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Hijack of Absolute Coordinates in the Universe


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In irrational/non-linear time everything that ever was, is, or ever will be exists simultaneously...this is the consequence of relativity theory which has been around for about 100 years now(actually he formally introduced it in 1905 for all you pedanticists who are going to complain about not having the statement down to an algorithm).


A photon cannot be emitted randomly; before it can be emitted it requires a destination. This means that if you look out tonight into the night sky at a star 300 light years away from you that the photon and destination of the photon(your eye ball) was determined well before you were even born. The only way this can be true is if the determination is made in irrational time! In irrational time everything that ever was, is and ever will be is in comunication.


Our entire existence as we experience it is an instant by instant point in linear time, and irrational time is the unifying theme!


This also makes an interesting argument for retro-causation, where the future effects the past; which also leads to a compelling argument for free will! We all instinctively know this!



What is the Univers?



Edited by Leif
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