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Research that claims that Universe is not Expanding


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Prof Ruggero Maria Santilli is a controversial figure who has some unusual claims that are not accepted by the scientific mainstream. The foundation is based in an industrial estate in Tampa - and is basically an office in an engineering company. He is undoubtedly a talented and knowledgeable man - but he is also a massive self publicist and verges on being a charlatan.


A search on his name in this forum will bring up quite a few controversial topics in which his ideas are presented as proven - and the mainstreams refutation of this position. http://www.scienceforums.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1


I have not read his latest article - but would ask you to note this line


The Wall Street Journal news department was not involved in the creation of this content


ie it is merely the publication of a press release without any checking - just to pad the website.

Recently published, comprehensive and independent experimental measurements conducted in the U.S.A and in Europe [15] have confirmed Santilli IsoRedShift (IRS) of Sunlight at Sunset and Sunrise discovered by R. M. Santilli (Curriculum) in mathematical, theoretical and experimental publications [7-14] initiated back in 1978 when he was at Harvard University under DOE support. The new measurements confirm that, in the transition from the Zenith to the horizon, Sunlight experiences a shift of about 100 nm toward the red for all frequencies without any appreciable relative motion between the Sun, the atmosphere and the observer. Therefore, the measurements confirm that light loses energy E = hν to cold media, thus experiencing a decrease of its frequency ν, according to a new atomic process proved to be independent from molecular processes, such as scattering or absorption.



From summary on his website. Quite apart from not providing a mechanism, not providing a simple spectrum comparison (ie the absorbtion lines etc should be identical apart from the red-shift), and not explaining why the atmosphere does not heat massively due to the absorption of huge amounts of energy from all the EMRadiation that impinges on the earth's atmosphere and according to Santilli is red-shifted by 100nm - I call




I have Galileo, Many Years, Schools, Eponym, Graphs, and See?

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Well, here's his page


and what he says is "in the transition from Zenith to the horizon, the entire spectrum of Sunlight experiences an IRS of about 100 nm."

Which so sort of right, the sun is red at sunset. We know that, and we know why (it's to do with scattering).


but he also shows a graph of the intensity vs wavelength.

Sure the "peak" shifts to the red as the blue light is scattered away, just as we would expect, but, the absorptions at about 680 nm and 760 nm are not shifted.


Now, if there were really a change in wavelength of light passing through the air, those absorption would be smeared out.

They are not.

So his own data shows that his ideas are wrong.

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