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Magnetic Flight


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This is just a hypothetical question that I've been wondering about.


So I cant remember all of the details, but the earth has a magnetic charge (I cant remember +, -), and then the earths core leeks out and creates the magnetic shield around the earth (Dont know the charge of that either). With a big enough magnet, wouldnt it hypothically be possible to make a craft that balances between the two fields. Such as if the earth holds a posotive charge, and the magnetic field holds a negative charge:


The bottom of this craft puts out a very strong (magnet the size of New York) posotive charge, and the top of the craft puts out a negative charge. Since like charges push away from each other, the result would be suspending the craft in between the two places. To control vertical accent/decent the strength of the magnet on the top and bottom of the craft increase/decrease.


I hope I was clear with that. I realize that it would take a huge amount of mangetic force to accomoplis this, but isn't it hypothetically possible?

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