univers at this point, because it's the time/length the light from the big bang has traveled.

I suppose the shape of univers slightly change over time, as [math]{t}_{o}[/math] and it's related to the fact that the apparent size of observable univers is constantly growing

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So "tO" is the current age of the Universe and "t" is the age when the light was emitted from the object we are observing?


yes, that's it. So an object located at the univers observable limit (it's seen at an age closer to 0, like the wave background) gives a expansion factor close to 0
(like we see it : a compressed space)
(because [math]\frac{log(t_O-t)}{log(t_O)}[/math] is close to 1 )
I'm not sure exactly how to add the log in the first equation.. i'm just trying things. I don't even know what is the real expansion factor curve.
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