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Stirred not Shaken


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And why should you or anyone else believe the wild claims of this "Bulla"? There is no evidence just ludicrous fairy tales. He appears to have pulled the wool over your eyes. But I don't think many people are that gullible. Especially on a science forum.



Because it is science. But really the only way to really prove anything to anyone in any field is to have them be able to constantly reproduce the same results. All I'm telling you is if you don't want to conduct the test or create a field, simply go out into nature and nature will run the experiment for you. Just simply follow the instructions on this thread that I provided for the waterfall.


You know maybe 5 years ago a lady from England actually took Bulla up on the challenge, she actually was in contact in a forum as we are now and suddenly hadn't shown up for weeks. Bulla receives an email from her dad and brother asking him what he did to their daughter/sister. Seems they had possibly talked to her perhaps gone through her pc, in any case, Bulla inquires of course, and they tell him that she was running around naked in her town carrying on about seeing people on the other side. lol. I really shouldn't laugh. As it isn't a laughing matter. It can shock you out of existence. But again the point is. Just go see it for yourself, free of charge.

*sigh* I said it was a lot of non-science. Just the opposite.



So, you admit you never enjoyed science, which would have given you a methodology you could use to check on anything you were unsure of, and instead have decided somehow that it's all wrong, and that you'd rather believe Bulla the Rainbow Man. Now, you're here telling us about physics.


I enjoy your joke as well. Very amusing.



Again just go out in nature and let nature run the experiment for you. I like you your an amusing person, and i say that with all due respect not sarcastically. And i believe that if you seek out everything your asking me from nature, you will find exactly what it is your looking for. The truth is not rigorous. Have No Fear.

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We understand how rainbows are made using the laws of physics, so your "experiment" proves nothing about your story. Further, these laws of physics work in areas with minimal magnetic fields. There's no actual science here, just story-telling.

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So today the Governor of California calls for a reduction in water usage State Wide. The thing he doesn't realize is that eventually they won't have any water at all. Nor the rest of the states. Pretty much the northern hemisphere.







So lets take just the rose by itself, and nothing else, I have said the white bowsuns or white rose (white rainbows) project up into space, and are like massive petals of the rose, so now put this Earth at the very tiny center of the Rose itself, and the picture is then in correct proportions remembering this is like all alchemy messages from that era, cryptic. Now see the stone tablets on the stoup of the little building, tells you where all this knowledge and wisdom came from, and to show you who from, see on the small veranda roof see the eye Horus etched in the roof. The Egyptians. See in the close foreground in front of the post holding the Rose, a snakes body across the picture, a second snake, see its head under right hand post on food growing trellis, also stretching across the picture then further back a third beyond that a fourth snake, now I know these snakes represent light waves and I also know they are in fact 9.999 Meters apart when seen in nature running within the dynamics, so that is in the correct proportion and I know Robert Fludd knew what he was depicting and had the correct knowledge right down to its measurements.



This rose and its sign post is depicted on the Equator, how do I know that, well one has to find the sun and given the rose protects earth then the sun is directly behind the Rose, also see light and shadows cast upon the stumps under the small house shows it is behind the Rose, so that is east, we are looking to the east from the west, so then see the ancient sign maker up the stem that always had there ends sharpened to indicate direction, then to the right is the Southern Hemisphere and to the left is Northern Hemisphere So now see which side of the equator the bees are on, note, not in the Northern hemisphere, and are not all the bees mysteriously dying and no one knows why, but given what I read here of the Rose I say the magnetics are declining and that the bees are dying and also they like the birds and fish whales etc, have lost there navigation because of it, and it is why Robert Fludd used the bees in his picture knowing we would see it, realizing the trigger for the coming events. All science my friends. Only, taught by true scientists. With true knowledge. Now see whats in the food trellis of the northern hemisphere with out bees, that's right, nothing but spider web's and no spiders can be seen, and again across the front of the only occupied part of the picture, they are birds flying in the sky but again only depicted in the southern hemisphere Remembering Nostradamus was the prophet of hope, yes hoping some one like bulla that is also a master of the Rose, would see this picture in the future and read it in time to be able to do something about it, "and we can", but only if the scientific fraternity stop procrastinating about there dumb stupid Known laws of physics which are so backwards and just plain stupid



The reason they are getting no rain in California and it will intensify is because they are killing the process which actually makes rain, and eventually will seal the process completely so no rain is produced. This was essentially started with the Valdez Oil spill. Now oceans naturally produce oil which is mostly washed ashore. But what the experts did with the oil spill was add dispersant to the ocean water. Now they have stated that not much was used, but the evidence is quite the contrary based on the conditions in California. Mist leaves the oceans surface, collected into clouds, rains, rinse and repeat. What adding dispersant to the ocean does is it creates a film over the ocean so that the water mist is not allowed to release, just trapped under the film over the ocean. An immense amount of dispersant was added into the gulf. All your rain fading into the night, and eventually everything running dry. Anyone thirsty?

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